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G7/8 Summit Compliance Data Sets by Issue, 1985-2013, April 17, 2014
Special issue of the International Organisations Research Journal on global summitry, with articles by Ella Kokotsis, Julia Kulik, Caroline Bracht, Marina Larionova, John Kirton and more
Now available from Ashgate: Moving Health Sovereignty in Africa: Disease, Governance, Climate Change, edited by John Kirton, Andrew F. Cooper, Franklyn Lisk and Hany Besada
The Efficacy of G7/8 in Human Rights Governance: Explaining How it Works, by Takume Shibaike
In Memoriam: Alan M. Rugman, 1945-2014. The G8 Research Group will deeply miss our friend, collaborator and colleague, and extend our condolences to his family
G7 Brussels Trade Performance, Kathryn Kotris, June 5, 2014
The Development Promise of Brussels 2014, Joy Fitzgibbon, June 5, 2014
Energy Security and Climate Change at the G7 Brussels Summit, Ella Kokotsis, June 5, 2014
The G7: Fighting Financial Crime to Support Development, Denisse Rudich, June 5, 2014
2013 G8 Lough Erne Final Compliance Report, June 4, 2014
A Summit of Substantial Short-Term Success: Deepening Democratic Solidarity at the Brussels G7 in 2014, John Kirton, June 5, 2014
Big Words, No New Action: G7 Leaders' Foreign Policy Statement, Julia Kulik, June 5, 2014
The G7 Brussels Summit Substantial Success in Supporting Ukraine, John Kirton, June 4, 2014
Shaping Up Successfully: The Performance of the G7 Brussels Summit at Its Start, John Kirton, June 4, 2014
Final compliance report on the 2013 Lough Erne commitments now available, June 4, 2014
Robert Fauver and Nicholas Bayne: remarks from the pre-G7 summit conference, Brussels, June 2, 2014
John Kirton and Bob Fauver on VRT's Terzake show (in Dutch and English)
Dries Lesage on VRT'S Terzake show (in Dutch)
Strengthening Democratic Security and Solidarity: Prospects for the G7 Brussels Summit, by John Kirton, June 1, 2014
Fresh off the press! G7: The 2014 Brussels Summit, from Newsdesk
John Kirton and Julia Kulik: Explaining G7/8 Success with Sanctions and Force
2014: From G8 to G7? 2014: The Future of the Gx System and Global Governance — Pre-summit conference, June 2, 2014
Interim compliance report on the 2013 Lough Erne Summit
John Kirton's G8 Sanctioning Success, excerpt from Securing the Global Economy: G8 Governance for a Post-Crisis World, reproduced with permission from Ashgate
Kirton, Kulik, Bracht and Guebert: Connecting Climate Change and Health through Global Summitry, World Health and Medical Policy, March 2014
Commitments made in G7/G8 statements on Ukraine since 1975
Leonardo César Souza Ramos: Hegemonia, revolução passiva e globalização: o sistema G7/8, 2013
Commitments made in G7 statements on Ukraine, 2014
Conclusions made by the G8 on Ukraine, 1975–2013
Now available! Peter I. Hajnal's The G20: Evolution, Interrelationships, Documentation, from Ashgate
G8 compliance on human rights and freedom of religion: compliance report by Takumi Shibaike, January 19, 2014
Howard Drake: Leveraging the Lough Erne Legacy, presentation to conference on G8 and G20 Summitry, January 10, 2014
Michael Wilson: G20 Economic Governance, presentation to conference on G8 and G20 Summitry, January 10, 2014
Sylvia Ostry: The Making of Summitry, Canadian International Council, January 10, 2014
For information on the G20, please visit the G20 Information Centre
Bob Fauver: Governing the U.S. Economy in a Globalized World, November 15, 2013
Africa Partnership Forum releases evaluation report/Forum pour le Partenariat avec l'Afrique publi son évaluation
Guillaume Kishibe – The G8 Plus One: The European Union at Lough Erne, June 28, 2013
Denisse Rudich – Transparency of Beneficial Ownership to Battle Tax Evasion and Illicit Finance, June 18, 2013
John Kirton, Jenilee Guebert and Julia Kulik – G8 Performance at the 2013 Lough Erne Summit: Economy, June 18, 2013
Nicholas Bayne: The United Kingdom's Approach to G8 Summitry and The 2013 G8 Summit: The Perspective of the Host
Julia Kulik: The G8 and Women's Security, June 16, 2013
Denisse Rudich: Challenges and Opportunities for the G8 Tackling Illicit Finance at Lough Erne, June 16, 2013
Media Analysis of the G8 and the 2012 Camp David Summit, June 15, 2013
2012 Camp David Final Compliance Report, June 14, 2013
Now available! The UK Summit: The G8 at Lough Erne 2013, edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Prospects and Possibilities for the 2013 G8 Lough Erne Summit: Trade, Transparency, Tax and Terrorism, a pre-G8 summit conference at Queen's University Belfast -- live streaming available now from Queen's University Belfast -- see QTV video here
John Kirton: A Summit of Significant Success: Prospects for the G8 Leaders at Lough Erne (updated), June 12, 2013
Plans and Preparations for the G8 Lough Erne Summit (updated June 6, 2013)
Comments by Alan Rugman, June 14
G8 compliance, 1996-2011, compiled by Caroline Bracht
Julia Kulik: A Significant First Step in Tackling Sexual Violence in Conflict, June 5, 2013
John Kirton: G20-G8 Partnership in Global Economic Governance, May 11, 2013
John Kirton on Winning Together: Advanced Countries' Approach to G20 Governance, May 3, 2013
John Kirton: A Meeting of Meaningful Advance – The 2013 G8 Foreign Ministers' London Meeting, April 15, 2013
John Kirton, Julia Kulik and Caroline Bracht, with Jenilee Guebert: Connecting Climate Change and Health through Global Summitry in an Internationally Diffusing World
John Kirton and Julia Kulik: A Summit of Significant Success: G8 Governance at Camp David in May 2012
Bessma Momani: The Arab Spring Can Bring a Demographic Dividend That Is Good for Business and Investors
Now available from Ashgate: The European Union in the G8: Promoting Consensus and Concerted Actions for Global Public Goods, edited by Marina Larionova
Jenilee Guebert: Global Health at the G8 – Integration, In Decline or Simply Stalled?
John Kirton: The G7 as First Responder for Global Financial Crises
Julia Kulik and John Kirton: At the G8 Camp David Summit, Where Are the Women? Everywhere!
John Kirton: Standing Together for Security at Camp David
John Kirton: Bearing the Burden – The Camp David G8’s Support for Afghanistan’s Economic Transition
John Kirton: Camp David’s Strong Success on Food and Nutrition
John Kirton: Several Substantial Steps Forward – The Camp David Summit's Performance on Energy and Climate Change
G8 Research Group's analysis of the media coverage of the 2011 G8 Deauville Summit
John Kirton: A Synergistic Success – The 2012 G8 Camp David’s Global Oil Market Governance
John Kirton: A Promising Performance – The 2012 G8 Camp David Economic Governance
Projected discussions and outcomes from the Camp David Summit on Arab countries in transition, Afghanistan, food security and nutrition, energy and climate change, economy, regional and poliitcal security
G8 Research Group release final compliance report on the 2011 Deauville Summit
G8 Camp David Schedule and Agenda
Plans and Preparations for the G8 Camp David Summit
Now available! The G8 Camp David Summit 2012: The Road to Recovery, with contributions from Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Stephen Harper and many more
Mirta Roses Periago: The "O" Generation – tackling the childhood obesity epidemic
Julio Frenk: Strengthening maternal, newborn and child health: the next steps
John Kirton: G8 Global Leadership – The Camp David Contribution in 2012 (updated)
Stephen Harper: G8: acting together for global prosperity and security
Angela Merkel: Cooperation, responsibility, solidarity
Anthony Lake: Investing in nutrition security is key to sustainable development
David Shorr: Working to prevent nuclear proliferation in the Gulf
Jeff Sturchio: More than money: the business contribution to global health
John Kirton: Japan's Contribution to G8, G20 and Global Governance
Report on Civil Society and the 2011 G8 Deauville Summit, February 28, 2012
Plans for the G8 Chicago Summit, updated February 23, 2012
Germany's G8 Health Performance, by John Kirton and Caroline Bracht
Russia’s Global Health Governance Gap: A Strategy for Summit Success, by Julia Kulik
John Kirton, Jenille Guebert and Caroline Bracht: G8 Accountability on Climate Change, 1975-2011
Marina Larionova: Assessing G8 and G20 Effectiveness in Global Governance So Far
Thijs Van de Graaf and Kirsten Westphal: The G8 and G20 as Global Steering Committees for Energy
John Kirton and Laurette Dubé: From New York to Cannes: Baby Steps in the Battle against NCDs, September 21
Claudia Schmucker and Katharina Gnath: From G8 to G20: Reforming the Global Economic Governance System
Katharina Gnath and Claudia Schmucker: Germany and the G8 Clubs (in German and French)
Peter Hajnal: "Civil Society and G8 Accountability," In Jan Aart Scholte's Building Global Democracy? Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance
Nicholas Bayne: Economic Diplomat
All the conclusions the G8 have ever declared on Africa, climate change and transnational organized crime
John Kirton: Driving Democracy at Deavuille — The G8 Summit's Striking Success in 2011, May 27, 2011
Seating plan of the G8 leaders at the Deauville Summit
John Kirton: Prospects for the 2011 G8 Deauville Summit (updated May 26, 2011)
Civil Society and the Deauville Summit, May 26, 2011
The Deauville Summit Schedule, May 26, 2011
G8 Research Group releases 2010 G8 Compliance Report on commitments from the Muskoka Summit
The 2011 G8 Deauville Summit: New World, New Ideas — now available
Report on Media Analysis of G8 members at the G20 Seoul Summit
Report on Civil Society and the 2010 G8 Muskoka Summit
2010 Muskoka Summit Interim Compliance Report now available
Andreas Freytag, John Kirton, Razeen Sally and Paolo Savona, eds.: Securing the Global Economy
John Kirton: Why the G8 Will Endure
What has the G8 said about Egypt over the years? G8 Conclusions on Egypt, 1975-2010
John Kirton: Enhancing Effectiveness through Improved Accountability Assessment
John Kirton: The G20, the G8, the G5 and the Role of Ascending Powers
At the summit: G8 Research Group photo album
Jenilee Guebert and Shamir Tanna: Canada's Leadership at the G8 Muskoka Summit
State University High School of Economics conference: Partnership for Progress from the G20 Muskoka-Toronto Summits to Seoul, Moscow, October 27-27, 2010, with photos
John Kirton: Working Together for G8-G20 Partnership: The Muskoka-Toronto Twin Summits, June 2010.
Now available! The G20 Seoul Summit 2010: Shared Growth Beyond Crisis with contributions by Lee Myung-bak, Stephen Harper, Nicolas Sarkozy, Felipe Calderon, Angela Merkel, Herman Van Rompuy and many more
Paolo Savona: The euro and the Greek crisis: a new international monetary scenario
Amandine Scherrer: Offshore jurisdictions
Ahmad Muhammad Ali: The role of Islamic finance in the post-crisis world
Muhammad Yunus: Social business and the G8/G20
Domenico Lombardi: The G20, the International Monetary Fund and global surveillance
Juan Somavia: Generating Jobs, Sustaining Growth
Paul Martin: Making Globalization Work
Robert Fauver: Prospects for Global Growth
Sir John Holmes: Building effective humanitarian responses for the 21st century
Angel Gurria: Sustaining Global Growth — A Strategic Approach to Development
Sylvia Ostry: Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will
William White: The Importance of Collective Action and Strong Policy Frameworks
Ban Ki-moon: Keeping the Promise of the Millennium Development Goals
Robin Lennox: G8 Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Fails to Eliminate Global Gap
Japanese-language publications on the G8 and the G20
Peter Hajnal: The World Religions Summit – the Interfaith Leaders in the G8 Nations, Notes of an Observer
John Kirton: In Substance, the Summits Were a Success, Toronto Star
John Kirton: The G20 and Multilateral Reform
John Kirton, James Orbinski and Jenilee Guebert: The Case for a Global Health Strategy for Canada
Tu Xinquan: China's Role in a World in Crisis (in English and Chinese)
Fact Sheet: G8 and G20 summit costs over the years (updated July 5, 2010)
Report on 2010 G8/G20 summit security costs from Canada's Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer
Now available: G8 & G20: The 2010 Canadian Summits, by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Sara Shearkhani: Iran's Response to the G8 Muskoka Leaders Declaration
2010 Muskoka Country Assessment, Issue Assessment and Extended Dialogue Report now available
Susan Khazaeli: Reflections on Iran's Nuclear Program at the 2010 G8 Muskoka Summit
Alan Alexandroff: Still, A Part-Time Leader
John Kirton: From Muskoka to Toronto to Seoul in G8-G20 Global Health Governance
Caroline Bracht: Taking Stock of Accountability at the 2010 Muskoka Summit
Jenilee Guebert: What Happened to Maternal and Child Health Initiative at the 2010 G8 Muskoka Summit?
Money mobilized by the Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
John Kirton: A Big Baby Step Forward – The Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Children's Health
Naoto Kan: Japan's Responsibilities – G20, G8 and APEC (in English, French, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish)
Barack Obama: From Crisis to Recovery (in English, French, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish)
Lee Myung-bak: The G20 – A Timely Forum (in English, Korean, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish)
Harry Skinner: G8 Ocean Governance, 1975-2010
Civil Society activities: statements from 2010 Interfaith Leaders and Forum International de Montréal
Fact Sheets: G8 and G20 data on climate change control and on energy
Progress through Partnership: Prospects for the 2010 Muskoka-Toronto Summits, by John Kirton (draft of June 24/10)
Plans and preparations for Canada's 2010 Muskoka Summit (as of June 23/10)
G8 Muskoka Summit program
Compliance report on G20 Pittsburgh commitments, from HSE
Coverage of G8 Research Group's press conference on compliance report.
Janice Stein and John Kirton on the G8 and G20 (click on "G8/G20 Insights")
G8 Research Group final compliance report on 2009 commitments now available
Stephen Harper, Canadian prime minister: Recovery and New Beginnings [English, French, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Arabic, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Indonesia, Japanese, Chinese]
Lee Myung-bak, Korean president: The G20: A Timely Forum
Lee Dong-hwi: A Nuclear-Free World and Korea
David Shorr: A Bigger Table, A Broader Agenda
Trevor Findlay: The Contributions and Challenges of Nuclear Energy
Watch the address by The Honourable Lawrence Cannon here
Watch the address by The Honourable Peter Van Loan here
CORRECTION: G8 compliance report will be released on June 21, 2010
Watch the address by Senator Mike Duffy on "The G8, the G20 and Canada's Agenda; How Canadian Public Policy
Contributes to the Summits of 2010"
Watch the address by the Hon. Bev Oda, Canada's Minister of International Cooperation, on the Role of the G8 in International Development
Report on economic impact of the 2005 Gleneagles Summit
Find a Munk School expert on the G8 and G20 here
Beaver at the 1988 G7 Toronto Summit, and other archival video footage
Fact Sheet: Economic Benefits of Hosting G8 and G20 Summits
Policy briefs on the G8 Muskoka Summit (updated)
Assessment of G8 commitments on maternal and child health
Alan Alexandroff, David Shorr and Wang Zaibang — Leadership and the Global Governance Agenda: Three Voices
Paul Martin speaks on the G20 at the Empire and Canadian Clubs, June 2, 2010
John Kirton: The G20's Approach to Financial Risk and Risk Management
Africa Progress panel releases report on the G8 and Africa
ONE releases report on the G8 and Africa
John Kirton: The G20 Summit as International Negotiation Process
Fact Sheets: G8 and development, G8 and G20 economic indicators, G8 and G20 global health indicators
John Kirton: The G8-G20 Role and Relationship
Fact Sheets: G8 and G20 military capabilities and demographics
Jenilee Guebert on the G8 and global health in Paul C. Webster's CMAJ article
Accountability record of the G8 and G20 on development, April 2010
Canada-Korea High-Level G20 Seminar: Report 2010
Jenilee Guebert and John Kirton: Accountability Report on Arms Control and Non-proliferation: The G8’s Compliance Record from 1975 to 2009
John Kirton: Why the World Needs G8 and G20 Summitry
Alan S. Alexandroff: Challenges in Global Governance: Opportunities for G-x Leadership
2009 G8 Interim Compliance Report released
G8 summit conclusions on Iran
Jennifer Gronau: G7/G8 Artifacts and the Politics of Self-Representation
Martin Nonhoff, Jennifer Gronau, Frank Nullmeier and Steffen Schneider: The Politicization of International Institutions — The Case of the G8
John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert: The Climate Change–Health Connection
John Kirton: Assessing G8 and G20 Performance, 1975-2009
John Kirton on BNN (tv) on the Iqaluit G7 finance ministerial
Background papers on children's and maternal health (Conference: Accountability, Innovation and Coherence in G8 Health Governance: Seizing Canada's G8 Opportunity)
G8 summit conclusions on reform of international financial institutions, and on development
Erin Fitzgerald: G8 Research Group student leader wins Rhodes scholarship
G8 summit conclusions on macroeconomics from 1975 to 2009
John Kirton's The G20: Representativeness, Effectiveness and Leadership in Global Governance
G8 commitments on health, 1975-2009
G8 summit conclusions on natural disasters
All G8 commitments from 1975 to 2009
Compliance with G8 Commitments on Maternal and Children's Health, 1975-2009
John Kirton: A Committed Contributor – Japan in G8 and G20 Governance
G8 summit conclusions on financial crises, China, energy, migration, children, the Balkans and more
Just published: Making Global Economic Governance Effective, edited by John Kirton, Marina Larionova and Paolo Savona
John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert: Health Accountability: The G8's Compliance Record from 1975 to 2009
John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert: Climate Change Accountability: The G8's Compliance Record from 1975 to 2009
G8 conclusions on climate change, 1975-2009
Peter Hajnal: Civil Society at the 2009 G8 Summit in L'Aquila
Peter Hajnal: Civil Society and the 2008 G8 Hokkaido Summit
Ulrich Schneckener: The Opportunities and Limits of Global Governance by Clubs
Jennifer Gronau and Steffen Schneider: Metaphorical Concepts in the Construction of International Legitimacy
Congratulations to the 2009 Catherwood Scholars
Conclusions on food and agriculture in G8 documents
Lee Dong-hwi: The G20 in Korean Diplomacy
John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert on "Bringing Health into the Climate Change Regime: The Opportunity for Copenhagen 2009 and Muskoka 2010"
Town of Huntsville launches G8 website
John Kirton, Fen Hampson and Shauna Sylvester on Canada and the G8/G20 (The Agenda on October 13)
Domenico Lombardi on the G8 and the G20 on TVO's The Agenda
John Kirton and Madeline Boyce: Making History: G20 Governance from Pittsburgh to Muskoka
The G20 Pittsburgh Summit 2009, edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch (full pdf now available!)
G20 documents and articles now available in Chinese
John Kirton: "Coexistence, Cooperation, Competition: G Summits," Aspenia
Recent writings on the G8 by Dries Lesage et al., Skander Nasra et al., and Katharina Gnath and Niklaus Reimers
Judith Huigens and Arne Niemann: The EU within the G8, EU Diplomacy Papers 5/2009
John Kirton — The Performance of the G8 at L’Aquila 2009: A Summit of Solid Success, July 13, 2009
Julie Feinberg and John Kirton: Promoting Democracy in Iran, July 9, 2009
George von Furstenberg on the G8 leaders declaration on the economy, July 9, 2009
Madeline Boyce: G8 Climate Governance, 1975-2008
G5 compliance report with 2008 statement
George von Furstenberg: Economic Issues Fit for the L'Aquila G8 Summit, July 8, 2009
John Kirton: Prospects for the G8 L'Aquila Summit, July 6//09
Canada's Harper: "La contribution du sommet du G8 en 2010" "L'Apporto del Vertice 2010" "Beitrag zum G8-Gipfel 2010" Also in Russian and Chinese and Spanish and Japanese
Berlusconi's From La Maddalena to L'Aquila in Russian and Chinese (from "G8 2009")
John Kirton: Prospects for the 2010 Muskoka Summit
Domenico Lombardi: A New IMF?
Kamalesh Sharma: The G20, or the G200?
Luis Moreno: Growing to Meet Future Challenges
Haruhiko Kuroda: Achieving Interdependence
Donald Kaberuka: Long-Term Commitment Vital for Africa’s Growth
Nobuo Tanaka, IEA: The Sustainable Energy Contribution
Mario Draghi: The Financial Stability Board
Angel Gurría, OECD: A strategy for global economic growth
Lars Thunell: The IFC's Role in Trade Finance and Development
Alan Alexandroff and Andrew F. Cooper: The trouble with trade
Lee Myung-bak: Bridging the Washington-London G20 Summits and Beyond [also available in Korean]
Barack Obama: Welcome Message to the Pittsburgh Summit (also available in French, Chinese, Korean) from Newsdesk
Gordon Brown: London's Legacy (also available in French, Chinese) from Newsdesk
Stephen Harper: From Pittsburgh to Muskoka (also available in French, Chinese) from Newsdesk
John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert: Prospects for the Pittsburgh Summit (also available in Chinese) from Newsdesk
Final Compliance Report released, monitoring commitments made at the 2008 Hokkaido Summit
Now available, from Newsdesk: G8 2009: From La Maddalena to L'Aquila
Plans and preparations for Italy's 2009 summit (as of June 29/09)
Japan's Aso "Toward Better Global Global Governance" (in Japanese)
G8 civil society outreach session with Canada's G8 team, June 19, 2009
Pre-Summit Conferences in Rome, June 30, July 1, July 6, 2009
John Kirton: The Inconvenient Truth (about BRICs and Canada), CIC blog, May 28, 2009
John Kirton: Implications of the G20 London Summit for International Banking, April 27, 2009
John Kirton: Governing Global Trucks and Buses — The G8 and G20 Roles, May 12, 2009
John Kirton's analysis of the G20 communiqué (Wall Street Journal)
Now available: The G20 London Summit: Growth, Stability, Jobs, edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Summit of Historic Success: The Performance of the G20 in Washington in 2008, by John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert
Interim O5 Compliance Report released
Alternative Summits, Alternative Perspectives: Special issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal on the 2008 Hokkaido Summit, edited by Philip Seaton
For such a time as this: John Kirton gives public talk and live webcast at Victoria University at 7pm in Toronto, November 18
The G20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy, edited by John Kirton
John Kirton's prospects for the November 14-15 leaders summit
John Kirton's performance assessment of the G20 finance meeting, November 9, 2008
For the latest on the G20 finance and leaders meetings, see the G20 Information Centre
Dai Xianglong, former Chinese central banker, reflects on the G20's tenth anniversary, in English and Chinese
John Kirton: Prospects for the G20 finance Sao Paulo meeting, November 8-9, 2008
Growth, Innovation, Inclusion: The G20 at 10, edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch
Ivan Savic: Coping with Today's Financial Crisis: Lessons from the Past
G20 analysis: Performance assessments and international financial institution governance
John Kirton: A Summit of Substantial Success: The Performance of the 2008 G8 (Updated August 18, 2008)
Pamela Jordan in Open Democracy: Expel Russia from the G8?
David Welch: Canada Has a Chance to Remake World Summitry, Toronto Star, July 18, 2008
G8 Research Group LSE/Oxford releases Final Compliance Report on Climate Change for the G8 and Outreach Five, updated July 20
Chiara Oldani: Ecco l'ultimo G8 della storia, in Economy
John Kirton's grades for the Hokkaido summit
John Kirton's performance assessments on climate change and the host's performance
2008 Hokkaido performance assessment reports on issues and countries released
Hugo Dobson: Where Are the Women at the G8?, updated July 9, 2008
Plans and preparations for 2008 Hokkaido Toyako Summit (as of July 6/08)
Factsheet: G8 Capabilities: Are They in Decline?
CIGI's Andrew F. Cooper, Gregory Chin and Andrew Schrumm: Blog on the 2008 G8 Summit
John Kirton: The Case for G8 Reform (Updated June 29, 2008)
G8 Research Group and UNU University conference with live webcast: Global Development Challenges, Desired G8 Responses, July 1, Tokyo
John Kirton: Enlarged Directorates as Effective Global Governance for All"
Interview with John Kirton in the Asahi Shimbun: "Is the G8 effective for solving global crises?"
Final Compliance reports: G8 Heiligendamm and Outreach Five
Karsten Wenzlaff: Membership of Key Economies in International Organisations and G8 Action Plan on Local Currency Bond Markets - Overview
G8: Hokkaido Toyako Summit 2008 from Newsdesk Media and Agora Publications
G8 Research Group and Keio University conference: G8 and Global Security Governance, July 2, Tokyo
G8 Research Group and Centre for International Public Policy Studies: Global Challenges, Global Environment, G8 Innovations, July 3, Tokyo
G8 Compliance with Health Commitments, 1975-2007
Draft Final Outreach Five Compliance Report
Nuclear Energy in G8 Communiqués, 1975-2007
Climate Change in G8 Communiqués, 1975-2007, updated June 5/08
G8 Compliance with Climate Change Commitments, updated June 5, 2008
John Kirton: Prospects for the 2008 G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit: Key Messages for the Future of Summitry
Food and agriculture in G8 Communiqués, 1975-2007
Updated G20 bibliography
G8 outreach webcast with Canadian sherpa Len Edwards: May 2 at 14h30 EST
Check out G8 Live for news and information
United Nations University holds G8-related events in Tokyo
G8 Research Group releases interim compliance report on the Heiligendamm Summit
G8 Research Group Oxford releases interim compliance report on the G8 and climate change
G8 Research Group to release interim compliance report on February 27: News release
G8 exhibit opens at the Graham Library at Trinity College
Canadian Council of Churches holds G8 information sessions in Winnipeg and Halifax with John Kirton as speaker
2008 Catherwood address by Derek Burney: "Reflections on Summitry"
Sven Biscop on the EU and the European Security Strategy: Forging a Global Europe, Toronto, February 4, 2008
Amandine Scherrer on the G8 and Transnational Organized Crime, Toronto, January 21, 2008
Heiligendamm archives available in online finding aid
John Kirton and Jenilee Guebert: G8's Record on Climate Change Compliance
Peter Hajnal: Can Civil Society Influence G8 Accountability?
Two papers on the G8 and the L20 by Dries Lesage
Apply to join the G8 Research Group Oxford
Katharina Gnath on Heiligendamm and Outreach
John Kirton: "Two Solitudes, One War: Public Opinion, National Unity and Canada's War in Afghanistan"
The Choreography of Resistance: Civil Society Action at the 2007 G8 Summit, by Joanna Dafoe and Miranda Lin
Reading lists and syllabi for courses taught by John Kirton for 2007/08
Catch up with the Catherwood scholars to see where they are now
Heiligendamm Performance Assessments by country and by issue
Interview with Jürgen Maier of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
John Kirton: G8: An Economic Forum of the Enlarged Western Alliance? The Record from Rambouillet 1975 through Heiligendamm 2007 to Canada 2010
Outreach Five Country Assessment Report
Geoffrey Underhill: Global Financial Architecture, Legitimacy and Representation: Voice for Emerging Markets
The G8 and Africa: G8 Compliance to Africa Commitments and Civil Society Involvement since 2005
John Kirton in Atlantic Community: "Blair's Farewell Breathes New Life into G8". Also available in Russian
G8 Summit 2007: Growth and Responsibility, from Agora Publications and NewDesk Communications
From the Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue Unit: The G8 Presidency and Civil Society
Country Objectives and Data Reports
From St. Petersburg to Heiligendamm: The Continued Involvment of the "Outreach Five"
Final Compliance Report now available; summary available in German
Pre-summit academic conference papers: Brussels and Berlin; webcast of conference and compliance report
Berend Diekmann: Growth and Responsibility: Leitmotif for Germany's G8 Presidency
John Kirton: "The Bottom Line: Has the G8 Met Its Goals?" "The G8's Energy-Climate Change Connection" "Ausblick auf den 2007 G8 Gipfel in Heiligendamm"
Louise Fréchette: "International Governance, the G8 and Globalization"
Robert Fauver: " Globalization, Security and the Legitimacy of the G8"
Dates announced for 2008 Hokkaido Summit
Prospective agenda for Hokkaido 2008 (Updated April 30/07)
Japan announces Hokkaido will host in 2008
G8 Research Group - Oxford University team members
Prospective agendas for finance ministers and foreign ministers (Updated May 16/07)
Information on Pre-Summit Academic Conferences
Prospective agenda for Heiligendamm 2007 (Updated May 25/07)
John Kirton: Keeping Russia Connected to the G8 Club
Webcast of G8 outreach session with Canadian sherpa and APR, April 19
Peter Hajnal: CIGI Working Paper on "Summitry from G5 to L20"
Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue Unit's Research Program
St. Petersburg Interim Compliance Report now available
St. Petersburg documents now available in finding aid
Prospective Agenda for February 9-10 Finance Ministers
Conference: From St. Petersburg to Heiligendamm: Legacy, Learning, and Looking Ahead to the 2007 G8 Summit, February 8, 2007, Toronto
John Kirton: The Rule of Law from the Gray Lecture to Global Leadership
Agora Publications announces 2007 Heiligendamm Summit publication
Peter Hajnal: The 2006 St. Petersburg Summit and Civil Society, Civil G8 Forum, December 2, 2006, Moscow
John Kirton: Harper's Foreign Policy Success? (Address to the CIIA) and The Harper Years (Lecture 12b)
African Youth Foundation releases Africa's New Journey: Can the Youth Claim NEPAD's Promise?
oronto and Moscow G8 Research Group analysts and team members
John Kirton: Canada Shows Its Strength, Toronto Star, October 31, 2006
John Kirton: A Player Again, Globe and Mail, October 5, 2006
Prospective agenda for finance ministerial meeting
Assessment Scores and Reports now available
New and updated factsheets: on on-site bilateral meetings and accredited media
Compliance Coding Manual now available
John Kirton's "The Group of Eight" in Canadian Foreign Policy in a Changing World
Political-Security Commitments, 1975-2006
Full text of all G8 commitments since 1975 and G20 commitments since 1999
John Kirton: A Summit of Significant Success
John Kirton: Deepening Russia's Democracy
John Kirton: Updated Prospects for the St. Petersburg Summit
St Petersburg schedule of meetings and documents
G8 Member States and 2006 St Petersburg Priorities on energy security, health and education
From Gleneagles to St Petersburg: Expanded dialogue report on the G5
State University Higher School of Economics G8 Research Team releases Russian compliance report
Final Compliance Report on Gleneagles
Russian foreign minister Lavrov welcomes conference participants
New G8 research centre launched at MGIMO
G8 Summit 2006: Issues and Instruments, from Agora Publications
June 30 seminar at State University Higher School of Economics in Moscow
Webcast of June 29 pre-summit conference at MGIMO in Moscow
John Kirton: Implementing G8 Economic Commitments
Joseph Nye: Russia and the G8
Kevin Cherry: Russia and Civil Society
Civil Society Unit: Russia and the G8
Kevin Cherry: Russia and Civil Society
John Kirton: The G8 and Global Energy Governance
Fact Sheet: International Organizations at the Summit
Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue report on Gleneagles 2005
Updated prospective agenda for the St. Petersburg Summit
Jeffrey Kopstein: What Is Russia?
Pre-Summit Conference and Seminar provisional agendas now available for MGIMO on June 29 and SU-HSE June 30
Video now available of G8 Outreach Session with Russia's Igor Shuvalov and Canada's Peter Harder, April 10
John Kirton: The G8 and Global Health Governance: The Case for a 2006 Eurasian HIV/AIDS Initiative
John Kirton and Laura Sunderland: The G8 and Global Education Governance
Russia's 2006 G8: Combining Continuity and Innovation for Summit Success, by John Kirton and Laura Sunderland (published in Italianieuropei)
Peter Hajnal: "Civil Society at the Gleneagles Summit," paper presented at Civil G8 March 9 forum
Checking In on the G8's Progress conference - Watch video from February 9 conference with the release of the 2005 Interim Compliance Report
Russian-Language Bibliography now available
G8 Research Group brochure now available in Russian
NGOs/ONG: Call for interventions | appel à interventions | Aufruf zu Interventionen | Chiamata per interventi
Latest research on G8 compliance: Scholars' papers presented at the International Studies Association convention, San Diego, March 22-25, 2006
Read about the G8 Research Group: Students Hold World Leaders Accountable
Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue Unit Update
Adrian Morson in The Varsity: Russia's Wobbly G8 Legitimacy
NGO outreach sessions in Ottawa (Feb 6), Toronto (Feb 8) and Montreal (Feb 10)
Issue-specific catalogues from G8 summits since 1975 now available on health, energy and more
John Kirton: Canada's New Government's Foreign Policy and the St Petersburg G8 Summit
John Kirton: Preparing the Toronto Summit (in Russian)
John Kirton and Jenevieve Mannell: "G8 and Global Health Governance," Waterloo, Ontario, November 11, 2005
John Kirton: "From Collective Security to Concert: The UN, G8 and Global Security Governance," Montreal, October 28, 2005
Vladimir Vasiliev, Duma: " Russian Assistance to Africa," London, October 19-22, 2005. Also available in Russian.
Stella Luk and Nathalie Meurens: Can the U.S. and France Veto a Doha Deal: The Legal Dimension
John Kirton: "A Promising Push: Complying with the Gleneagles G8 Africa Commitments and Parliamentarians' Role," London, October 20, 2005
J8 Global Citizenship Programme, an educational youth event for the St Petersburg Summit, launches
Congratulations to the 2005 Catherwood winners Vanessa Corlazzoli and Wynne Lawrence
Master list of G8 Research Group Compliance Reports
G8 finding aid updated to include Gleneagles documents in English and Russian
Fact Sheet: Summit Meeting Sites
Reports from Sabrina Shaw at the WTO' s Hong Kong ministerial
Peter Teslenko: Report on Civil G8 2006, Russia's civil society outreach
Interviews with civil society representatives and reports from the Gleneagles
Mary Gazze: Will the Impact of Live 8 Last?
Victoria Panova: Impressions of the 2005 Gleneagles Summit
Nicholas Bayne: Overcoming Evil with Good: Impressions of the Gleneagles Summit, 6-8 July, 2005
Mikhail Savostiyanov: Looking forward to the 2006 St. Petersburg Summit
Gleneagles Performance: Remit Mandates, Institutions Created, Money Mobilized, Number of Documents, Words and Commitments
2004 Sea Island Final Compliance Report released July 1
G8 and Africa Final Report released by the Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue Unit
G8 Summit 2005: Mapping the Challenges, a publication by Agora Projects with contributions by Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Jeffrey Sachs, Donald Johnston and more
Fact Sheet on Terrorism involving G8 Countries and Citizens
Reports, photographs and interviews from the Civil Society and Extended Dialogue Unit
G8 Reform: Expanding the Dialogue
Updated Gleneagles Performance: Media Coverage
John Kirton: London Explosions Will Not Divert the Gleneagles Summit Leaders
John Kirton: What to Watch For at Gleneagles, July 6
Gleneagles Summit Participants, Schedule and Agenda
Pre-Summit Conference Video and Papers now available
John Kirton: Energizing Global Sustainable Development: Promising Prospects for the Gleneagles G8 [PDF], July 2, 2005
Video of Pre-G8 Summmit Symposium on "Understanding the G8," London, June 27, 2005
John Kirton: Assessment of G8 Foreign Ministers Meeting, June 23, 2005
John Kirton: "A Summit of Pride and Influence? Canada and the Gleneagles Summit," Munk Centre Monitor, Summer 2005
Latest G8 Governance working paper: Performing the Twelve Labors: The G8's Role in the Fight against Money Laundering by Denisse Rudich
G8 Research Group fundraising campaign begins
Webcast of April 8 session on Canada's and the UK's Objectives for the Gleneagles Summit, with Peter Harder and Sir Michael Jay now available
Lectures and official documents now available in Russian
Global Governance and the G8: Global Corporate Citizenship and Non-state Actors in International Development research project, led by Marketa Evans
G8 Research Group's Civil Society and Extended Dialogue Unit releases report on G8 and Africa
John Kirton: From G7 to G20: Capacity, Leadership and Normative Diffision in Global Financial Governance, ISA Conference 2005
New books: Nicholas Bayne's Staying Together: The G8 Confronts the 21st Century; New Perspectives on Global Governance: Why America Needs the G8, edited by Michele Fratianni, John Kirton, Alan Rugman and Paolo Savona
Ella Kokotsis: Explaining Compliance with G20 Commitments, ISA Conference 2005
2004 Sea Island Interim Compliance Report assesses compliance with commitments made at Sea Island
Finding Aid now includes links to English- and French-language documents
G8 Governance Working Paper by Amandine Scherrer: "Le G8 face au crime organisé."
Nicholas Bayne, Shinichiro Uda and Heidi Ullrich: "The Tartan Talks: Gleneagles 2005," LSE Magazine (Winter 2004).
Sir Nicholas Bayne: The Prospects for the 2005 Gleneagles Summit, Toronto, November 22. Text now available.
Fact Sheet: G7/8 and China
G8 Governance Working Paper: Giulio Gallarotti's "Confronting the Impediments to International Economic Cooperation"
David Runnalls, President, IISD, appointed special advisor on sustainable development.
Reports on the Quebec City Summit of the Americas
The G8 Research Group is pleased to welcome His Excellency, Guiliano Amato, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, to the University of Toronto for a private meeting on March 27 to discuss the work of the G8 Research Group and the forthcoming Genoa G8 Summit.
The G8 Research Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Ambassador Koji Watanabe to the Professional Advisory Council, March 9, 2001.
Bailin, Alison. From Traditional to Institutionalized Hegemony. G8 Governance. No. 6 (February 2001). This article introduces a new model, institutionalized hegemony, that synthesizes and extends hegemonic stability and institutionalism and shows that a group of great powers replaced the US as the hegemon in the mid-1970s. [PDF]
Germain, Randall D. Reforming the International Financial Architecture: The New Political Agenda. Paper presented at the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, February 20-24, 2001. [PDF]
Sussmann, Michael A. "The Critical Challenges From International High-Tech and Computer-Related Crime at the Millennium". Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, 9 No.2 (Spring 1999): 451-489. [PDF].
Kirton, John J. "Embedded Ecologism and Institutional Inequality: Linking Trade, Environment and Social Cohesion in the G8." [PDF] Paper prepared for a panel on ìNew Directions in Global Trade Governance: Competition, Consensus and Coherenceî at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, February 20-24, 2001.
"New Directions in Global Trade Governance: Competition, Consensus and Coherence," a panel at this year's International Studies Association, will take place on Wednesday, February 23, 2001, from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. at the Chicago Hilton in Chicago, IL. The session will be chaired by John Kirton, University of Toronto, who will also present "The Trade-Environment-Social Cohesion Interface: Towards a New Consensus and Coherence." Other panellists are Theodore H. Cohn, Simon Fraser University, "https://www.g8.utoronto.ca/stimulating Trade Liberalization After Seattle: G7 Leadership in Global Governance," Heidi Ullrich, London School of Economics and Political Science, "The G7 and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Past Performance, Future Challenges" and Nicholas Bayne, London School of Economics and Political Science, "Global Trade Governance: The Role of International Institutions." The discussant is Jeffrey Hart of Indiana University.
The G8 Research Group is pleased to announce the apppointment of David Malone, President of the International Peace Academy, as Special Advisor on conflict prevention, human security and international securty.
Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty-First Century, edited by John J. Kirton, University of Toronto, Joseph P. Daniels, Marquette University, and Andreas Freytag, University of Cologne, is now available from https://www.ashgate.com/html/series8.html. The latest in the G8 and Global Governance series from Ashgate Publishing, this volume has contributions from Donald Brean, University of Toronto, Pierre Marc Johnson, Heenan Blaikie, Klemens Fischer, Minister Counseller, Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union, Christoph Schwegmann, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, and George von Furstenburg, Fordham University, among others.
John J. Kirton, "Creating Coherence in Global Environmental Governance: Canada's 2002 Opportunity [PDF]." Paper presented at a conference on "Canada @ the World," sponsored by the Policy Research Secretariat, Westin Hotel, Ottawa, November 30-December 1, 2000.
Nicholas Bayne, 'Looking Beyond North American Elections: Prospects for Trade and Financial Liberalisation'. The Robert H. Catherwood Lecture, 6 November, 2000.
"Controlling For Domestic-Level Commitments: An Analysis of the Authoritative National Commitments Made in Canada and the United States from 1995-2000", by Diana Juricevic. November 7, 2000. [PDF]
"The G20 Montreal Ministerial Meeting: Poverty and Debt Relief Initiative". Prepared by Oana Dolea and Bob Papanikolaou
"The G20 Montreal Ministerial Meeting: Globalization". Prepared by Aaron Gairdner
"Private Sector Involvement, Standards and Codes, Institutional Reform and the Financial Sectory": A Report From the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Montréal, Oct 25, 2000. Prepared by Marilena Liguori and Nicol Lorantffy.
"Civil Society": A Report From the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Montréal, Oct 25, 2000. Prepared by Christine Lucyk.
"Exchange Rate Management": A Report from the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Montréal, Oct 25, 2000. Prepared by Gina Stephens.
"The G20 Montreal Ministerial Meeting: A Preliminary Assessment". Professor John Kirton, Director, G8 Research Group. October 25, 2000.
The Robert H. Catherwood Scholarship, Sept. 27, 2000.
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