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Publications and Papers
African Youth Foundation, Africa's New Journey: Will the Youth Claim NEPAD's Promise?, African Youth Parliament, Nairobi, 2006.
Armstrong, Lord Robert. "Economic Summits: A British Perspective" Bissell Paper Number Four, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, May, 1988.
Bailin, Alison. From Traditional to Institutionalized Hegemony. G8 Governance, No. 6 (February 2001). [PDF]
Bayne, Nicholas. The Numbers Game: Prospects for the G7, G8 and G20 Summits, Remarks prepared for the 2014 pre-summit conference "2014: From G8 to G7? The Future of the Gx System and Global Governance," Egmont Palace, Brussels, June 2, 2014.
Bayne, Nicholas, Economic Diplomat. London: Memoir Club, 2010.
Bayne, Nicholas. "The G8's Role in the Fight Against Terrorism." Remarks to the G8 Research Group, 8 November 2001. [PDF]
Bayne, Nicholas. "Global Governance — Bringing the South In: The Contribution of the G8 Summit." Paper delivered at the Queen's University Policy Forum, Kingston, Ont., April 2001.
Bayne, Nicholas. "The G8 and the Globalisation Challenge." Paper prepared for the Academic Symposium G8 2000: New Directions in Global Governance? G8's Okinawa Summit, Okinawa, Japan, July 19-20, 2000.
Bayne, Nicholas. "The G8's Past Performance, Present Prospects, Future Potential." Paper prepared for the symposium, The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2000.
Bayne, Nicholas. "Changing Patterns at the G7 Summit." G7 Governance, No. 1 (May 1997).
Bayne, Nicholas. "History Of The G7 Summit: The Importance Of American Leadership." Paper prepared for the conference, Explaining Summit Success: Prospects for the Denver Summit, University of Colorado at Denver, June 19, 1997.
Bayne, Nicholas. "The G7 Summit and the Reform of Global Institutions." Government and Opposition 30, No. 4 (Autumn 1995): 492-509.
Bayne, Nicholas and Putnam, Robert D. "The G7 Summit Comes of Age." The Halifax G7 Summit: Issues on the Table. Edited by Sylvia Ostry and Gilbert R. Winham. Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, 1995.
Bayne, Nicholas. "The Course of Summitry." The World Today 48, No. 2 (February 1992): 27-30.
Bell, David V.J. With the assistance of Michelle Grinstein. "The Role of Government in Advancing Corporate Sustainability." Bbackground paper prepared by the Sustainable Enterprise Academy, York University (www.SustainableEnterpriseAcademy.org) under contract to Environment Canada for the G8 Environmental Futures Forum (EFF) in Vancouver, March 2002. [PDF]
Boehm, Peter. "The Value of the G7: Reflections of a Sherpa." Politique étrangère 2019, no. 2 (Summer 2019): 61–74.
Boehm, Peter. "De l'utilité du G7 : témoignage d'un sherpa." Politique étrangère 2019, no. 2 (Été 2019): 61–74.
Chan, Kenddrick (2023). "Multilateralism in the Digital Age: How to Make Progress on Global Digital Governance." LSE Ideas, Draft of June 20.
Cooper, Andrew F., and John Kirton, eds. (2009). Innovation in Global Health Governance: Critical Cases.Farnham: Ashgate.
Cooper, Andrew F, John Kirton, Franklyn Lisk and Hany Besada, eds. (2013). Africa's Health Challenges Sovereignty, Mobility of People and Healthcare Governance. Farnham: Ashgate.
Cooper, Andrew F., John Kirton and Ted Schrecker, eds. (2007). Governing Global Health: Challenge, Response, Innovation. Aldershot: Ashgate. Chinese language edition to be published by Sichuan University Press.
Council for Foreign Relations. "Freedom, Prosperity and Security The G8 Partnership with Africa: Sea Island 2004 and Beyond." Special Report, May 2004. (J. Brian Atwood and Robert S. Browne, Co-Chairs; Princeton N. Lyman, Project Director)
Culpeper, Roy. "Systemic Reform at a Standstill: a Flock of "Gs" in Search of Global Financial Stability." Paper presented at the conference "Critical Issues in Financial Reform: Latin-American/Caribbean and Canadian Perspectives", Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, June 1-2, 2000.
Daniels, Joseph P and Kokotsis Ella. "Summit Compliance: Are Summit Commitments Meaningful?" Paper prepared for the conference, Explaining Summit Success: Prospects for the Denver Summit, University of Colorado at Denver, June 19, 1997.
Defarges, Philippe Moreau. "The French Viewpoint on the Future of the G7." In "The Future of the G7 Summits," 177-185.The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.
Dimock, Blair. The Benefits of Teamplay: Italy and the Seven Power Summit. Country Study No. 5. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.
Dobson, Hugo. "The 2008 Hokkaido-Tokayo G8 Summit: Neither Summit nor Plummet." Asia-Pacific Journal, vol. 48-5-08, November 30, 2008.
Dobson, Hugo. "Where Are the Women at the G8?" Paper prepared at the Hokkaido Summit. Draft of July 9, 2008.
Dornbusch, Rüdiger. World Economic Problems for the Summit: Co-ordination, Debt and the Exchange Rate System. Bissell Paper No. 6. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.
Fauver, Robert, Governing the Global Economy: G7 and G20 contributions, Remarks prepared for the 2014 pre-summit conference "2014: From G8 to G7? The Future of the Gx System and Global Governance," Egmont Palace, Brussels, June 2, 2014.
Fauver, Robert. "Globalization, Security and the Legitimacy of the G8." Paper prepared for a conference on Workshop or Talking Shop? Globalization, Security and the Legitimacy of the G8, organized by the Belgian Institute for International Relations, the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, the G8 Research Group and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Egmont Palace, Brussels, May 24-25, 2007.
Fischer, Roger. "How the G7 Reviews Its Work on Development: A Case Study of Accountability." Discussion Paper 19/2020. Deutsches Institute für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 2020.
Fraser, Maurice, ed. G8: Hokkaido Toyako Summit 2008. London: Agora Projects and Newsdesk Communications Ltd. 2008.
Fraser, Maurice, ed. G8 Summit 2007: Growth and Responsibility. London: Agora Projects and Newsdesk Communications Ltd. 2007.
Fraser, Maurice, ed. G8 Summit 2006: Issues and Instruments. London: Agora Projects and Newsdesk Communications Ltd. 2006.
Fraser, Maurice, ed. G8 Summit 2005: Mapping the Challenges. London:Agora Projects and Newsdesk Communications Ltd. 2005.
Fréchette, Louise. "International Governance, the G8 and Globalization." Paper prepared for a conference on Workshop or Talking Shop? Globalization, Security and the Legitimacy of the G8, organized by the Belgian Institute for International Relations, the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, the G8 Research Group and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Egmont Palace, Brussels, May 24-25, 2007.
Freytag, Andreas, John J. Kirton, Razeen Sally and Paolo Savona, eds. Securing the Global Economy: G8 Global Governance for a Post-Crisis World. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2011. [Flyer]
Freytag, Dr. Andreas and Dipl.-Volksw. Stefan Mai. "Does E-Commerce Demand International Policy Co-ordination? The Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society Srcutinised." Paper presented in a research workshop at the University of Marburg/Germany, January 23, 2001 and at the Pubic Choice Society's Annual Meeting in San Antonio, March 9-11, 2001. The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Volkswagen-Foundation.
Frölich, Manuel. "Changing Conceptions of Security and the G8," revised version (July 2011). In Andreas Freytag, John J. Kirton, Razeen Sally and Paolo Savona, eds. Securing the Global Economy: G8 Global Governance for a Post-Crisis World. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2011.
Garavoglia, Guido and Pier Carlo Padoan. "The G7 Agenda: Old and New Issues." In "The Future of the G7 Summits," 49-65. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.
Germain, Randall D. The Long Road to Reform: Current Political Obstacles to Reforming the International Financial Architecture, 1999. Paper prepared for an International Forum on "The Challenges of Globalization," Bishop's University, June 6-8, 1999.
"Global Responses to the New Global Challenges: Recommendations for the G8 Kananaskis Summit from the G8 Preparatory Conference." Washington, DC: G8 Preparatory Conference, 2002. Unpublished in paper. [PDF]
Gnath, Katharina. Beyond Heiligendamm: The G8 and Its Dialogue with Emerging Countries. Internationale Politik vol. 8, no. 3, Fall 2007. [HTML] [PDF]
Gnath, Katharina. Mehr Einbeziehung: Ja, Erweiterung; Nein. Die G8 und der Dialog mit den Schwellenländern. Internationale Politik June 2007.
Gnath, Katharina, Sieglinde Gstöhl and Martin Kahl, "Quo vadis G8? Runder Tisch mit Katharina Gnath, Sieglinde Gstöhl und Martin Kahl", WeltTrends, 15(55), 11-24 (2007).
Gnath, Katharina and Claudia Schmucker (2011). "L'Allemagne et les 'clubs G'" ["Deutschland und die G-Clubs"]. Note de Cerfa No. 85. Paris, Institute français des relations internationales, CERFA.
Gnath, Katharina and Niklas Reimers. "Die G8-Gipfelarchitektur im Wandel." DGAP Analyse, no. 6, June 2009. [In German, with a summary in English]
Gotlieb, Allan. Canada and the Economic Summits: Power and Responsibility. Bissell Paper No. 1. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1987.
Gronau, Jennifer. Die Selbstlegitimation internationaler Institutionen. G8 und G20 im Vergleich. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Campus, 2015.
Gronau, Jennifer. G7/G8 Artifacts and the Politics of Self-Presentation. Collaborative Research Centre "Transformations of the State," University of Bremen. 2010.
Gronau, Jennifer, and Steffen Schneider. "Metaphorical Concepts in the Construction of International Legitimacy." Working Paper Series of the Committee on Concepts and Methods No. 37, International Political Science Association. November 2009.
Gstöhl, Sieglinde, ed., Global Governance und die G8: Gipfelimpulse für Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2003.
Gstöhl, Sieglinde, "Governance through Government Networks: The G8 and International Organizations," Review of International Organizations, 2(1), 1-37 (2007).
Guebert, Jenilee. "Global Health at the G8: Integration, In Decline or Simply Stalled?" Guest blog, Global Health Governance, June 11, 2012.
Guebert, Jenilee and Shamir Tanna. "Canada's Leadership at the G8 Muskoka Summit." CSPC Opinion, Canadian Science Policy Centre, November 10, 2010.
Guebert, Jenilee and John Kirton. "Accountability Report on Arms Control and Non-proliferation: The G8’s Compliance Record, 1975–2009." G8 Research Group, April 11, 2010.
Guttry, Andrea de. "The Institutional Configuration of the G7 in the New International Scenario." In "The Future of the G7 Summits," 67-80. International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.
Hainsworth, Susan. "Coming of Age: The European Community and the Economic Summit." Country Study No. 7. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1990.
Hajnal, Peter I. "Whither the G7 and G20?" Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, published March 7, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/11926422.2022.2027797.
Hajnal, Peter I. "The Group of Seven (G7)/Group of Eight (G8)," in Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, edited by Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2017), pp. 103-105.
Hajnal, Peter I. "Civil Society and G8 Accountability," in Jan Aart Scholte, ed., Building Global Democracy? Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Hajnal, Peter I. "Can Civil Society Influence G8 Accountability?" CSGR Working Paper Series No. 235/07, Warwick University, October 2007.
Hajnal, Peter I. "Summitry from G5 to L20: A Review of Reform Initiatives." CIGI Working Paper 20. Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo, ON, March 2007.
Hajnal, Peter I. "The 2006 St. Petersburg Summit and Civil Society." Paper prepared for the Civil G8 Forum, December 2, 2006, Moscow.
Hajnal, Peter I. "Civil Society at the Gleneagles Summit." Paper presented at the Civil G8 International Forum, March 9-10, 2006, Moscow.
Hajnal, Peter I. "Civil Society at the 2001 Genoa G8 Summit." International Journal. 58, No. 1 (Autumn 2001).
Hajnal, Peter. "The Documentation of the G7/G8 System." G7 Governance, No. 4 (June 1998).
Hajnal, Peter I. and John J. Kirton, "The Evolving Role and Agenda of the G7/G8: A North American Perspective." NIRA Review. Spring 2000.
Hasegawa, Sudegiro. "A New Role for Development Institutions in the 21st Century." Paper prepared for the symposium, The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2000.
Hayford, Patrick and Kloke-Lesch, Adolf. "Africa Partnership Forum Evaluation Report: A Forum Puts Itself to the Test," Africa Partnership Forum, September 2013.
Hayford, Patrick and Kloke-Lesch, Adolf. "Forum pour le Partenariat avec l'Afrique : Un Forum qui se soumet au banc d'essai," Forum pour le Partenariat avec l'Afrique, Septembre 2013.
Heap, Peter C. (2008). Globalization and Summit Reform: An Experiment in International Governance. International Development Research Centre and Springer: Ottawa and New York. See also www.idrc.ca/openebooks/395-9/.
Heeney, Timothy. "Canadian Foreign Policy and the Seven Power Summits." Country Study No. 1. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.
Helleiner, Gerry. National Forum on Africa. Address at the National Forum on Canadian Foreign Policy, February 9, 2002, Montreal. [ PDF ]
Hibbs, Mark [Center for War, Peace, and the News Media, New York University, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication]. The G7 Summit on Nuclear Safety and Security: A Summit Primer [Computer file]. The Global Reporting Network, Issue Brief, No. 12. Lyon: Institut d'Etudes Politiques, 1996.
Hillman, Jennifer. "Saving Multilateralism: Renovating the House of Global Economic Economic Governance for the 21st Century." Brussels Forum Paper Series. Washington DC: German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2010.
Hodges, Michael. "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G7." In "The Future of the G7 Summits," 141-159. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.
Hornung, Robert. Sharing Economic Responsibility: The United States and the Seven Power Summit. Country Study No. 4. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.
Huigens, Judith and Arne Niemann. "The EU within the G8: A Case of Ambiguous and Contested Actorness." EU Diplomacy Papers 5/2009. College of Europe.
Johnstone, Robert. "Global Governance." Literary Review of Canada No. 10(4) (2002): 10-11.
Johnson, Pierre Marc with Karel Mayrand, "Beyond Trade: Broadening the Globalization Governance Agenda," chapter prepared for John Kirton, Joseph Daniels and Andreas Freytag, eds. Guiding Global Order: G8 Governance in the Twenty First Century (Ashgate: Aldershot, 2000).
Juricevic, Diana. "Compliance with G8 Commitments: Ascertaining the Degree of Compliance with Summit Debt and International Trade Commitments for Canada and the United States, 1996-1999" [HTML] [PDF]
Keachie, Heather, John Kirton and Jenilee Guebet. "Accountability Report on Development: The Record of the G8 and the G20, 1975–2009." G8 Research Group, Draft of April 30, 2010.
Kirton, John. "Connecting G7 Development Performance from Apulia 2024 with Kananaskis 2025, presentation prepared for the conference on "Reflections on the Deliverables from the G7 Development Ministerial Meeting on October 24-25, 2024," Instituto Affari Internationali, Rome, October 31, 2024.
Kirton, John. "The G7 Alliance's Expanding Effectiveness," Wilson Quarterly, Winter 2024.
Kirton, John. Canada's Global Leadership as a Clean Energy Superpower. Keynote address to the "Future of Energy Global Summit," Kinnear Centre for Innovation and Creativity, Banff, Alberta, September 23, 2023. Version of September 28, 2023.
Kirton, John. Improving G7 Cornwall Implementation. Paper prepared for presentation to the Open Societies and Human Rights Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, United Kingdom, March 4, 2021.
Kirton, John. "G7 Democratization: Responsibilities and Results." Presentation prepared for a panel on "Responsibilities of the G7: Future of Democracy and the Rule of Law," Global Solutions Summit, Berlin, May 28, 2018.
Kirton, John. "Public Support for National Interests and Distinctive National Values in Canadian Foreign Policy," paper prepared for a presentation at the Canadian International Council's launch of Canada's 2018 World Survey Report, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, April 18, 2018.
Kirton, John. "G7 Summit Opportunities in 2018." Keynote Luncheon Address to the Converg-x Conference, Sheraton Eau Claire Hotel, Calgary, February 8, 2018.
Kirton, John. "Strengthening Economic, Energy and Food Security through Canada's G7 and G20 Summits from Kananaskis 2002 to Charlevoix 2018." Invited lecture at the Ranchmen's Club, Calgary, February 7, 2018.
Kirton, John. China's G20 Leadership (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016).
Kirton, John. "Controlling Climate Change through G7-G20-UN Leadership." Paper prepared for a conference on "The G7-United Nations Partnership to Meet Global Challenges," sponsored by the United Nations University and the G7 Research Group, Tokyo, Japan, May 19, 2016. Draft of May 15, 2016.
Kirton, John. "G20-G8 Partnership in Global Economic Governance." Background paper prepared for a presentation at the session on "What Is the Way Forward for the G20?" for a conference on "From the G8 to the G20 and Beyond: Setting a Course for Economic Global Governance," Chatham House, London, May 9, 2013.
Kirton, John. G20 Governance for a Globalized World. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.
Kirton, John. "Winning Together: Advanced Countries' Approach to G20 Governance." Paper prepared for the session on "G20 Dialogue: Advanced Countries, Emerging Countries and the G20" at the "G20 Seminar" at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Shanghai, China, May 3, 2013.
Kirton, John. "A Meeting of Meaningful Advance: The 2013 G8 Foreign Ministers' London Meeting," April 15, 2013.
Kirton, John. "The G7 as First Responder for Global Financial Crises." June 17, 2012.
Kirton, John. "G8 Global Leadership: The Camp David Contribution in 2012." Paper prepared for "The Apex of Influence: How Summit Meetings Build Multilateral Cooperation," a conference sponsored by the Roberta Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies, the Munk School of Global Affairs and The Stanley Foundation, Kellogg School of Management, Chicago, Illinois, May 10-11, 2012. Version of May 10, 2012.
Kirton, John. "Japan's Contribution to G8, G20 and Global Governance." Keynote address to the Japan Futures Initiative Spring Symposium 2012, Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada, March 14-15, 2012. Draft of March 21, 2012.
Kirton, John. "G8 Sanctioning Success," in Andreas Freytag, John Kirton, Razeen Sally and Paolo Savona, eds., Securing the Global Economy: G8 Governance for a Post-Crisis World, pp. 153-176 (Farnham: Ashgate) [PDF excerpt reproduced with permission from Ashgate].
Kirton, John. "Why the G8 Will Endure." G8 and G20 Research Groups. Version of February 10, 2011.
Kirton, John. "The G8-G20 Roles and Relationship." Paper prepared for a panel on “The Future of the G8 and G20 – Possible Scenarios” at an expert seminar on “The Future of the G8 and G20,” sponsored by the Universiteit Gent and Egmont, Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting, Brussels, April 26, 2010. Version of May 13, 2010.
Kirton, John. "The G8-G20 Partnership." Paper submitted for publication in Studia Diplomatica 2010. Version of August 19, 2010.
Kirton, John. "Assessing G8 and G20 Performance, 1975-2009." Paper prepared for the international convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 16-21, 2010. Draft of February 19, 2010.
Kirton, John. "Why the World Needs G8 and G20 Summitry: Prospects for 2010 and Beyond." Paper prepared for the Center for Dialogue and Analysis on North America (CEDAN), Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico City, March 11-12, 2010. Draft of April 8, 2010.
Kirton, John. "Why the World Needs the G8." 2010 Catherwood Address, Toronto, March 25, 2010.
Kirton, John. "Working Together for G8-G20 Partnership: The Muskoka-Toronto Twin Summits, June 2010." Paper prepared for an international conference on “Partnership for Progress: From the 2010 Muskoka-Toronto Summits to the Seoul Summit,” State University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, October 27-28, 2010. Version of November 6, 2010.
Kirton, John. "Coexistence, Cooperation, Competition: G Summits." Aspenia number 43-44 (June 2009).
Kirton, John. "A Committed Contributor: Japan in G8 and G20 Governance." Paper prepared for an international workshop on “Japan (Still) Matters: What Role in the World,” National Institute of Japanese Studies, Sheffield University, April 30-May 1, 2009.
Kirton, John. "Prospects for the Pittsburgh G20 Summit." International Bank Federation Newsletter, Summer 2009.
Kirton, John J. "Governing Global Trucks and Buses: The G20 and G8 Roles." Keynote address, Truck and Bus Forum, Lyon, France, May 12, 2009. [pdf]
Kirton, John J. "The Implications of the G20 London Summit for International Banking." Presentation to the International Banking Federation and Canadian Bankers Association, Toronto, April 27, 2009.
Kirton, John J. "The Case for G8 Reform." Lecture delivered at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, June 26, 2008. Draft of June 29, 2008. [Replaces the paper of the same title delivered at the State University Higher School of Economics, May 15-16, 2008.]
Kirton, John J. "The Case for G8 Reform." Paper prepared for a conference on “From Heiligendamm to the Hokkaido Toyako Summit and Beyond: Priorities for the G8’s Future Agenda and Options for Reform,” sponsored by the State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, May 15-16, 2008. Draft of June 24, 2008.
Kirton, John J. "Enlarged Directorates as Effective Global Governance for All." Paper prepared for the Athens-3 conference on "What Makes Globalization Work: Lessons from the Past, Solutions from the Future," sponsored by the New School of Athens Global Governance Group, Athens, Greece, April 2-5, 2008. Version of June 1, 2008.
Kirton, John J. "Prospects for the 2008 G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit: Key Messages for the Future of Summitry." Paper prepared for an international conference on "From Heiligendamm to the Hokkaido Toyako Summit and Beyond: Priorities for the G8's Future Agenda and Options for Reform," sponsored by the State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, May 15-16, 2008. Draft of May 21, 2008.
Kirton, John J. "A Summit of Steady Progress: Prospects for the 2008 G8." July 7, 2008.
Kirton, John J. "A Summit of Substantial Success: The Performance of the 2008 G8." Draft of August 17, 2008.
Kirton, John J. "Two Solitudes, One War: Public Opinion, National Unity and Canada's War in Afghanistan." Paper prepared for a conference on "Quebec and War," Université de Québec à Montréal, October 5-6, 2007. Draft of October 8, 2007.
Kirton, John J. "G8: An Economic Forum of the Enlarged Western Alliance? The Record from Rambouillet 1975 through Heiligendamm 2007 to Canada 2010." Paper prepared for a program on The Relations Between Europe and North America, at the North American European Summer Academy of le Centre International de Formation Européenne, Nice, and the Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Weiterbildung Schloss Hofen, Lochau, Austria, July 24, 2007. Draft of July 24, 2007.
Kirton, John J. "The G8's Energy-Climate Connection." Paper prepared for a conference on Workshop or Talking Shop? Globalization, Security and the Legitimacy of the G8, organized by the Belgian Institute for International Relations, the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, the G8 Research Group and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Egmont Palace, Brussels, May 24-25, 2007.
Kirton, John J. "The Bottom Line: Has the G8 Met Its Goals?" Paper prepared for a conference on The Future of the G8: Global Economic Governance and the Potential for a Revision of Institutional Arrangements, organized by the Centre for International Governance Innovation and the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, May 30, 2007.
Kirton, John J. "Keeping Russia Connected to the G8 Club." Article prepared for publication in the National Post, April 20, 2007.
Kirton, John J. The Rule of Law from the Gray Lecture to Global Leadership. Paper prepared for a conference on Louis St. Laurents Gray Lecture at Sixty, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec, January 19-21, 2007.
Kirton, John J. "Canada Shows Its Strength." Toronto Star, October 31, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "A Player Again." Globe and Mail Online, October 5, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "Canada's New Government's Foreign Policy and the G8 St. Petersburg Summit." January 25, 2006.
Kirton, John J. Deepening Russia's Democracy: The St. Petersburg Summit Contribution," July 15, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "Explaining Compliance with G8 Financial and Development Commitments: Agency, Institutionalization and Structure." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, March 22-25, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "Implementing G8 Economic Commitments: How International Institutions Help." Paper prepared for a 2006 G8 Pre-Summit Seminar On the Road to St. Petersburg: The Role of International Organizations in Implementing G8 Commitments, co-sponsored by the State University Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE), Moscow and the G8 Research Group, University of Toronto, Toronto, Moscow, June 30, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "The G8 and Global Energy Governance: Past Performance, St. Petersburg Opportunities." Paper presented at a conference on The World Dimension of Russia's Energy Security, sponsored by the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Moscow, April 21, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "The G8 and Global Health Governance: The Case for a 2006 Eurasian HIV/AIDS Initiative." Paper prepared for the International Parliamentary Conference in Conjunction with Russia's G8 Presidency on HIV/AIDS in Eurasia and the Role of the G8," sponsored by the Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, June 8, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "Harper's Foreign Policy Success?" Address to the Canadian Institute on International Affairs Toronto Branch at Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, Toronto, November 28, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "Shocked into Success: Prospects for the St. Petersburg Summit." G8 Research Group, University of Toronto, July 13, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "What Has the G8 Done for Global Governance? Prospects for the St. Petersburg Summit." Paper prepared for the 2006 G8 Pre-Summit Conference on G8 Performance, St. Petersburg Possibilities, co-sponsored by the Moscow State Institute on International Relations (MGIMO) and the G8 Research Group, University of Toronto, MGIMO, Moscow, June 29, 2006.
Kirton, John J. "From Collective Security to Concert: The UN, G8 and Global Security Governance." Paper prepared for the conference on Security Overspill: Between Economic Integration and Social Exclusion, Centre Études Internationales et Mondialisation, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montreal, October 27-28, 2005.
Kirton, John J. "A Promising Push: Complying with the Gleneagles G8 Africa Commitments and Parliamentarians' Role." Paper prepared for a conference on Partnership Beyond 2005: The Role of Parliamentarians in Implementing NEPAD Commitments, sponsored by the Parliamentary Seminar on Africa, European Parliamentarians for Africa, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (UK), the Inter-Parliamentary Union British Group, the Africa All Party Parliamentary Group, the British Council and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, The British Museum, London, England, October 19-22, 2005.
Kirton, John J. "A Summit of Pride and Influence? Canada and the Gleneagles G8." Munk Centre Monitor, Summer 2005.
Kirton, John J. "From G7 to G20: Capacity, Leadership and Normative Diffusion in Global Financial Governance." Paper presented for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Honolulu, March 1-5, 2005.
Kirton, John J. "What the G8's Sea Island Summit Means for the World Ahead." Paper presented at the Canadian Embassy, Tokyo, July 27. 2004.
Kirton, John J. "Explaining G8 Effectiveness: A Concert of Vulnerable Equals in a Globalizing World." Paper prepared for the annual International Studies Association conference, Montreal, March 17-20, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "Getting the L20 Going: Reaching out from the G8." Paper prepared for workshop "G20 to Replace the G8: Why Not Now?," Brookings Institution, Institute for International Economics, and the Centre for Global Governance, Washington DC, September 22, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "Prospects for the G8 Sea Island Summit, Seven Weeks Hence." Paper prepared for a seminar at Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, April 22, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "The Road from Rambouillet to the Sea Island Summit: Process, Accomplishments and Challenges for the Corporate Community." Paper prepared for the G8 Executive Workshop on "G8 Governance and Economic Globalization: The Road from Rambouillet to Sea Island," Georgia Tech Center for International Business Education and Research, Atlanta, May 7, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "The Struggle for Summit Success: Prospects for Georgia's G8." Paper prepared for publication in G8 Monitor, published by the University of Georgia, May 19, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "Toward Multilateral Reform: The G20 Contribution." Paper prepared for a conference on "The Ideas-Institutional Nexus: The Case of the G20," sponsored by the Centre on International Governance Innovation, United Nations University FLACSO and the University of Waterloo, Claridge Hotel, Buenos Aires, May 1921, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "What the Sea Island Summit Means for the World Ahead." Paper prepared for a seminar at the Canadian Embassy, Tokyo, July 27, 2004.
Kirton, John J. "An Environment-First Foreign Policy for Canada." Remarks prepared for an Experts Roundtable on "Foreign Policy Dialogue: Environment and Canadian Foreign Policy," with the Honourable David Anderson, Minister of the Environment, Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, May 12, 2003.
Kirton, John J. "Governing Globalization: The G8's Contribution for the Twenty-First Century." Revised version of a paper prepared for a conference on "Russia within the "Group of Eight," sponsored by the Institute for Applied International Research, Hotel Metropole, Moscow, April 11-12, 2003.
Kirton, John J. "Building Democratic Partnerships: The G8-Civil Society Link." Paper prepared for the Third Annual Envireform Conference: Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Perspectives, Friday November 8, 2002.
Kirton, John J. "Canada's Kananaskis G8 Summit: What Can and Should be Done?" Virtual Roundtable on Canada and the Kananaskis G8 Summit. Canadian Foreign Policy. No.9: 3 (Spring 2002). [PDF]
Kirton, John J. "General Prospects for the Canadian G8 Summit: Deepening the Democratic Revolution." Paper prepared for a seminar on "The Prospects for the Canadian Summit," sponsored by the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, the Japanese-British Society, the LSE International Social Economic Forum in Japan and the G8 Research Group, Ninth Floor, Nippon Press Centre, Tokyo, Japan, 1-5 pm, Monday, June 10, 2002. [PDF]
article en français
Kirton, John J. "Guess Who Is Coming to Kananskis." International Journal No.57: 1 (Winter 2001-2002). [PDF]
Kirton, John J. "G8 Preview: Retreating to Reach Out for Real Results at Kananaskis 2002." Remarks Prepared for a Seminar Given at the Center for International and Strategic Studies Washington DC, March 15, 2002
Kirton, John J. "International Constraints and Transnational Diffusion: The Dynamics of G8 Effectiveness in Linking Trade, Environment and Social Cohesion." Paper prepared for a conference on "Global Environmental Change and the Nation State," 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin, 7-8 December 2001. Revised Version, January 31, 2002. [PDF]
Kirton, John J. "Canadian Foreign Policies Since September 11: Implications for Canada in North America in the World." Remarks prepared for testimony before the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa, November 22, 2001.
Kirton, John J. Generating Effective Global Environmental Governance: Canada's 2002 Challenge. Paper prepared for a panel "Governance: The Role of International Organizations," at a conference on "The Environmental Balance Sheet: Green or Red?" sponsored by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, National Foreign Policy Conference, Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, October 26-28, 2001.
Kirton, John J. Statement on the Quebec City Summit of the Americas to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, March 29, 2001.
Kirton, John J. "Embedded Ecologism and Institutional Inequality: Linking Trade, Environment and Social Cohesion in the G8." Paper prepared for a panel on New Directions in Global Trade Governance: Competition, Consensus and Coherence at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, February 20-24, 2001. [PDF]
Kirton, John J. "Creating Coherence in Global Environmental Governance: Canada's 2002 Opportunity [PDF]." Paper presented at a conference on "Canada @ the World," sponsored by the Policy Research Secretariat, Westin Hotel, Ottawa, November 30-December 1, 2000.
Kirton, John J. "Broadening Participation in Twenty-First Century Governance: The Prospective and Potential Contribution of the Okinawa Summit." Paper prepared for the symposium, The Kyushu-Okinawa Summit: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Developing World in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2000.
Kirton, John J. "Creating Peace and Human Security: The G8 and Okinawa Summit Contribution." Paper presented at a lecture at Soka University, Japan, May 26, 2000.
Kirton, John J. "The G7 and Concert Governance in the Global Financial Crisis of 1997-9." Paper prepared for presentation at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Los Angeles, March 15-19, 2000. Version: March 6, 2000.
Kirton, John J. "New Directions in Twenty-First Century Governance: Prospects for the 2000 Okinawa Summit." Presentation to the London School of Economics and Political Science Forum, Nippon Press Centre, Tokyo, July 13, 2000.
Kirton, John J. United States Foreign Policy and the G8 Summit. Paper presented at a lecture at the Faculty of Law, Chuo University, Japan, July 6, 2000.
Kirton, John J. "Canada as a Principal Financial Power: G7 and IMF Diplomacy in the Crisis of 1997-9 ." International Journal 54 (Autumn 1999). (This article is reprinted with the permission of the International Journal. We gratefully acknowledge the permission of the International Journal to publish this article and the assessment of their referees.)
Kirton, John J. "Canada's Leadership Role in International Negotiations: The G7, IMF and the Global Financial Crisis of 1997-9", 1999. Paper prepared for an International Forum on "The Challenges of Globalization," Bishop's University, June 6-8, 1999.
Kirton, John J. "The G7 and China in the Management of the International Financial System." Paper prepared for an International Think Tank Forum on "China in the 21st Century and the World," sponsored by the China Development Institute, China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange and the National Institute for Research Advancement, Japan, Shenzen, China, November 11-12, 1999. I gratefully acknowledge the research assistance of Gina Stephens, Natalie Armstrong, Ivan Savic, Diana Juricivec and Paul Jacobelli in the preparation of this paper. Version: November 3. 43-66.
Kirton, John J. "Canada, the G7, and the Denver Summit of the Eight: Implications for Asia and Taiwan, 1998. Revised version of a paper prepared for a conference on "Canada-Taiwan Relations in the 1990's," Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, November 13-16, 1997.
Kirton, John J. "Economic Co-operation: Summitry, Institutions, and Structural Change." Paper prepared for a conference on "Structural Change and Co-operation in the Global Economy," The Centre for International Business Education and The Center for Global Change and Governance," Rutgers University, May 19-20, 1997, and for John Dunning and Gavin Boyd, eds., Structural Change and Co-operation in the Global Economy, (London: Edward Elgar, 1997).
Kirton, John J. "The Diplomacy of Concert: Canada, the G7 and the Halifax Summit." Canadian Foreign Policy = La Politique étrangère du Canada 3, No. 1 (Spring 1995): 63-80
Kirton, John J. "The G7, the Halifax Summit, and International Financial System Reform." North American Outlook 5, No. 3 (June 1995): 43-66.
Kirton, John J. "Exercising Concerted Leadership: Canada's Approach to Summit Reform." In "The Future of the G7 Summits," 161-176. The International Spectator 29, No. 2 (April/June 1994), Special Issue.
Kirton, John J. "Contemporary Concert Diplomacy: The Seven-Power Summit and the Management of International Order." Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the International Studies Association and the British International Studies Association, London, March 29-April 1, 1989. Unpublished in print.
Kirton, John J. "The Role of the G7 In the Regional Integration: Global Security Link." G7 Governance, No. 2 (June 1997).
Kirton, John J. "The Seven-Power Summit as a New Security Institution." In Building a New Global Order: Emerging Trends in International Security, edited by David Dewitt, David Haglund, and John Kirton, 335-57. Toronto; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Kirton, John J. "The Significance of the Houston Summit." 1991.
Kirton, John J. "Sustainable Development at the Houston Seven Power Summit." Prepared for the Foreign Policy Committee, National Roundtable on Environment and the Economy, Ottawa, September 6, 1990.
Kirton, John J. "The Significance of the Seven-Power Summit." 1989.
Kirton, John J. and Caroline Bracht. "Explaining Compliance with Regional and Global Summit Commitments: CARICOM, UN, G8 and G20 Action on Non-communicable Disease." Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, February 21, 2015. Version of February 24, 2015.Kirton, John J., Caroline Bracht and Julia Kulik. "The Political Process in Global Health Governance: The G8's 2010 Muskoka Initiative," in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 40: 1-15 (July 2014). DOI: 10.1111/nyas.12494.
Kirton, John J., and Ben Cormier. "The Course and Causes of Compliance with G7 Climate Change Commitments." Paper presented at a conference on "Global Environmental Governance and the G7," Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, June 1, 2015. Version of June 4, 2015.
Kirton, John J. and Meagan Byrd, "How is the G7 Doing? The Summit's Commitments in Times of Pandemic," ISPI Online, June 10, 2020.
Kirton, John J., Andrew F. Cooper, Franklyn Lisk and Hany Besada, eds. (2014). Moving Health Sovereignty in Africa Disease, Governance, Climate Change. Farnham: Ashgate.
Kirton, John J. and Jenilee M. Guebert. "Bringing Health into the Climate Change Regime: The Opportunity for Copenhagen 2009 and Muskoka 2010." Paper prepared for the first annual "Learning Forum on Global Health Research" of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, Ottawa, Canada, October 25, 2009. Version of November 4, 2009.
Kirton, John J. and Jenilee M. Guebert. "The Climate Change–Health Connection: Compounding Challenges for Scholars and Practitioners." Paper prepared for the poster session on Environmental Governance and Climate Politics at the International Studies Association convention, New Orleans, February 16-21, 2010. Version of February 17, 2010.
Kirton, John J. and Jenilee M. Guebert. "Climate Change Accountability: The G8’s Compliance Record, 1975–2009." G8 Research Group, November 28, 2009.
Kirton, John J. and Jenilee Guebert. "Canada's G8 Global Jealth Diplomacy: Lessons for 2010," Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 2009, 15(3): 85-105.
Kirton, John J. and Jenilee M. Guebert. "Health Accountability: The G8’s Compliance Record, 1975–2009." G8 Research Group, December 28, 2009.
Kirton, John J., Andy Knight and C. James Hospedales. "Implementing Global Summit Commitments on Health." Paper prepared for the 59th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 4-7, 2018. Version of April 2, 2018.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch. G8 & G20: The 2010 Canadian Summits. Newsdesk Communications Ltd., G8 Research Group and G20 Research Group, 2010.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch. G8 2009: From La Maddalena to L'Aquila. Newsdesk Communications Ltd. and G8 Research Group, 2009.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch. The London Summit: Growth, Stability, Jobs. Newsdesk Communications Ltd. and G20 Research Group, 2009.
Kirton, John J., and Madeline Koch. Growth, Innovation, Inclusion: The G20 at Ten. Newdesk Communications Ltd. and G20 Research Group, 2008.
Kirton, John J., and Ella Kokotsis. The Global Governance of Climate Change: G8, G20 and UN Leadership. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.
Kirton, John J., and Ella Kokotsis. "An Evaluation of the G8s Commitment to the Kananaskis Pledges." Prepared for the Council for Foreign Relations, Washington DC, February 4, 2004.
Kirton, John J., and Ella Kokotsis. "Compliance with G8 Commitments: The Peace and Security and Conflict Prevention Agenda, From Okinawa 2000-Genoa 2001." Prepared for the DFAIT's Policy Planning Division in Preparation for the Canadian Presidency of the G8 Foreign Ministers' Process in 2002. October 24 2001.
Kirton, John J., and Ella Kokotsis. "Revitalizing the G7: Prospects for the 1998 Birmingham Summit of the Eight." International Journal 53 No.1 (Winter 1997/98). (This article is reprinted with the permission of the International Journal. We gratefully acknowledge the permission of the International Journal to publish this article and the assessment of their referees.)
Kirton, John J., Ella Kokotsis and Aurora Hudson. "Explaining Global Leadership in Climate Security for Peace: G7/8, G20 and UN Contributions in Compliance and Accountability." Paper prepared for the panel on "Climate Change, Conflict and Peace" at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, March 19, 2016. Version of March 22, 2016.
Kirton, John J., and Julia Kulik. "Explaining G7/8 Effectiveness with Sanctions and Force." Paper prepared for the conference on "Strengthening Global Summitry: Accountability for Effectiveness and Legitimacy in the G8 and G20," National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, May 19, 2014. Version of May 25, 2014.
Kirton, John J., and Julia Kulik. "A Summit of Significant Success: G8 Governance at Camp David in May 2012" . English version of article published in Russian in the International Organizations Research Institute Journal 2012, no. 3, pp. 7-24. Published with permission. Full Russian text: PDF.
Kirton, John J., and Julia Kulik. "G8 Regional Security Governance through Sanctions and Force," International Organisations Research Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 89-114, 2014.
Kirton, John J., Julia Kulik and Caroline Bracht. "The Climate-Health Connection in Global Summitry." Paper prepared for the conference on Global Environmental Governance and the G7 at the Freie Universität Berlin, June 1, 2015. Draft of June 6, 2015.
Kirton, John J., Julia Kulik and Caroline Bracht. "Recent G8, G20 Inclusive Multilevel Food Governance," International Organisations Research Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 64-72, 2014.
Kirton, John, Julia Kulik and Caroline Bracht, with Jenilee Guebert (2013). "Connecting Climate Change and Health through Global Summitry in an Internationally Diffusing World." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 3. Version of March 31, 2013.
Kirton, John, Julia Kulik, Caroline Bracht and Jenilee Guebert (2014). "Connecting Climate Change and Health through Global Summitry." World Medical and Health Policy 6(1): 73-100. doi 10.1002/wmh3.83.
Kirton, John J., Marina Larionova and Paolo Savona, eds. Making Global Economic Governance Effective: Hard and Soft Law Institutions in a Crowded World. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010.
Kirton, John J. and Jenevieve Mannell. "The G8 and Global Health Governance." Paper prepared for a conference on Global Health Governance: Past Practice: Future Innovation, sponsored by the Centre for International Governance Innovation, the Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa, the G8 Research Group, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, and Rotary International, Ottawa and Waterloo, November 10-12, 2005.
Kirton, John, James Orbinski and Jenilee Guebert. "The Case for a Global Health Strategy for Canada." Paper prepared for the Strategic Policy Branch in the International Affairs Directorate of Health Canada, March 31, 2010.
Kirton, John J., and Victoria Panova. "Coming Together: Prospects for the G8 Evian Summit." Paper prepared for a conference on "Governing Globalization: Corporate, Public and G8 Governance," INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, May 27, 2003.
Kirton, John J., and Sarah Richardson, eds. The Halifax Summit, Sustainable Development, and International Institutional Reform. Ottawa: National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1995.
Kirton, John J., and Laura Sunderland. "The G8 and Global Education Governance." Paper prepared for an international workshop on "On the Road to Saint Petersburg: The G8 Role in Global Development," co-sponsored by the Expert Council of the Steering Committee for G8 Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2006, the State University - Higher School of Economics, and the G8 Research Group, Moscow, April 3, 2006.
Kirton, John J., and Laura Sunderland. "Russia's 2006 G8: Combining Continuity and Innovation for Summit Success." Italianieuropei, vol. 2, March/April 2006.
Kirton, John J., and Brittaney Warren. "A Fragile First Step? G7 and G20 Governance of Climate Change, the Environment, Health and Indigenous Peoples." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Hawaii, March 25, 2020 (cancelled because of COVID-19). Draft of April 5, 2020.
Kirton, John J., Brittaney Warren and Jessica Rapson. "Creating Compliance with G20 and G7 Climate Change Commitments through Global, Regional and Local Actors." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, April 7–10, 2021. Version of April 1, 2021.
Kobayashi, Tomohiko. The Japanese Perspective on the Toronto Economic Summit and the Uruguay Round. Bissell Paper No. 8. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.
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Kokotsis, Ella. "Governing Global Climate Change: Past Achievements, Future Prospects," International Organisations Research Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 43-63, 2014.
Kokotsis, Ella. "Explaining Compliance with G7/8 Sustainable Development Commitments, 1975-2005." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, March 22-25, 2006.
Kokotsis, Ella. "Explaining Compliance with G20 Commitments: The Democratic Institutionalist and Concert Equality Models Compared." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Honolulu, March 1-5, 2005.
Kokotsis, Ella. "Explaining G8 Effectiveness: The Democratic Institutionalist Model of Compliance with G8 Commitments." Paper prepared for the annual convention of the International Studies Association, Montreal, March 17-20, 2004.
Kokotsis, Ella. "Keeping Sustainable Development Commitments: The Recent G7 Record." In The Halifax Summit, Sustainable Development, and International Institutional Reform, edited by John Kirton and Sarah Richardson (Ottawa: National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1995), 117-133.
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Kulik, Julia. "Achieving Gender Equality through G7 and G20 Governance," Paper prepared for the 2016 pre-G7 summit conference on "The G7-United Nations Partnership to Meet Global Challenges," co-organized by the United Nations University Tokyo and the G7 Research Group, Tokyo, Japan, May 19, 2016. Draft of May 12, 2016.
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Larionova, Marina, ed. The European Union in the G8: Promoting Consensus and Concerted Actions for Global Public Goods. Farnham, Ashgate, 2012.
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