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G8 Research Group @ LSE/Oxford

The Oxford branch of the G8 Research Group was established in 2004/05. In 2006, it launched a research initiative on climate change and energy policies in the "G8 Outreach Five" countries, selected as the German presidency's top priorities for the 2007 G8 Heiligendamm Summit. The output was a compliance report that methodologically assessed the extent to which the G8 Outreach Five countries had abided by the commitments they made at the 2006 St. Petersburg Summit, in areas such as promoting renewable energy and clean technologies, promoting sustainable transport and obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. It was sent to over one hundred governments and media outlets, and presented at various conferences and seminars.

In 2007-08, the group built on this significant work by producing a similar compliance report based on the climate commitments outlined at the 2007 G8 Heiligendamm Summit. It was released ahead of the 2008 G8 Hokkaido Summit in Japan, in which climate change was again near the top of the agenda. The goal was to produce a comprehensive report for governments, media and the wider policy community that provides accessible information and critical analysis of the increasingly important policy process driven by the G8 Outreach Five countries on the issues of climate change, energy security and economic development.

See also the Civil Society and Expanded Dialogue Unit for more research and analysis on the Outreach Five.



The G8 and Climate Change since Heiligendamm: Final Compliance Report for the G8 and Outreach Five Countries (July 20, 2008)

Interpretive Guidelines (for the G8 and Climate Change since Heiligendamm compliance report), December 14, 2007

The G8 and Climate Change since Heiligendamm: Interim Compliance Report for the G8 and Outreach Five Countries, February 27, 2008

"Outreach 5" Country Assessment Report, 2007 Heiligendamm Summit, June 2007

"Outreach Five" Country Objectives Report, 2007 Heiligendamm Summit, June 7, 2007

"Governing Global Climate Change: St. Petersburg Interim Compliance Report for the 'G8 Plus Five' Countries," June 6, 2007: Executive SummaryFull Report (204 pages)

March 31, 2007 — Commitment Interpretive Guidelines 2006–07 released and available here.

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