Scholarly Publications and Papers
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Scholarly Publications and Papers

The Halifax Summit, Sustainable Development, and International Institutional Reform:
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Edited by John Kirton and Sarah Richardson


Introduction -- Sarah Richardson and John Kirton


  1. Post-Rio Sustainable Development and the Summit -- Maurice F. Strong
  2. Sustainable Development and Canada at the G7 Summit -- Pierre Marc Johnson and John Kirton

Setting the Stage: Canadian Government Perspectives

  1. Canada and the Halifax Summit -- Gordon Smith
  2. From Hamilton to Halifax -- Mel Cappe

The International Financial Institutions

  1. The International Monetary Fund -- Ved Gandhi
  2. The World Bank -- Len Good

Trade and Environment

  1. International Trade and the Environment: The WTO and the New Beginning -- Robert Page
  2. The World Trade Organization -- Richard Eglin

New International Institutions

  1. A Global Environment Organization: The Fourth Bretton Woods Pillar? -- Dan Esty
  2. UN Agencies and the OECD -- Jim MacNeill

International Perspectives on the Halifax Summit

  1. An American Perspective -- David Hale
  2. A German Perspective -- Rudolph Dolzer
  3. A Japanese Perspective -- Masao Kawai

Conclusion -- Sarah Richardson and John Kirton

Appendix A Keeping Sustainable Development Commitments -- Ella Kokostis

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