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G7/8 Digital Ministers Meetings
(formerly ICT Ministers)

March 14-15, 2024, Verona and Trento, Italy
G7 industry, tech and digital (see also G7 science and technology ministers)
Ministerial declaration, March 15, 2024
December 1, 2023
G7 digital and tech ministers, virtual
G7 Hiroshima AI Process: G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Statement
G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Statement on Operationalisation of Data Free Flow with Trust
Annex: Concept Paper on Establishing an Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) on Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) and Note on G7 Expectation
October 30, 2023
G7 Leaders' Statement on the Hiroshima AI Process
Hiroshima Process International Guiding Principles for Organizations Developing Advanced AI system
Hiroshima Process International Code of Conduct for Organizations Developing Advanced AI Systems
September 7, 2023
G7 digital and tech ministers, virtual: Statement
April 29-30, 2023
G7 digital and tech ministers, Takasaki, Gunma, Japan
Ministerial Declaration The G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Meeting, April 30, 2023
Annex 1: Priorities and Operationalisation of the DFFT, April 30, 2023
Annex 2: G7 Vision for future networks in the Beyond 5G/6G era, April 30, 2023
Annex 3: G7 Action Plan for Building a Secure and Resilient Network Infrastructure, April 30, 2023
Annex 4: G7 Action Plan for Open, Free, Global, Interoperable, Reliable, and Secure Internet, April 30, 2023
Annex 5: G7 Action Plan for promoting global interoperability between tools for trustworthy AI , April 30, 2023
May 10-11, 2022
G7 digital affairs ministers, hosted by Germany
Ministerial Declaration: G7 Digital Ministers' Meeting, May 11, 2022
Joint Declaration on Cyber Resilience of Digital Infrastructure in Response to the Russian War against Ukraine, May 10, 2022
December 17, 2021
UK G7 presidency publishes Roadmap to Reform for Electronic Transfer Records
November 30, 2021
UK G7 Presidency Statement, Digital and Tech
April 28, 2021, UK Virtual
G7 Digital and Technology Ministerial Declaration
Annex 1: Framework for G7 Collaboration on Digital Technical Standards
Annex 2: A G7 Roadmap for Cooperation on Data Free Flow with Trust
Annex 3: G7 Internet Safety Principles
Annex 4: Framework for G7 Collaboration on Electronic Transferable Records
Press release, April 28, 2021
News story, April 30, 2021
September 26-27, 2017, Turin
G7 ministers of industry and information and communications technologies
G7 ICT and Industry Ministers' Declaration: Making the Next Production Revolution Inclusive, Open and Secure, September 26
Annex 1: G7 Common Policy Approaches for SMEs' Competitiveness and Inclusiveness in the NPR, September 26
Annex 2: G7 Multistakeholder Exchange on Human Centric AI for Our Societies, September 26
Annex 3: G7 Actions for Enhancing Cybersecurity for Businesses, September 26
April 29-30, 2016, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
G7 ICT Ministers (official website)
G7 Joint Declaration by G7 ICT Ministers: Action Plan on implementing the Charter, April 30, 2016
Charter for the Digitally Conected World, April 30, 2016
Annex: G7 Opportunities for Collaboration, April 30, 2016

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024.

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