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Logo of the 2023 G7 Japanese Presidency

G7 Digital and Tech Track Annex 1:
Annex on G7 Vision for Operationalising DFFT and Its Priorities

Takasaki, Gunma, April 30, 2023

See: Ministerial Declaration The G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Meeting
Annex 2: G7 Vision for Future Networks in the Beyond 5G/6G Era
Annex 3: G7 Action Plan for Building a Secure and Resilient Network Infrastructure
Annex 4: G7 Action Plan for Open, Free, Global, Interoperable, Reliable, and Secure Internet
Annex 5: G7 Action Plan for promoting global interoperability between tools for trustworthy AI

  1. The vision and priorities under Annex 1 are built upon the principles affirmed in the Ministerial Declaration.

  2. We call on the IAP to bring together stakeholders and the broader multidisciplinary community of data governance experts from different backgrounds including the relevant data protection authorities to consider among other issues:

  3. We call on the IAP to pay particular attention to the following areas identified by the G7 based on the 2021 Roadmap for Cooperation on DFFT endorsed by G7 Leaders and the 2022 Action Plan for Promoting DFFT.

  4. In the process of developing the IAP, we consider that the attributes of the OECD and its existing work in the areas of data governance, privacy, DFFT, and digital economy make it well-suited to advance this international effort.

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Source: Official website of the 2023 G7 Digital and Tech Ministers Meeting, Japan

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