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Joint Declaration by the G7 Digital Ministers on Cyber Resilience of Digital Infrastructure in Response to the Russian War against Ukraine

May 10, 2022

We, the G7 Digital Ministers, joined by the Ukrainian Digital Minister, met to discuss the pressing issue of cyber resilience of digital infrastructure.

We are appalled by and condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia's unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law, including the UN Charter, and undermines international security and stability. We also condemn the devastating and horrific attacks affecting the Ukrainian population and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. We express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and express our deepest condolences to the victims of atrocities committed by Russian forces.

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has highlighted the reliance of critical activities in connected societies on digital infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure in particular, and related vulnerabilities. We underscore the importance of protecting the digital infrastructure of free societies against malicious interference and influence of authoritarian regimes. We appreciate the exchange with our Ukrainian colleague on cyber resilience of digital infrastructure and applaud Ukraine's achievements in maintaining functioning communication networks under the most difficult circumstances.

The G7, under the German Presidency, is addressing the wider issue of secure and resilient democracies as part of its' Stronger Together' priority pillar. Related topics are being covered in various tracks. The activities are closely coordinated and governed by mutual support.

We acknowledge that we must prioritize supporting the resilience of information, communications, and telecommunications infrastructure which reinforces the importance of access to the global Internet that undergirds business and access to information, including life-saving information. We are committed to increasing the cyber resilience of digital infrastructure, including by engaging with businesses and organizations across the economy, improving and sharing awareness of cyber threats, and expanding our coordinated cyber response in line with our existing cyber- and national security frameworks and existing cooperation initiatives. We are also committed to strengthening the multistakeholder model of Internet governance in line with democratic values.

As part of our coordinated action, we support the OECD's work on digital security and call for the swift implementation of related recommendations, in particular the OECD Council Recommendation on Digital Security of Critical Activities.

We also welcome the 2021 reports of the UN Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) and of the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) and note, in particular, the recommendations on the protection of critical infrastructure, information and communications technologies and the applicability of international law.

In line with the G7 Leaders' Statement from 24 March 2022, we are committed to continuing efforts to support Ukraine in defending its networks against cyber incidents.

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Source: Official website of the 2022 German G7 Presidency

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