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G7 Digital and Technology Track – Annex 2:
G7 Roadmap for Cooperation on Data Free Flow with Trust

G7 Digital and Technology Ministers, April 28, 2021

See also
Ministerial Declaration
Annex 1: Framework for G7 Collaboration on Digital Technical Standards
Annex 3: G7 Internet Safety Principles
Annex 4: Framework for G7 Collaboration on Electronic Transferable Records

Building on the 2019 G20 Osaka Leaders' Declaration, the 2019 G20 Ministerial Statement on Trade and Digital Economy, and the 2020 G20 Leaders' Riyadh Declaration, the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers have identified four areas for cooperation to facilitate data free flow with trust and drive benefits for our people, our businesses and our economies. We will do this while continuing to address challenges related to privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights, and security. We set out a Roadmap to deliver tangible progress on this agenda.


Graphic with parallel tracks on data localisation, regulatory cooperation, government access and data sharing approaches over the last three quarters of 2021

Key areas of cooperation

This Roadmap sets out the plan for joint action between the G7 in four cross-cutting areas:

  1. Data Localisation: The ability to move and protect data across borders is essential for economic growth and innovation. Data localisation can impact data flows, with possible consequences for businesses, particularly micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). We need further evidence and robust analysis of the economic and societal impact of data localisation measures across a globally distributed data ecosystem. To gather this, we will:
  2. Regulatory cooperation: Differences in domestic approaches can impact cross-border data flows, creating uncertainty (including legal uncertainty) for governments, businesses and individuals. The G7 Digital and Tech officials will promote work to identify commonalities in regulatory approaches to cross-border data transfers, as well as good regulatory practices and cooperation between nations. We will:
  3. Government Access to Data: There is a clear link between robust data protection, privacy and lawful access regimes, and the valid need for governments to access personal data in the private sector. We are committed to maintaining domestic data protection and privacy standards, reasonable principles underpinning lawful access regimes, as well as legal powers and arrangements that facilitate access across borders. We will engage with like-minded initiatives and groups on this, including to:
  4. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the value and need for like-minded states to find consensus on approaches to data sharing in priority sectors such as healthcare. The G7 is collaborating on interoperability and standards for health data as part of the Health Ministerial Track. We will work to meaningfully accelerate the development of mutually acceptable data sharing practices for a broader set of priority sectors. We will:

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Source: Official website of the 2021 UK G7 Presidency

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