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2005 G8 Pre-Summit Conference

Development, Sustainability and Finance:
The Role of the G8 and the Gleneagles Summit

University of Glasgow
June 29-30, 2005

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SpeakersAbstracts and PapersRésumés des articles (en français).

DAY 1:


Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Malcolm McLeod, Vice-Principal (Advancement), University of Glasglow

Sir Muir Russell, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Glasgow
Lena Wilson
, Senior Director of Customer Relations, Scottish Enterprise
John J. Kirton, G8 Research Group, University of Toronto

Can G8 Scotland Change the World?
Chair: Sir Muir Russell, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Glasgow
Jack McConnell
, First Minister of Scotland [Presentation]

The G8's Performance: Past, Present and Future
How well has the G8 performed in the past in meeting the global challenges related to North-South development and environmental sustainability? What key challenges does it face here at present and in the years ahead? How and how well is it going about addressing them, and how should it proceed? Is the G8 as currently configured well designed to meet these challenges? Would a revised process and format, expanded participation or a leaders-level meeting of the G20 help?

Chair: John J. Kirton, G8 Research Group, University of Toronto

“The Present: What Are the Challenges and British Plans for Gleneagles?”
Martin Donnelly
, Director General Economic, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the United Kingdom's G8 Sous-Sherpa

“The Past: Has the G8 Met Its Objectives” [Abstract] [Résumé d'article]
Sir Nicholas Bayne, London School of Economics and Political Science

The Future: From G8 to L20?"
Andrew F. Cooper
, Centre for International Governance Innovation
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Global Perspectives on the G8's Role in Development and Sustainability
If the G8 is to serve as a valuable international institutional instrument for meeting global development and sustainability needs, each of its current members must see it as way to meet their national as well as global goals. What approach do the major members from North America, Europe and Asia take to the G8 summit and system, in general and in regard to sustainable development in particular? What role will and should be played by the United States as the past host and by Russia as the future host?

Chair: Lynn Robertson, Centre for Co-operation with Non-Members, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Sustainable Development: A United States Perspective [Abstract] [Résumé d'article]
Robert C. Fauver, Former G7 Sherpa and Trade Undersecretary

Olivier Giscard d Estaing, INSEAD
See Summary [HTML] [PDF]

Victoria Panova, Moscow State University of International Relations

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Keynote Address: “Africa and the G8: Political Aspects
Chair: Malcolm McLeod, Vice-Principal (Advancement), University of Glasgow)

Ade Adefuye, Special Advisor (Political Affairs), Commonwealth Secretariat
Paper [HTML] [PDF]

The G8, Africa and the Millennium Development Goals
At the 2002 Canadian-hosted Kananaskis Summit, the G8 offered an Africa Action Plan in response to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development. Furthermore, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals will require quick and decisive action from G8 members and others if they are to be met by their target date. Have G8 members and their African partners complied with their commitments? What has Tony Blair’s Commission for Africa accomplished? What should the G8 and its African partners do now to chart new directions and ensure delivery, at the Gleneagles Summit and beyond?

Chair: Malcolm McLeod, Vice-Principal (Advancement), University of Glasgow

The G8 and Africa from Kananaskis through Sea Island to Gleneagles and Beyond [Abstract]
Princeton N. Lyman, Council on Foreign Relations

The Commission for Africa: Accomplishments and Unfinished Business
Myles Wickstead, Head of Secretariat, Commission for Africa

From New York 2000 to Gleneagles 2005 to New York 2005
Guido Schmidt-Traub, Policy Advisor, Millennium Project

The Dollar and World Development: A Conflict to Be Solved
Paolo Savona, LUISS University, Rome
[Abstract] [Résumé d'article]
Paper: [HTML] [PDF] (Note: Professor Savona was unable to attend the conference.)
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DAY 2:


Financing Sustainable Development
Meeting the formidable global development and sustainability challenges will require the mobilization of resources on a scale well beyond internationally co-operative action taken in the past. What can and should the G8 do to stimulate such resource transfers both through official sources – aid and debt relief – and through the private sector and remittances by individuals?

Chair: Natasha Gerson, Scottish Trades Union Council

Official Development Assistance
Olivier Charnoz
, Agence française du développement

Aid and Debt Relief
Duncan Green
, Head of Research, Oxfam
See paper [PDF] [PowerPoint]

African Finance and Lack of Development [Abstract] [Résumé d'article] Full paper: [PDF]
George M. von Furstenberg
, Indiana University

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Trade: Doing Doha for Development
With the July 2004 framework for the Doha Development Agenda negotiations now in place, WTO members face the task of defining in detail and delivering in a timely fashion a deal that makes multilateral trade liberalization work directly and decisively for development. How well does the existing Doha framework point in this direction? What needs to be done to produce a deal that delivers sustainable development? What role can and should the G8 play, through unilateral, bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral action?

Chair: The Honourable Roy MacLaren, former Canadian Minister for International Trade

A Global Perspective on the Multilateral System
Sylvia Ostry
, University of Toronto

A European Perspective
Denis Redonnet
, Deputy Head of the Cabinet of the European Trade Commissioner

A Development Perspective [Abstract] Full paper: [HTML] [PDF]
Sheila Page
, Overseas Development Institute

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Keynote Address: “Climate Change Requires an Investment Regime”
Chair: John J. Kirton, G8 Research Group, University of Toronto

Speaker: Richard Gledhill, Price Waterhouse Coopers
Climate Change: Beyond Kyoto
With Russia’s ratification and consequent coming into force of the Kyoto Protocol, the international community now confronts the challenge of designing and implementing a much more far-reaching regime to control climate change “beyond Kyoto.” What needs to be done to effectively implement and broaden commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to design and deliver a regime that engages all countries, including those not covered by Kyoto obligations? What is the G8’s role in this task?

Chair: Anton Muscatelli, Vice-Principal Professor, University of Glasgow

The British Government Approach
Dagmar Droogsma, UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(replacing Henry Derwent, G8 Representative on Climate Change)

Private Sector Perspectives
Michael Grubb, Imperial College London and the Carbon Trust

The American Perspective
Frank E. Loy, Former U.S. Under Secretary of State

Problems and Prospects for Russia and the Kyoto Protocol
Nikita Glazovsky
, International Geographic Union, Russian Federation

Russia: Beyond Kyoto
Evgeny Utkin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation

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Conclusions: To Gleneagles and Beyond

Chair: Sir Nicholas Bayne, London School of Economics and Political Science

John J. Kirton
, Director, G8 Research Group [Abstract] [Résumé d'article] Full paper: [PDF]
Shinichiro Uda, G8 Research Group, London School of Economics and Political Science International Social Economic Forum in Japan, and Globalization Strategy Study Group
Heidi K. Ullrich, G8 Research Group, Consumers International, and London School of Economics and Political Science
Kimon Valaskakis, Global Governance Group
Summary: [HTML] [PDF]
Mikhail Savostiyanov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation
Full paper

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