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2005 G8 Pre-Summit Conference

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The video of this conference will be available for viewing in early July 2005.

ProgramSpeakersAbstractsRésumés des articles (en français)

The Role of the G8 and the Gleneagles Summit

Olivier Giscard d’Estaing
Chairman of the European League for Economic Co-operation
and chairman of the INSEAD Foundation (Fontainebleau)

[PDF Version]

Global perspectives on the G8’s role in development and sustainability

G8 summits and system in general

Initially, in Rambouillet (1975), such meeting was informal, without prepared agendas, and without spectacular decisions. The Chiefs of State had a new and outstanding opportunity to meet and to discuss about the main world economic and political issues.

The second step that has developed since is now that the host Chief of State proposes an agenda, well ahead of time, allowing detailed preparations by each government. As far as I can see it, it is not followed by collective decisions nor clear plans of action.

However the recent decision made by the Ministers of Finance of the 8 countries relieving by $40 billions the debt of the poorest countries give the hope that decisions can be made at that level.

To make the G8 summit meetings more effective, I wish to present two recommendations:

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G8 and sustainable development

I would suggest three lines of action:

My conclusion is a wish: at a time of world turbulances and uncertainties, when there is a growing feeling of human unsecurity, but also of interdependance and solidarity, the governments are facing a historical responsibility to act, to reassure the populations and to show the ways to overcome the challenges of our time.

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