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G7/8 Official-Level Meetings and Documents

See also: G7/8 Ministerial Meetings & Documents

Sherpa Meetings
4–5 times a year, 1975–
Political Directors
Irregular, 1999–
Other G7/8 Bodies and Meetings
Accountability Working Group, 2010–
Chemical Action Task Force, 1990–1991 (broader than G7/G8)
Counter-Terrorism Action Group, est. 2002
Digital Opportunities Task Force (Dot Force), est. 2000
DOT Force Report Card: Digital Opportunities for All [PDF], June 2002
Announcement, November 15, 2000
Summary, November 30, 2000
Expert Group on Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa, est. 1985
Expert Group to G8 Ministers and Chief Advisors of Science and Technology (Carnegie Group), est. 1996
Report, Rome, October 17, 1997
Financial Action Task Force, 1989– (broader than G7/G8)
Food Security Working Group
Forum for the Future, est. 2004
First meeting December 10-11, 2004, Rabat, Morocco
Chair's Statement [HTML] [PDF]
November 11-12, 2005, Manama, Bahrain
G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group
Statement on a Nuclear Safety and Security Framework for Ukraine, March 15, 2022
G8 Nonproliferation Experts Group, est. 1993
G8 Renewable Energy Task Force, est. 2000
Report, July 17, 2001
Annexes, July 17, 2001
Gender Equality Advisory Council, established 2018
Health Experts Group
Heiligendamm Process, est. 2007 until 2008
International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Group, est. 1977
International Energy Technology Group, est. 1979
Ise-Shima Cyber Group (ISCG), established at the 2016 Ise-Shima Summit
First meeeting, October 14, 2016
G8 Parliamentarians Group, 2002–
List of meetings
Ministerial Meeting on Countering the World Drug Problem
Nuclear Safety and Security Working Group Meeting
Permanent Working Group on Assistance to Russia, est. 1990
Senior Experts' Group on Transnational Organized Crime (Lyon Group), 1995–
Senior Group on weapons of mass destruction, est. 2004
Press conference, September 10, 2004
Status Report on the Global Partnership Against Weapons of Mass Destruction, June 15, 2004
G7 Ukraine Support Group, est. 2015
G7/8-inspired Institutions
Brazil Pilot Program on Tropical Forests, est. 1990
Commission for Africa, est. 2004
May 4, 2004, London [Outcome] [Press Conference]
October 7–8, 2004, Addis Ababa:
Consultation Document, November 11, 2004 [English] [Français]
March 11, 2005, London [Declaration] [Final Report] [Déclaration en français] [Sommaire et première section en français]
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 1991–
G7 Information Network for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, est. 1995
G8 auditors, 2002
G8 Government Online Project, est. 1995
G20, est. 1999
Gleneagles Dialogue, est. 2005
G24, est. 1989
GEF Working Group of Experts, est. 1992
Global Health Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, est. 2001
International Ethics Committee on AIDS, est. 1987
London Suppliers' Group on Nuclear Materials
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), est. 1987
Science Academies of the G8 plus Brazil, China, India and South Africa
Statement on Energy Sustainability and Security, June 14, 2006
Statement on Avian Influenza and Infectious Diseases, June 14, 2006
Support Implementation Group (SIG), 1993-97
Other Related Meetings
OECD Council Meetings at Ministerial Level: annual
Ambassador Michael Kergin speaks about the G8 at ACSUS, November 16, 2001

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