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Joint Science Academies' Statement:
Avian Influenza and Infectious Diseases
June 14, 2006, Moscow

• See also Joint Science Academies' G8 Statement on Energy Sustainability and Security

Download Statement with Recommendations here.

The national science academies of the G8 nations and Brazil, China, India and South Africa have signed a statement on avian influenza and infectious diseases.

The statement stresses that the world faces the possibility of a new human influenza pandemic caused by the spread of avian influenza. All countries of the world should cooperate to address the present issues surrounding avian influenza, as well as continuing with long term global strategies to address other major and emerging infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The statement calls on world leaders, particularly those meeting at the G8 Summit in St Petersburg in July 2006, to implement the following recommendations.

Source: The Royal Society

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