The financial problems which began in Asia last year have exposed weaknesses
emerging market countries and in the international financial system.
At our meeting in Washington on 3 October, we, the
Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors of the G7 countries, agreed on the importance of intensified
co-operation among
us in meeting the challenges of the current situation and on the need to work
quickly on a wide range of reforms to strengthen the international financial
system. Today
our Leaders announced agreement on a number of follow up steps to this end
which we will
be implementing as rapidly as possible.
Meeting the Challenges of the Current Situation
We welcome the positive developments since our meeting on 3 October. As we said
that meeting, we reaffirm our commitment to create or sustain the conditions
for strong,
domestic demand-led growth and financial stability in each of our economies.
authorities will continue to be vigilant in the light of the shift in the
balance of risks
on a global basis. There has also been important progress in a number of other
we welcome the positive steps that have been taken towards the
implementation of the
IMF Quota increase and the New Arrangements to Borrow. We call for these to be
as soon as possible. Together they will provide additional resources of $90
billion for
the IMF which should be used to ensure the stability of the international
in consultation with our partners, we further commit ourselves to supplement
the Fund's
resources where necessary through the activation of the New Arrangements to
Borrow and the
General Arrangements to Borrow;
in Europe, it will be necessary to push forward with structural reforms and,
continental Europe, prepare for the euro, and reduce unemployment to sustain
conducive to robust domestic demand;
in Japan, legislation has now been passed on the banking sector, a major
step forward
in the process of strengthening the financial system. The Japanese authorities
have made
clear their intention that the essential swift and effective action to complete
process, including the recapitalisation of banks, with appropriate conditions,
will be
taken as a matter of urgency. This action, together with a sustained boost to
demand, is a key precondition for the restoration of market confidence and
growth not just
in Japan but in the whole Asian region;
in the US, it will be important to continue to maintain sound policies which
solid growth and low inflation;
the policy commitments by the Government of Brazil, which we will work with
international community to support;
the progress made in many countries in Asia toward establishing the
foundation for
in response to the current exceptional circumstances in the international
markets, we are agreed that strengthened arrangements for dealing with
contagion are
the central element would be the establishment of an enhanced IMF
Facility which would
provide a contingent short-term line of credit for countries pursuing
strong IMF approved
policies. This facility could be drawn upon in times of need and would
entail appropriate
interest rates along with shorter maturities;
the facility would be accompanied by appropriate private sector
in appropriate circumstances the facility could be complemented, in
individual cases, by
bilateral contingent financing activated alongside the IMF facility. It
would remain up to
individual G7 governments and other governments concerned to decide in each
case whether
to provide such bilateral financing;
we also welcome the new World Bank emergency facility, to provide additional
funding on
special terms to the most vulnerable groups in society and for restructuring
the financial
sector. We welcome the progress the World Bank has made in the development of
facility. We also support the more active use of loan guarantees to encourage
private sector involvement in emerging market financing.
Reforms to the International Financial System
Following detailed discussions, including with colleagues from other industrial
emerging market economies, we, the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
of the G7
countries, are now agreed on the following specific reforms to strengthen the
international financial system. We have agreed to carry these forward through
our own
actions and in the appropriate international financial institutions and forums.
reforms are designed to: increase the transparency and openness of the
financial system; identify and disseminate international principles, standards
and codes
of best practice; strengthen incentives to meet these international standards;
strengthen official assistance to help developing countries reinforce their
economic and
financial infrastructures. They also include policies and processes to ensure
stability and improve the surveillance of the international financial system.
they aim at reforming the International Financial Institutions, such as the
IMF, while
deepening cooperation among industrialised and developing countries.
Crisis Prevention
Transparency and policy-making procedures
We agree on the need for greater transparency and openness in the financial
of individual countries, of financial and corporate institutions, and of the
Financial Institutions. The cornerstone for this is stronger and more
internationally agreed principles, standards and Codes of best practice, as
well as the
extension of international surveillance of their implementation.
We agree in the public sector to deliver greater transparency in economic
and in disclosure of economic statistics and key indicators. We therefore
commit ourselves
comply with the IMF's Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency;
comply with an internationally agreed Code of Conduct on Monetary and Financial
Policy. We
urge the IMF quickly to complete its work on this Code by the 1999 Spring
disseminate regular and timely information about the aggregate foreign
liquidity position of our public sectors and to work cooperatively to improve
compilation and dissemination of similar information in relation to financial
corporate sectors.
support efforts underway in the IMF to reach decisions by the end of 1998 on
steps to
strengthen the SDDS, including the provision of more comprehensive information
on reserves
and improving statistics on external debt and a country's international
Similar standards of transparency are required in the private sector. We
call upon:
the OECD, in consultation with the World Bank and other regulatory bodies,
quickly to
complete its work on a Code of principles of sound corporate governance and
structure by
the May 1999 Ministerial;
the IASC to finalise by early 1999 a proposal for a full range of
agreed accounting standards. IOSCO, IAIS, and the Basle Committee should
complete a timely
review of these standards;
the appropriate committees headquartered in the BIS, in conjunction with
market countries, national authorities, and other relevant private and public
bodies, to examine the question of appropriate transparency and disclosure
standards for
private sector financial institutions involved in international capital flows,
such as
investment banks, hedge funds and other institutional investors.
We commit ourselves to endeavour to ensure that private sector institutions
in our
countries comply with these principles, standards and codes of best practice.
We call upon:
all countries which participate in global capital markets similarly to
commit to comply
with these internationally agreed codes and standards;
the IMF to monitor, in close co-operation with the standard-setting bodies,
implementation of these codes and standards as part of its regular surveillance
Article IV;
the IMF to publish in a timely and systematic way the results of its
surveillance of
the degree to which each of its member countries meets internationally
recognised codes
and standards of transparency and disclosure in the form of a Transparency
the Fund, World Bank, OECD and the international regulatory and supervisory
organisations to work closely together to provide advice and, where necessary,
to countries to help them meet these internationally agreed codes and
Stability of the International Financial System
We agree that better processes are needed for monitoring and promoting
stability in the
international financial system and for the International Financial
Institutions, working
closely with the international supervisory and regulatory bodies, to conduct
of national financial sectors and their regulatory and supervisory regimes with
relevant information accessible to them.
We agree therefore that we will:
support the establishment of a process for strengthened financial sector
using national and international regulatory and supervisory expertise,
including through a
process of peer review, and the IMF's regular surveillance of its member
countries under
Article IV;
to this end bring together the key international institutions and key
authorities involved in financial sector stability better to co-operate and to
their activities in the management and development of policies to foster
stability and
reduce systemic risk in the international financial system and to exchange
more systematically on risks in the international financial system.
At our meeting on 3 October we asked Dr Tietmeyer to consult the relevant
bodies on these reforms and we look forward to his conclusions.
We call upon other countries which participate in the global capital market
to give
their support to the establishment and operation of the process.
We commit ourselves to strengthen, in our own countries, the regulatory
focus on risk
management systems and prudential standards in financial sector institutions;
particular, examining the implications arising from the operation of leveraged
international financial organizations including hedge funds and offshore
Appropriate means should be sought to encourage off-shore centres to comply
internationally agreed standard. We call upon other countries which participate
in the
global capital markets to take similar action.
In addition, as part of the process of developing better ways to respond to
crises, we
call upon :
the private sector to facilitate "collective action clauses" for more
orderly workout arrangements, and we will consider the use of such clauses in
our own
sovereign and quasi-sovereign bond issues;
the World Bank in cooperation with the IMF and other multilateral
development banks
to work with their members to put in place effective insolvency and
the IMF to move ahead, under carefully designed conditions and on a case
by case
basis, with its recently reaffirmed policy of lending into arrears. We will
instruct our
Executive Directors to monitor application of this policy carefully in the
the private sector to build upon its experience with some emerging market
in developing market-based contingent financing mechanisms, the conditions of
which might
provide either greater payments flexibility or the assurance of new financing
in the event
of adverse market developments. The private sector also needs to be involved
in crisis management and resolution.
We recognise that the opening of capital markets in emerging economies must
be carried
out in a careful and well sequenced manner if countries are to benefit from
integration into the global economy. In particular, financial sectors and
regulatory and
supervisory regimes must be robust and adequate to deal with risk. The
financial institutions should play a constructive role in the process of
orderly opening
of the capital account.
We agree that more attention must be given in times of crisis to the effect
of economic
adjustment on the most vulnerable groups in society. We therefore call upon the
World Bank
to develop as a matter of urgency general principles of good practice in social
policy, in
consultation with other relevant institutions. These should be drawn upon in
adjustment programmes in response to crises.
IMF Reforms
As our Executive Directors at the IMF have outlined, we have agreed to support
a broader
range of reforms to improve the effectiveness of the IMF including transparency
accountability of the IMF, changes in lending policies, terms of lending and
In particular, we call upon:
all IFIs to adopt a presumption in favour of release of information, except
where this
might compromise confidentiality;
the IMF to develop a formal mechanism for systematic evaluation, involving
external input,
of the effectiveness of its operations, programmes, policies and procedures.
Next Steps
We agree to take immediately the actions to which we have committed ourselves.
measures will strengthen the fundamentals of the international financial system
and assist
crisis-affected countries to find a route out of their current difficulties.
Moreover, we need to widen our efforts to strengthen the international
financial system.
Our aim is to create an international financial system for the twenty first
century that
captures the full benefits of global markets and capital flows, minimizes the
risk of
disruption, and better protects the most vulnerable while promoting the
monetary stability which is an element of a stable international financial
system. We will
initiate further work on a number of other important areas to identify
additional concrete
steps to strengthen the international financial architecture. These include:
examining, in addition to the measures already described, the scope for
prudential regulation in industrial countries to encourage sound analysis and
weighing of risks and rewards, including consideration of appropriate
transparency and
disclosure standards for all financial market participants;
further strengthening prudential regulation and financial systems in
emerging markets by
examining the scope for measures to increase the resilience of financial
systems and to
promote the adoption of international standards and best practice, for example
maximising market disciplines and other legal and regulatory means to motivate
to adopt and enforce international standards and practices;
consideration of the elements necessary for the maintenance of sustainable
exchange rate
regimes in emerging markets, including consistent macroeconomic policies that
stability in individual countries and in the system as a whole;
developing new ways to respond to crises, by exploring the possibilities of
new structures
for official finance the conditions of which would reflect better the evolution
of modern
markets, and by examining new procedures for coordination of the relevant
bodies and national authorities and for greater participation by the private
sector in
crisis containment and crisis resolution, including through the use of
financing techniques;
assessing proposals for strengthening the IMF, so as to improve its
programmes and
procedures in crisis prevention and resolution; and assessing proposals for
the Interim and Development Committees of the IMF and World Bank;
minimising the human cost of financial crises and encouraging the adoption
of policies
that better protect the most vulnerable in society.
The reform of the international financial system is in the interest of all
and all need to be involved in the process. We therefore commit ourselves to
widely throughout the international community, particularly with emerging
market and other
industrial countries, to build a broad consensus in support of this
declaration, and to
encourage others to take similar action. We will therefore:
ask the relevant international institutions and organisations to carry
forward the
proposals above and report back to us by the time of the Spring Meetings;
discuss these issues in other appropriate international fora, including the
We will meet as necessary to monitor progress as envisaged at our meeting in
We will report to G7 Heads before their meeting in Cologne on:
the effect of the immediate action taken in restoring stability to the
financial system;
progress in implementing the reforms to the system to improve transparency
and prevent
crises on which we are agreed and which are set out above;
our proposals for action in the areas for further work set out above.
Source: HM Treasury web site, United Kingdom
This Information System is provided by the University of Toronto Libraries and the G7 Research Group at the University of Toronto.
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August 15, 2024.