G7 Leaders have reviewed recent developments in the world economy. We welcome
the steps our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors have announced today
to address both the
immediate problems and longer term weaknesses in the international financial
particularly in the light of their impact on the poor and the most vulnerable.
Immediate Measures
We welcome the significant steps taken over recent weeks to strengthen
confidence in the
world economy, including:
the progress made towards
agreeing the IMF Quota increase
and the New Arrangements to
Borrow, which together will
provide additional resources to
the IMF of $90 billion;
the commitment of substantial
resources by the Government of
Japan to strengthen the financial
system. The swift and effective
use of public money, with
appropriate conditions, together
with a sustained boost to
domestic demand, is a key
precondition for the restoration of
market confidence and growth
not just in Japan but in the whole
Asian region;
the reduction in interest rates in
the US, Japan, Canada, the UK,
Italy and several other European
countries, which will help maintain
strong growth without jeopardising
our continuing commitment to low
the policy commitments by the
Government of Brazil, which we
will work with the international
community to support;
the progress made in many
countries in Asia toward
establishing the foundation for
These developments have
contributed to some
improvement in market
conditions, though we still face
serious challenges which will take
time to resolve. We therefore
call on our Finance Ministers,
working together with their central
bank colleagues, to strengthen
further their cooperation to
promote strong and steady
growth with low inflation in our
In view of the exceptional
pressures in the international
financial markets, we welcome
our Finance Ministers and
Central Bank Governors
proposals for a set of financing
arrangements to ward off
destabilising market contagion,
establishing an enhanced IMF
facility to provide a
precautionary line of credit that
could be drawn on if needed by
countries pursuing strong IMF
approved policies, accompanied
as appropriate by bilateral
finance, on a case by case
basis, and with appropriate
private sector involvement;
the recent agreement to establish
a new World Bank emergency
facility, which will provide at
times of crisis vital support for
the most vulnerable groups and
support for critically needed
financial sector restructuring and
the increased use of financing
tools to catalyse private flows.
This should significantly
strengthen the international
financial system, help to reduce
the risk that this crisis could
intensify, and promote the
prospect of the earliest possible
return to growth in emerging
Long-Term Architecture
However, beyond these
short-term steps we also agree
that further reforms are now
required to create a strengthened
financial architecture for the
global market-place of the next
millennium that captures the full
benefits of international capital
flows and global markets,
minimises the risk of disruption,
and better protects the most
At the Birmingham Summit we
asked our Finance Ministers and
Central Bank Governors to make
recommendations to help
strengthen the international
financial system. They have
worked intensively with key
emerging markets, other
industrialised nations and the
relevant international
organisations to put in place the
building blocks of this new
architecture. We have now
reached agreement on a number
of their recommendations:
strong global action to promote
greater openness in the financial
operations of individual
countries, of financial and
corporate institutions and of the
international financial institutions,
including through internationally
agreed codes of good practice to
increase the transparency of
governments fiscal and
monetary policy, and to
strengthen corporate
the need to strengthen the global
financial system by enhancing
the surveillance of national
financial and regulatory
systems, with better cooperation
among national authorities and
key international financial and
regulatory institutions;
the importance of an orderly and
progressive approach to capital
account liberalisation;
the importance of developing and
implementing measures to
ensure the orderly and
cooperative resolution of future
crises, in particular mechanisms
to involve the private sector;
the need for general principles of
good practice in social policy, to
protect the most vulnerable
groups in society. These should
be drawn upon in developing
adjustment programmes in
response to crises.
We welcome our Finance
Ministers and Central Bank
Governors detailed proposals in
these areas, published today,
and agree they should be
implemented promptly.
But we must do more to build
a modern framework for the
global markets of the 21st
century and to limit the swings of
boom and bust that destroy hope
and diminish wealth. We
therefore call upon our Finance
Ministers and Central Bank
Governors to extend the reach of
their work to pursue further
proposals to strengthen the
international financial system,
the scope for strengthened
prudential regulation of financial
institutions in industrial countries
to promote safe and sustainable
capital flows, encouraging sound
analysis and better risk
assessment. Examination of the
implications of operations of
highly leveraged and offshore
institutions, including with a view
to encouraging offshore centres
to comply with internationally
agreed standards;
strengthening financial systems
in emerging markets and better
ways to motivate countries to
adopt and enforce international
establishing a process for
surveillance of the international
financial system that draws upon
national and international
regulatory and supervisory
experts and brings together the
key institutions and authorities to
improve cooperation;
maintaining sustainable exchange
rate regimes in emerging markets
backed by macroeconomic
policies that promote stability;
developing new ways to prevent
and respond to crises, including
new forms of official finance and
improved methods to promote a
greater role for the private sector
in containing and resolving
encouraging the adoption of
policies that better protect the
most vulnerable, minimising the
human cost of financial crises;
assessing proposals for
strengthening the IMF and
strengthening the Interim and
Development Committees of the
IMF and World Bank.
Open markets will play a key
role in restoring and sustaining
growth. We therefore renew our
commitment, made at the
Birmingham Summit, for all
countries to open their markets
further, resist protectionism and
to continue liberalisation within
the framework of the WTO.
We remain committed to
keeping these issues under
constant review. We have asked
our Finance Ministers and Central
Bank Governors to consult with
other key countries, including
emerging market economies, and
to work up detailed proposals in
each of these areas. We look
forward to agreeing these at our
meeting in Köln next year.
Source: 10 Downing Street,
United Kingdom
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August 15, 2024.