Further dates will be listed when they are available.
June 1 - 3, 2003
Evian-les-Bains Summit
May 22 - 23, 2003
G8 Foreign Ministers Meeting, Paris
Summary of the G8 Presidency [HTML English] [HTML French]
May 16-17
G8 Finance Ministers' meeting, Deauville, France
Welcome from Francis Mer, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry [English] [French]
Communiqué [English][French]
G8 Contact Group on Famine Prevention in Africa, New York
Public Statement [HTML English] [HTML French]
March 24-26, 2003
G8 Conference on the Portection of Critical Infrastructures, Paris
Press Statement [HTML English] [HTML French]
March 7, 2003
Meeting of the G8 aid agencies on NEPAD. Press conference given by the Minister Delegate for Cooperation and Francophony, Pierre-Andr� Wiltzer, Paris
[HTML English]
[HTML French]
March 5, 2003
G8 meeting on food security, New York
Speech by M. Pierre-André Wiltzer, Minister Delegate for Cooperation and Francophony
[HTML English]
[HTML French]
February 28, 2003
Statement by the French and Swiss Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the G8 summit in Evian, Paris
[HTML English]
[HTML French]