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The Japanese Perspective on the
Toronto Economic Summit and the Uruguay Round

Ambassador Tomohiko Kobayashi
Special Economic Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan

Bissell Paper Number Eight
Centre for International Studies
University of Toronto
May 1988

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1. Gotlieb, Allan Canada and the Economic Summits: Power and Responsibility BISSELL PAPER Number 1, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1987 (Revised version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, November 19, 1987).

2. McMillan, Charles Comparing Canadian and Japanese Approaches to the Seven PowerSummit BISSELL PAPER Number 2, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Unedited text of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, January 18, 1988).

3. Ostry, Sylvia Summitry: The Medium and the Message BISSELL PAPER Number 3, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, February 11, 1988)

4. Armstrong, Lord Robert. Economic Summits: A British Perspective, BISSELL PAPER Number 4, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, March 2, 1988).

5. Lamy, Pascal The Economic Summit and the European Community, BISSELL PAPER Number 5, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, February 29, 1988).

6. Dornbusch, Rudiger World Economic Problems for the Summit: Co-ordination, Debt and the Exchange Rate System, BISSELL PAPER Number 6, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, April 12, 1988).

7. Whitehead, John C. Towards a Stronger International Economy, BISSELL PAPER Number 7, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, April 21. 1988).

Additional copies of these papers may be obtained from: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario MSS 1H8 Telephone: (416) 978-3350/6498 Price: $5.00 each prepaid

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