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Coming of Age: The European Community and The Economic Summit

Susan Hainsworth

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1Kirton, J.J., "The Significance of the Seven Power Summits"in P. Hajnal (ed.),The Seven Power Summits: Documents, 1975-1979. (New York,forthcoming)

2H. Kissinger, cited in C. Merlini (ed.), "A Fall After the Rise? The Political Options for Europe"in Economic Summits and Western Decision making (London: 1984) p. 198.

3Watt, D. Next Steps for Summitry. (New York: 1984)

4G. Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg" in

5Ibid., p. 4.

6R. Putnam and N. Bayne. Hanging Together (Cambridge:1987)p. 14.

7The European Council was officially created at the EC's Paris Summit (910 December 1974) See Bulletin:EC 121974. It began its activities at Dublin in March 1975.

8S. Bulmer and W. Wessels. The European Council: Decision-making in European Politics. (London:1987) p. 9.

9R. Putnam and N. Bayne, Hanging Together (Cambridge, Mass.:1987)p. 145.

10Kirton, J.J. Contemporary Concert Diplomacy: The Seven Power Summit and the Management of International Order. Paper Delivered to the International Studies

Association, April 1989. p. 3.


12for a negative and dissenting view regarding the effectiveness,credibility and legitimacy of the Seven-Power Summit, see World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), World Economic Summits: The Role of Representative Groups in the Governance of the World Economy.

13Kirton in Hajnal, The Seven Power Summits: Documents 1975-1989.p. 2. *These allied institutions of the seven power summit include the Group of Five Finance Minister (Expanded to the Group of Seven or G7 in 1986), the Trade Ministers' Quadrilateral; operating below the ministerial level, the Group of Seven Finance deputies, and seven power groups at lower levels to operate summit-created regimes in specific issue-areas, such as airline hijacking, money-laundering and international narcotics.

14for federalist literature on Western European integration, see writings of Albertini, Spinelli and J. Pinder.

15for intergovernmental/ 'billiard ball' theories of international interaction, see Bull, Morganthau, Hoffmann.

16 Information and ideas regarding the 'parallel' (or cooperative federalist) theoretical perspective for the analysis of EC system growth were gleaned from lectures given by Dr. W. Wessels at the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium Autumn 1988.

17Canada acceded at the Puerto Rican Summit the following year,at the invitation of the United States.

18Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg", p.6.

19Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 150.

20Final Communiqué of the 1975 Rambouillet Summit, cited in New York Times, November 18 1975, p. 18.

21Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg", p.9.

22G. Bonvicini and W. Wessels. "The European Community and the Seven" in C. Merlini (ed.)p. 171.

23Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together. p. 151.

24Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 174

25Bulletin EC: 6 1976.

26Final Communiqué of the 1976 Puerto Rico Summit, cited in U.S.Government Department of State Bulletin, July 26, 1976.

27Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 175.

28Official Journal: C 93 1841977.

29Bulletin EC:51977, p. 28

30Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven" p. 171.

31Ibid., p. 171.

32The Economist, 7 May 1977, p. 58.

33Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 49.

34Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 177.

35Bulletin EC: 61977.


37Bulletin EC: 7/81978.

38Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg", p.19

39Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 86.

40Bulletin EC: 7/81978.

41Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg", p.20.

42David Watt. Next Steps for Summitry (New York: 1984)p. 33

43The Times, 30 June 1978.

44Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 123.

45Ibid., p. 124.

46Ibid. p. 123.

47Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg", p.23.

48Ibid., p. 25.

49Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together,p. 130.

50Ibid., p. 101.

51Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg" p.26.

52Ibid., p. 27.

53Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 165.

54Ibid., p. 135.

55Ibid., p. 136.

56Ibid., p. 136

57Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg" p.32.

58Ibid., p. 33.

59Ibid., p. 33

60Ibid., p. 34.

61Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, , p. 191.

62Ibid., p. 189.

63Ibid., p. 186.

64Ibid., p. 186.

65The Economist, 12 June 1984, p. 25

66Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 190.

67Ibid., p. 187.

68Ibid., p. 187.

69Ibid., p. 190.

70Ibid., p. 199.

71Ibid., p. 199.

72Ibid., p. 201.

73The Times, 6 May 1985

74Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 203.

75Ibid., p. 203.

76Funabashi, Managing the Dollar: From the Plaza to the Louvre.(Washington D.C.: 1988) p. 140.

77Ibid., p. 140

78Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 219.

79Ibid., p. 223.


81Bulletin EC : 61987.


83Bulletin EC : 61987.

84Bulletin EC : 61988.



87EC Press Conference, Paris, July 15 1989.

88Declaration on East-West Relations, Paris Summit

89Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 168.

90Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 152.

91Bulletin EC:7/8 1978, p. 12.

92Press Conference given by J. Delors, Brussels, 16 June 1988.

93Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 182.

94Garovoglia, "From Rambouillet to Williamsburg", p.14.


96Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 179.



99Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 176.


101International Herald Tribune, 28 February 1989.



104Funabashi, Managing the Dollar... p. 141.





109Report on Business Magazine, The Globe and Mail, October 1989, p. 33

110EC Press Conference given by L. von Brinkhorst, Paris, July 14 1989.

111The Economist, October 14 1989, p. 22

112 EC Press Conference, Paris, July 14 1989.

113Pascal Lamy, The Economic Summit and the European Community. (Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988).



116Information Service of the EC Commission.

117Information Service of the EC Commission.

118Hoffmann, S. "The European Community and 1992" in Foreign Affairs No. 68 (Autumn 1989) pp. 2747. p. 39

119Delors, J. Speech made to the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium October 17 1989.

120The Economist, October 30 1989.

121Hormats, R. "Redefining Europe and the Atlantic Link"in Foreign Affairs No. 68 (Autumn 1989) pp 7191. p. 82

122Speech of FRG Minister of Inter-German Relations (D. Wilms)delivered by FRG Ambassador to Canada T. Bahrends to the German-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Toronto October 10 1989.

123The Economist, October 30 1989 p. 46.

124Ibid., pp. 4647

125Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 248.

126Bonvicini and Wessels, "The European Community and the Seven", p. 182.

127G. Bonvicini, "Mechanisms and Procedures of EPC"in Pijpers et al. (eds.) European Political Cooperation in the 1980s (london: 1987)p. 62.

128P. de Schootete, "The Presidency and the Management of Political Cooperation" in Ibid., p. 76.

129Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 249.



132Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together, p. 154.

133P. Lamy, The Economic Summit and the European Community.


135Merlini, "A Fall After the Rise? The Political options for Europe", p. 201

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