Books, Articles, and Speeches
Armstrong, R. Economic Summits: A British Perspective. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto,1988.
Artis, M.J. and S. Ostry. International Economic Policy Coordination. London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House Paper No. 30, 1986.
Bonvicini, G. and E. Regelsberger. "The Decision-making Process in the EC's European Council" in International Spectator. Volume XX11, No. 3, July September 1987.pp. 152-175.
Cecchini, P. The European Challenge: 1992. London: 1988.
Commission of the EC. "The Economics of 1992" European Economy, Brussels, March 1988.
de Menil, G. and A. Solomon. Economic Summitry. New York:1983.
Delors, J. Speech delivered at the Opening Ceremony of the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, October 17 1989.
Dornbusch, R. World Economic Problems for the Summit. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto,1988.
Funabashi, Y. Managing the Dollar: From the Plaza to the Louvre. Washington D.C. Institute for International Economics,1988.
Hajnal, P. (ed.) The Seven Power Summits: Documents, 19751989. New York:(forthcoming) With an introduction by J.J. Kirton.
Hoffmann, S. "The European Community and 1992" in Foreign Affairs No. 68 (Autumn 1989) pp 2747.
Hormats, R.D. "Redefining Europe and the Atlantic Link" in Foreign Affairs No. 68 (Autumn 1989) pp 7191.
Keohane, R. and J.S. Nye. Power and Interdependence. Boston, Mass: 1977.
Kirton, J.J. Contemporary Concert Diplomacy: The Seven Power Summit and the Management of International Order. London:Paper delivered to The International Studies Association, April 1989.
Kobayashi, T. The Japanese Perspective on the Toronto Economic Summit and the Uruguay Round. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988.
Kratochwil, F. and J.G. Ruggie. "International Organization: A State of the Art on the Art of the State" in International Organization Volume 40 No. 4 (Autumn 1986) pp. 753775.
Lamy, Pascal. The Economic Summit and the European Community. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto,1988.
Ludlow, P. Beyond 1992: Europe and its Western Partners. CEPS Working Paper Number 38. Brussels 1989.
Merlini, C. (ed.) Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making.London: 1984.
Ostry, S. Summitry: The Medium and the Message. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988.
Pijpers, Regelsberger and Wessels (eds.) European Political Cooperation in the 1980s. Dordrecht:1987.
Putnam, R. "Summit Sense" in Foreign Policy No. 55 ( Summer 1984) pp 7391.
Putnam, R. and N. Bayne Hanging Together. Cambridge: 1987.
Watt, D. Next Steps for Summitry. New York: Report of the Twentieth Century Fund International Conference on Economic Summitry, 1984.
Wessels W. and S. Bulmer. The European Council: Decision-making in European Politics. London: 1987.
Whitehead, J.C. Toward a Stronger International Economy. Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto,1988.
World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), World Economic Summits: The Role of Representative Groups in the Governance of the World Economy. Study Group Series No. 4, Helsinki,1989.
Newspapers and Journals consulted:
Agence Europe
Bulletin: EC
The Economist
The Financial Times of London
The Globe and Mail
The International Herald Tribune
MacLean's Magazine
The New York Times
Time Magazine
Confidential personal interviews with government officials, academics and journalists were conducted to supplement research in Brussels in February and March, 1989; at the Toronto Economic Summit, June 1988 and at the Paris Economic Summit, July 1989, and in Toronto, Autumn 1989.
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