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John Kirton, Director
Scholarly Publications
Pre-Summit Conference, May 26, 2003
EnviReform Conference, November 8, 2003
G8 Governance
G8 Information Centre
Spanish-Language Website
Russian-Language Website
Photo Gallery
G8 Research Collection
G8 Research Group Summit Teams
Field Team
Home Team
G8 Media Assistance
Robert H. Catherwood Scholarship Program
Regional Offices
Professional Advisory Council
G8 Bulletin
Analytical Studies
Presentations and Seminars
G8 Research Group Members and Meetings
G8 Online
Appendix A: Ashgate Book Series
Appendix B: Selected Publications and Presentations
Appendix C: G8 Research Group Field and Home Teams
G8 Books: The G8 Research Group published several new books with Ashgate Publishings G8 and Global Governance Series: New Directions in Global Political Governance: The G8 and International Order in the Twenty-First Century, edited by John Kirton and Junichi Takase, Governing Global Trade: International Institutions in Conflict and Convergence, by Theodore Cohn, and The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations, by Nicholas Bayne and Stephen Woolcock. A fourth book, The G8, The United Nations and Conflict Prevention, edited by John Kirton and Radoslava Stefanova, was in press. The Global Finance series saw the publication of its second book, Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Governance, edited by Paolo Savona, Michele Fratianni and John Kirton.
G8 Governance: The G8 Governance online series continued to attract a wide readership and to solicit submissions.
G8 Information Centre: Between the conclusion of the 2002 Kananaskis Summit and the start of the 2003 Evian Summit, the G8 Information Centre website received 3.2 million hits, remaining consistent with the usage pattern of the previous year. The 2002/03 website usage culminated during the summit period, with 264,123 hits, 72,575 accesses, 45,463 visits and 28,595 unique hosts, showing a substantial increase in the last two categories. Over the year, the website launched sites in Spanish and Russian, published Data Sets and Fact Sheets, and expanded the photo collection. It also launched a section on Oral History.
G8 Research Collection: Under the direction of Peter Hajnal, the G7/G8 Research Collection housed in Trinity Colleges Graham Library continued to expand. The detailed finding aid is being updated to incorporate the additions and corrections, so the research community can make full use of the materials. Documents from the 2003 Evian Summit have been added.
G8 Field and Home Teams: The 22-member field team at Evian, including the G8 Online team and colleagues from all G8 regions including Russia, mounted a full program for the Evian Summit itself. The team expanded its activities to include onsite transcription and translation of press conferences and interviews. It was supported by a home team of five analysts and management team members, under the direction of Michael Greenspoon, and included Antara Haldar, an intern from India. A full field team of six members, including four senior experts, was in place for the foreign ministers meeting in Paris.
G8 Media Assistance: The media assistance program, in the two months leading up to and through the Evian Summit, the Research Group assisted media organizations from around the world, including Canadian outlets in both official languages, on-site, as well as the many contacts on its media distribution list in the weeks leading up to the summit.
G8 Conferences and Seminars: The Research Group co-hosted a pre-Summit conference titled Governing Globalization: G8, Public and Corporate Governance, with the Research Group on Global Financial Governance, the Guido Carli Association, the G8 Research Group, the EnviReform Project, INSEAD, the Club of Athens, le Comité pour un Parlement Mondial, Futuribles and lAcadémie de la Paix. The conference took place at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, on May 26, 2003. The papers presented at the conference, which was webcast live and received coverage in broadcast and print media, will form a new volume in the Global Finance book series. In addition, the 2002 EnviReform Conference, Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance, involved several members of the G8 Research Group as well as an address by the Honourable Bill Graham, co-founder of the G8 Research Group.
G8 Speakers: A full slate of speakers visited the Research Group, including Patrick Cirillo from the International Monetary Fund, Matthew Hodges, formerly with the World Health Organization and the International Peace Academys David Malone. Robert Fauver, President Clintons Personal Representative to the Summit, spoke at an event co-hosted with the Asian Institute, followed by a dinner in his honour attended by several Canadian sherpas.
G8 Teaching: In addition to G8-related courses at the University of Toronto, Professor John Kirton offered an undergraduate course on the politics of global governance at the University of Siena, Italy, in August 2002. Professor Nicholas Bayne continued to teach his seminar on economic diplomacy, with much content on the G8, at the London School of Economics and Political Science (with Stephen Woolcock) and Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.
Regional Offices: The G8 Research Group established regional offices in Moscow, under the leadership of Professor Victoria Panova, and in Mexico City, under the direction of Sabrina Shaw.
Professional Advisory Council: The Professional Advisory Council welcomed as a new member Dr. Kimon Valaskakis, president of the Global Governance GroupClub of Athens.
Robert H. Catherwood Scholarship: The 2002/03 Robert H. Catherwood Scholarships were awarded to Salimah Ebrahim and Oksana Werbowy. Fundraising for the Robert H. Catherwood Endowment Fund continued to bring new resources into this important endeavour.
Research: The G8 Research Group instituted interim compliance studies, issued at the end of the hosting year. New data sets and fact sheets were compiled, providing useful information on important dimensions of the summit process for researchers and interested citizens.
G8 Retreat: The G8 Research Group held its first retreat, thanks to the generosity of Maurice and Fred Strong at their country residence at Lost Lake, Ontario.
G8 Bulletin: The G8 Bulletin was published weekly for the first time on a year-round basis, under the editorship of Elizabeth Ben-Ishai. It is distributed to a subscriber list from around the world.
G8 Research Group Fundraising: A very successful annual Alumni Fundraising Appeal this year raised additional endowment funds to support its core infrastructure and student-related activities. Funds were also raised on a project-specific basis from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and private sector donors.
G8 Online 2003: G8 Online continued to be one of the most highly used online programs offered by the G8 Research Group. Over the year, new materials were added, including the Oral History and featured videos and interviews. A special interview with Susan Whelan, Canadas Minister of International Co-operation, was produced. On-site activities at the Evian Summit, as at Kananaskis the year before, included reports on civil society, on-site interviews and daily diaries. At Evian, coverage included the enlarged dialogue and Africa in English and French.
The accomplishments of the G8 Research Group for its home and field program during the 2001/02 academic year are detailed below.
Ashgate Publishings G8 and Global
Governance series released three new books in 2002/03:
John Kirton and Junichi Takase, eds., New Directions in Global Political Governance: The G8 and International Order in the Twenty-First Century. Published in November 2002.
Theodore Cohn, Governing Global Trade: International Institutions in Conflict and Convergence. Published in December 2002.
Nicholas Bayne and Stephen Woolcock, The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations. Published in February 2003.
A fourth book, The G8, The United Nations and Conflict Prevention, edited by John Kirton and Radoslava Stevanova, was sent to press in October 2003.
Alison Bailins From Traditional to Group Hegemony was contracted, prepared and sent out for anonymous review in April 2003.
In addition, the second book in the Global Finance series was published:
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Governance. Published in July 2003.
Duncan Woods Governing Global Banking: The Basle Committee and International Banking Supervision was sent out for anonymous review in the spring of 2003.
The Global Environmental Governance series will publish Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Perspectives, edited by John Kirton and Peter Hajnal.
See Appendix A for the complete list of books in both series.
In addition, members of the G8 Research Group published many articles and a see Appendix B.
Financial and in-kind support for the conference came from Canadas Department for Foreign Affairs, the Guido Carli Association, the G8 Research Group, the EnviReform Project and INSEAD, as well as from Beaubourg-République, who made the webcast possible.
EnviReform Conference, November 8, 2002
Members of the G8 Research Group participated in the third EnviReform conference on Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Perspectives, on November 8, 2002, at the Munk Centre for International Studies. The conference was webcast live and videoconferenced with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. For the concluding session on The G8 and United Nations Systems, John Kirton and Peter Hajnal prepared background papers, which were discussed in presentations by Désirée McGraw, Director of the Montreal Office, Christine Lucyk of LEAD Canada, Sheila Risbud of Environment Canada and Laurence Blandford of DFAIT. The keynote address was given by the Honourable Bill Graham, Canadas foreign minister and co-founder of the G8 Research Group in his capacity as Director of the Centre of International Studies at the University of Toronto in 198788. The papers presented at the conference will be published in a volume in Ashgates Global Environmental Governance series.
Under the editorship of Heidi K. Ullrich, the online G8 Governance series continued to attract a wide readership and to solicit submissions. Calls for papers were posted on the G8 Information Centre website and in university departments of the G8 Research Groups network of academics. An announcement by the editor was made to post-graduate students at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Russian-Language Website
Translation of official documents into Russian began under the direction of Professor Victoria Panova, in preparation for Russias first hosted summit in 2006. Original research in Russian will also be published as it becomes available.
The G7/G8 Collection continued to expand, under the supervision of Professor Peter Hajnal, with materials collected from the foreign ministers meeting in Paris just before the Evian Summit as well as Evian-related materials. On-site document collection was overseen by Denisse Rudich These have been archived and the finding aid has also been updated accordingly.
Field Team
The G8 Research Groups field team at Evian consisted of 22 people, including for the first time members from each of the G8 countries, as well as members from Mexico and Switzerland. In addition, the six-member field team at the foreign ministers meeting in Paris on May 23 included Pierre Marc Johnson. Senior experts at both G8 meetings wrote Impressions articles on the meetings, which were published on the G8 Information Centre website, as were their videotaped presentations.
With the rich linguistic abilities of this years team, the Research Group was able to produce written materials in all languages of the summit except Japanese. Activities expanded to include translation and transcriptions of news conferences and other texts, in addition to the usual research and documentation efforts and commitment counts.
See Appendix C for a full list of field team members for both meetings.
Home Team
Led by Michael Greenspoon, the home team included Kartick Kumar, Ryan Lavallee and Nick Roudev
plus Antara Haldar, an intern from India. Together, they supported the work of the field team with real-time research around the clock during the summit, as well kept media archives, compiled G8 News and handled information requested.
See Appendix C for a full list of home team members.
The media assistance program, both onsite and in the leadup to the summit, assisted many media outlets from countries around the world, including Canadian outlets in both official languages. Onsite support at Evian included media organizations in many non-G8 countries, such as Algeria and the Netherlands, as well as editorials written for newspapers such as The Globe and Mail. Contact with the media were maintained throughout the year, through press releases to the ever-growing distribution list, kept up to date by Madeline Koch and Oana Dolea.
For the first time, two full Catherwood Scholarships were awarded in the autumn of 2002, at a value of $5,000 each. The winners were Salimah Ebrahim and Oksana Werbowy. A successful Catherwood event, featuring Ian Buruma, was co-hosted with the Donner Foundation at the Glenn Gould Theatre in Toronto, and was attended by several Catherwood scholars.
The G8 Research Group hosted several presentations throughout the year.
Patrick Cirillo of the International Monetary Fund, spoke to the Group twice, first in November and then again in May, just before the Evian Summit to report on the G7 finance ministers meeting.
David Malone, President of the International Peace Academy in New York, in March.
Kimon Valaskakis, founder of the Club of Athens-Global Governance Group, led a round-table discussion on After Iraq: Needed, A New World Order in April. This event was co-sponsored with the EnviReform Project and organized by the Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs.
Matthew Hodges, M.D., formerly with the World Health Organization, gave a talk on SARS in April.
In addition, a special event was co-hosted with the University of Torontos Asian Institute in March. Robert Fauver, who was President Clintons Personal Representative to the Summit and had participated in every summit from 1975 until 2000, spoke on Challenges for Japan: What Can and Should Japan, the U.S. and G7 Do? The talk was followed by a special dinner in Mr. Fauvers honour, which was attended by several former Canadian sherpas.
In addition to his usual G8-related courses and seminars at the University of Toronto, in August 2002 Professor John Kirton taught The Politics of Global Governance" as part of the University of Torontos summer program abroad in Siena, Italy. With the assistance of Fiorella Favino of the University of Urbino, the course featured a field trip to Genoa, with a visit with the mayors office and to the Palazzo Ducale, the site of the 2001 Summit. A second field trip to Rome included a special session with the Food and Agriculture Organization, and a meeting with Malcolm McKechnie and his colleagues at the Canadian Embassy followed by a reception at the residence of Canadas ambassador to Italy, Robert Fowler, who was the Prime Ministers Personal Representative to the 2002 Summit as well as for Africa for the 2003 Evian Summit.
Professor Nicholas Bayne gave his course on economic diplomacy, including much G8 content, with Stephen Woolcock at the London School of Economics and Politics for the fourth year. He returned to Queens University to teach a seminar on economic diplomacy , including a simulation of the Evian Summit in May 2003.
The G8 Research Group was established Mexico City under the direction of Sabrina Shaw, assisted by Daniella Aburto Valle. Mexico is currently host of the G20, and the Mexico office has established links with Professor Duncan Wood at ITAM.
A second regional office was established in Moscow, under the leadership of Professor Victoria Panova of the Moscow State University of International Relations.
These join the existing regional offices in Tokyo (Shinichiro Uda), London (Heidi Ullrich) and Montreal (Désirée McGraw).
The Professional Advisory Council welcomed as a new member Dr. Kimon Valaskakis, president and founder of the Global Governance GroupClub of Athens.
In September 2002, the G8 Bulletin was launched as a weekly summary of the major events relating to the G7/8. Elizabeth Ben-Ishai served as editor, with the assistance of Carrie Fiorillo, Daniella Aburto Valle, Judah Harrison and Karma Dolkar, picking up on the Bulletins produced by Geoff Wallace and Paul Skippen during the Kananaskis Summit period. From September 2002 to May 2003, 30 regular editions were produced, plus a special Bulletin from the G8 development co-operation ministers meeting in Windsor. This proved one of the top-five most-used sections of the G8 Information Centre.
The G8 Bulletin is based on the G8 News, a daily compilation of news stories collected by Madeline Koch, with support from Oana Dolea.
In addition to the performance assessments and analysis produced for the 2003 Evian Summit, the G8 Research Group produced two compliance studies.
For the first time, an interim compliance report was published in January 2003, which assessed compliance with at the time of the handover of hosting responsibilities from Canada to France.
The final compliance report was issued in May 2003, with the summary results translated into French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
In addition, a detailed, systematic and qualitatively based analysis was produced for the paper Producing International Commitments and Compliance without Legalization: G7/8 Performance from 1975 to 2002, written by John Kirton and Ella Kokotsis, with research assistance by Nikolai Roudev and Michael Malleson, and presented at the annual International Studies Association conference in Portland, OR, in March 2003.
John Kirton made several presentations on the G8 over the course of the year, including a presentation to the Business Climate Deputies Committee of Ontarios Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation in March. In March he also participated in a panel discussion with Kimon Valaskakis and Warren Allmond at McGill University, hosted by the Canadian Institute for International Affairs. He also gave a lecture to Professor Stephen Gallaghers international affairs class at McGill University. In April, Professor Kirton presented a paper at a conference on the G8 sponsored by the Institute for Applied International Research in Moscow.
In the spring, Ella Kokotsis gave a special presentation to her colleagues at the Independent Market Operator on the G8 and the summit process. Dr Kokotsis co-presented Producing International Commitments and Compliance without Legalization: G7/8 Performance from 1975 to 2002 with Professor Kirton at the International Studies Organization conference in Portland OR in March 2003.
Nicholas Bayne spoke on the G8 at the LSE International Relations Department s conference on Global Governance in November 2002. In December, he presented a paper to a panel chaired by Professor Robert Putnam at the annual conference of the British International Studies Association (BISA).
The annual Alumni Appeal repeated its success from the previous year, so that the G8 Research Groups endowment was continued to grow to help insure the continuity, expansion and independence of the groups programs.
The Research Group met regularly throughout the year, led by Salimah Ebrahim and Bob Papanikolaou, with a focus on the preparation of its analytical studies.
In 2003, the G8 Online program both restructured the existing G8 Online material as well as produced new programming. The website was reorganized in two sections. The 2002 Kananaskis Summit section contained the archive of the entire 26-unit, bilingual G8 Online 2002 program and supporting materials for use by students, professors and others. This section still enjoys consistently high access numbers among G8 Online and G8 Research Group users.
The 2003 Evian Summit section contained a smaller scale version of the previous years program. While there was no new course syllabus for 2003, G8 Online was onsite at the Evian Summit covering the press conferences, in English and French, of the G8 member countries as well as of the expanded dialogue and civil society. New segments were produced with video coverage of the briefings, one-on-one student-led interviews, video assessments of the Summit by leading experts, student diaries, an interactive discussion forum, useful reference tools, and so on. G8 Online 2003 also featured an interview with the Honourable Susan Whelan, Canadas Minister of International Co-operation, discussing Canadas role in creating the new G8 Development Ministers forum and the work of Canada and the G8 on the Africa Action Plan.
G8 Online 2003 was supported by cash and in-kind donations from Sony Canada, Trinity College and the University of Toronto, eCollege.com, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council through the EnviReform project, and the Canadian International Development Agency.
G8 and Global Governance
Series editor: John Kirton
Michael Hodges, John Kirton and Joseph Daniels, eds., The G8s Role in the
New Millennium. Published May 1999.
Peter Hajnal, The G7/G8 System: Evolution, Role, Documentation. Published June
Nicholas Bayne, Hanging in There: The G7 and G8 Summit in Maturity and Renewal.
Published March 2000.
Karl Kaiser, John Kirton and Joseph Daniels, eds., Shaping a New International
Financial System: Challenges of Governance in a Globalizing World. Published June 2000.
John Kirton, Joseph Daniels and Andreas Freytag, eds., Guiding Global Order: G8
Governance in the Twenty-First Century. Published February 2001.
George von Furstenberg and John Kirton, eds., New Directions in Global Economic
Governance. Published June 2001.
Hall Gardner and Radoslava Stefanova, eds., The New Transatlantic Agenda: Facing the
Challenges of Global Governance. Published November 2001.
John Kirton and Junichi Takese, eds., New Directions in Global Political Governance:
The G8 and International Order for the Twenty-First Century. Published November 2002.
Theodore Cohn, Governing Global Trade: International Institutions in Conflict and
Convergence. Published in December 2002.
Nicholas Bayne and Steven Woolcock, The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and
Negotiation in International Economic Relations. Published in February 2003.
John Kirton and Radoslava Stefanova, eds., Promoting Conflict Prevention and Human
Security: The G8 and United Nations in Global Governance. Sent to press in October 2003.
Alison Bailin, From Traditional to Group Hegemony. Reviewed in April 2003.
Global Finance
Series editors: Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Governing Global Finance: New Challenges, G7 and IMF Contributions. Published June 2002.
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Governance. Published July 2003.
In Press
Donato Masciandaro, Governing Financial Crime: Terrorism, Money Laundering and Off Shore Centres.
Duncan Wood, Governing Global Banking: The Basle Committee and International Banking Supervision. Reviewed in spring 2003.
Global Environmental Governance
Series editors: John Kirton and Konrad von Moltke
Paul Harris, International Equity and Global Environmental Politics: Power and Principles in U.S. Foreign Policy. Published in 2001.
John Kirton and Virginia Maclaren, eds., Linking Trade, Environment and Social Cohesion: North American Experiences, Global Challenges. Published in March 2002.
Wayne Moyer and Tim Josling, eds., Agricultural Policy Reform: Politics and Process in the EU and U.S. in the 1990s. Published in November 2002.
Philippe Le Prestre, ed., Governing Global Biodiversity: The Evolution and Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Published in December 2002.
In Press
Peter Mollinga and Alex Bolding, eds. The Politics of Irrigation Reform: Contested Policy Formulation and Implementation in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Michael Trebilcock and John Kirton, eds., Hard Choices, Soft Law: Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social Governance.
John Kirton and Peter Hajnal, eds., Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Perspectives.
Frank Biermann and Stefan Bauer, eds., A World Environmental Organization.
[go to top]
Nicholas Bayne
Nicholas Bayne and Stephen Woolcock, The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2003.
Chapters and Papers
The New Partnership for Africas Development and the G8s Africa Action Plan: A Marshall Plan for Africa? in Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Contributions and Challenges (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2003.
Impressions of the Kananaskis Summit, 2627 June 2002, in Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Contributions and Challenges (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2003.
The State of the G8 Summit after Kananaskis, paper presented to the annual conference if the British International Studies Association, London, December 1618, 2002.
Peter Hajnal
John Kirton and Peter Hajnal, eds., Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Perspectives (Ashgate: Aldershot), under review.
Peter Hajnal, ed., Civil Society in the Information Age (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2002.
Chapters and Papers
Partners or Adversaries? The G7/G8 Encounters Civil Society, in New Directions in Global Political Governance: Creating International Order for the Twenty-First Century, John Kirton and Junichi Takase, eds. (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2002.
Civil Society Encounters the G7/G8, in Civil Society in the Information Age, Peter Hajnal, ed. (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2002.
John Kirton
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Contributions and Challenges (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2003.
John Kirton and Radoslava Stefanova, eds., The G8, The United Nations and Conflict Prevention (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2003.
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Corporate, Public and Global Governance: The G8 Contribution (Ashgate: Aldershot), under review.
John Kirton and Peter Hajnal, eds., Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Perspectives (Ashgate: Aldershot), under review.
John Kirton and Michael Trebilcock, eds., Hard Choices, Soft Law: Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social Governance (Ashgate: Aldershot), in press.
Chapters and Papers
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, Introduction, Observations and Conclusions, in Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Contributions and Challenges (Ashgate: Aldershot), 2003.
John Kirton and Ella Kokotsis, The G7/8 Contribution at Kananaskis and Beyond, in Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Contributions and Challenges (Ashgate: Aldershot, 2003).
Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, Governance Amidst Globalization: Corporations, Governments and the G8, in Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Corporate, Public and Global Governance: The G8 Contribution (Ashgate: Aldershot), under review.
John Kirton, Canadas Global Trade Challenges, paper prepared for the National Security Studies Seminar, Canadian Forces College, Toronto, January 20, 2003.
Producing International Commitments and Compliance without Legalization: The G7/8s Trade Performance from 1975 to 2002, paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Portland, OR, February 23March 3, 2003 (with Ella Kokotsis).
Putting Families First: Moving From Principle to Practice in Canadian Foreign Policy, presentation to a workshop on The Family and Canadian Foreign Policy, CAN-FIND, Ottawa, April 30, 2003.
Heidi Ullrich
Chapters, Papers and Articles
Toward Accountable Leadership? The G8, World Trade Organization and Public Governance in the Doha Round, in Michele Fratianni, Paolo Savona and John Kirton, eds., Corporate, Public and Global Governance: The G8 Contribution (Ashgate: Aldershot), under review.
Bayne, N., Ullrich, H. and Uda, S., Evian: Water on the Flames, LSE Magazine, Winter 2003/2004.
Stone, D. and Ullrich, H. Policy Research Institutes and Think Tanks in Western Europe: Development Trends and Perspectives, Discussion Paper 24, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute, 2003.
The Impact of Policy Networks in the GATT Uruguay Round: The Case of the U.S.-EC Agricultural Negotiations, paper presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Portland OR, February 23March 3, 2003.
Field Team
Senior Experts
Professor John Kirton, Director
Sir Nicholas Bayne, Professional Advisory Council
Shinichiro Uda, Director, Japan Office
Dr. Ella Kokotsis, Director, Analytical Studies
Dr. Heidi Ullrich, Director, London Office
Victoria Panova, Director, Moscow Office
Daniella Aburto Valle
Gabrielle Bardall
Rachel Bendayan
Salimah Ebrahim
Fiorella Favino
Céline Fürie
Christophe Gravend
Tony Navaneelan
Bob Papanikolaou
Lida Preyma
Roopa Rangaswami
Denisse Rudich
Hari Suthan Subramaniam
Sonali Thakkar
Sheri Watson
Management Team
Madeline Koch, Managing Director
G8 Online Producer
Helen Walsh
Home Team
Antara Haldar
Kartick Kumar
Ryan Lavallee
Nick Roudev
Michael Greenspoon
Foreign Ministers Field Team
Senior Experts
Pierre Marc Johnson
John Kirton
Victoria Panova
Shinichiro Uda
Madeline Koch
G8 Online
Helen Walsh
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