G8 Information Centre, Online Lectures 2002

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Biographies, Kristiana Powell

List of Lectures

Kristiana Powell is a doctoral student of political science at the University of Toronto, focusing in international relations with an interest in the comparative politics in developing countries. She completed her Master of Arts in International Relations and Political Science at the University of Toronto and received her undergraduate degree from McMaster University in Hamilton, with a minor in international justice and human rights. Her research interests lie in the area of conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction. Specifically, she is interested in studying the gender implications of the peace and security policies pursued by international organizations such as the United Nations. Kristiana hope to conduct her doctoral research in Mozambique, El Salvador and Afghanistan.

In addition to her academic work, Kristiana has been able to pursue her concern for peace and human security research and advocacy in her extracurricular activities. She volunteered as a researcher with Médécins Sans Frontières in Toronto. She has lived and studied in Switzerland, England, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

Kristiana speaks French and Spanish and is trying to learn Portuguese so that she can hear the stories and listen to the concerns of people affected by civil and inter-state war.

List of Lectures

20. Preventing Conflict