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University of Toronto

Accountability, Innovation and Coherence
in G8 Health Governance:
Seizing the 2010 Opportunity

January 25, 2010
Munk Centre for International Studies
Seeley Hall, Trinity College
University of Toronto
[Version française]

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The Global Health Diplomacy Program and the G8 Research Group
gratefully acknowledge the contribution and support of our sponsors.

Canadian International Council – Toronto Branch

The mandate of the Canadian International Council — Toronto Branch is to promote a deeper understanding of international affairs and of Canada’s role in a changing world by providing members with a non-partisan, nation-wide forum for informed discussion, analysis and debate. By bringing together all interested parties — private sector, government, academia and non-governmental representatives, as well as the concerned public — to examine global issues through a distinctively Canadian lens, the CIC contributes a unique perspective on Canada’s place in the world. The CIC–Toronto Branch is a large and very active community with a diverse membership representative of the city and with programming including diplomatic, political, economic and development events with panels and keynote speakers on the environment, social justice and human rights.

Canadian Nurses Association

The Canadian Nurses Association is the national professional voice of registered nurses, supporting them in their practice and advocating for healthy public policy and a quality, publicly funded, not-for-profit health system. In pursuit of its vision and mission, CNA has established the following goals: 1) CNA advances the discipline of nursing in the interest of the public. 2) CNA advocates public policy that incorporates the principles of primary health care (access, interdisciplinary practice, patient and community involvement, health promotion including determinants of health and appropriate technology, roles and models) and respects the principles, conditions and spirit of the Canada Health Act. 3) CNA advances the regulation of registered nurses in the interest of the public. 4) CNA works in collaboration with nurses, other healthcare providers, health system stakeholders and the public to achieve and sustain quality practice environments and positive client outcomes. 5) CNA advances health policy and development, in Canada and abroad, to support global health and equity. 6) CNA promotes awareness of the nursing profession so that the roles and expertise of registered nurses are understood, respected and optimized within the health system.

Comparative Program on Health and Society

Founded in 2000, the Comparative Program on Health and Society is a vital and growing research institute based at the Munk Centre for International Studies at the University of Toronto. Generously funded by the Lupina Foundation, the CPHS supports innovative, interdisciplinary, comparative research on health, broadly defined through an extensive range of fellowships. Its program builds on the scholarly strengths of the University of Toronto in the social sciences, humanities and public health.

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health is built on a long and rich history of public health research and teaching. The Rockefeller Foundation supported the establishment of the School of Hygiene at the University of Toronto in 1925, which served as the major focus of public health professional and academic training in English-speaking Canada. In 1975, the programs from the School of Hygiene were merged with the departments of preventive medicine and behavioural science in the Faculty of Medicine. In 1997 the Department of Behavioural Science and the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics combined to become the Department of Public Health Sciences. In 2008, this department formed the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. The school is organized into seven divisions: biostatistics, epidemiology, global health, interdisciplinary, occupational and environmental health, public health policy, and social and behavioural science, with offerings in all areas of public health. It has outstanding collaborators in the public health community who contribute significantly to the teaching, research and service missions. With more than 400 faculty and more than 350 graduate students, the school offers both master’s and doctoral degrees, and 40 postgraduate students participate in Royal College Residency Programs in community medicine and occupational medicine. The school is also engaged in teaching in the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Arts and Science, the Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Dentistry.

Gairdner Foundation

The Gairdner Foundation was created in 1957 by James Arthur Gairdner to recognize and reward the achievements of medical researchers whose work contributes significantly to improving the quality of human life. Since 1959, the annual Canadian Gairdner International Award has recognized scientific discoveries from every field of bioscience. The Canada Gairdner Wightman Award identifies Canadian leaders in medical science for particular recognition. The foundation has gained a superb international reputation for recognizing and rewarding early the work of the world’s leading scientists. Of 298 individuals from 13 countries, including 42 Canadians, who have received Gairdner Awards, 79 have subsequently gone on to win the Nobel Prize. The Gairdner Foundation also works to increase awareness of the value of health research, share the vision of excellence represented by the winners and build the culture of science in Canada. The week-long Gairdner National Program takes place in 16û18 academic centres across the country and involves current and past Gairdner awardees who travel across Canada to present their work and meet with biomedical researchers, faculty, postgraduate and graduate students, medical students, senior high school/CEGEP students and the public. In addition, a free public lecture is given in several cities each year. In 2008 the Government of Canada allocated $20 million to the Gairdner Foundation to increase the prizes to $100,000 each and to institute a new individual prize in global health. The Gairdner programs aim to recognize and celebrate excellence in the health sciences. They also create international research linkages, inspire young people to consider a career in the health sciences and increase public awareness of the value of scientific research and discovery.

Initiative for Drug Equity and Access

The Initiative for Drug Equity and Access is housed in the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Toronto. It focuses on providing research and education on pharmaceutical policy and governance, with particular emphasis on improving global access to medicines. The work of IDEA is carried out by a multidisciplinary research team of lawyers, economists, pharmacists and political scientists.

Lawrence S. Bloomberg School of Nursing

The Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto is an outstanding professional faculty that ranks among the premier nursing programs in the world in both education and research. Composed of Canada’s leading nurse researchers and educators whose work is making a major contribution to knowledge, health policy and future practice, LSBFN is committed to ensuring that its students have the highest quality student experience and fostering the ethos of global citizenship. The faculty’s International Office provides a focus to its international strategic initiatives, works to capture strategic global health priorities and responds to the increasing interest in global health and international nursing from students and international colleagues. LSBFN enhances its global reach and reputation through the development of international scholarly and scientific partnerships, collaborates in professional capacity building initiatives, and supports students and faculty in building their network of international colleagues.

McGill World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence

The McGill World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence is designed both as a physical and a virtual platform to form an enduring worldwide knowledge-to-action community devoted to the promotion of health and economic convergence. The MWP brings together the best minds and leading organizations in health and non-health domains to achieve open innovation, social change and collective action, and policy convergence, as well as trans-disciplinary and distributed education and research. Held since 2003, its think tanks build synergy among business, markets, government and civil society to address the challenges that lie at the interface of the health and economic domains. These events attract academic, business, civil society and political world leaders, and have spawned a community of local, national and global networks that form the foundation and inspiration of the MWP and its Business4Health Compact. The current program examines the social determinants of health and focuses on harnessing the power of business to ensure sustainable health and wealth for all.

McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health

The McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health is an academic centre at the University Health Network and University of Toronto. MRC’s vision is to illuminate the path toward a world where everyone benefits from new diagnostics, vaccines, drugs and other life science solutions. Its mission is to conduct translational research in global health and help researchers and companies get their life sciences technologies to those who need them in the developing world. MRC’s focus is from ôlab to villageö and its programs include developing grand challenges, providing ethics consultation, developing models of commercialization and conducting translational research.

Munk Centre for International Studies

The Munk Centre for International Studies at Trinity College in the University of Toronto is home to some of Canada’s most innovative research projects on global issues. It regularly welcomes international interdisciplinary networks of scholars and policy makers who tackle some of the most challenging and pressing issues of our time, engaging and informing public debate. Faculty at the Munk Centre work closely with partners in the business, not-for-profit and public policy worlds. Its creative programming, now expanding through broadcast and digital platforms, reaches an expanding global audience of thought leaders.

Plan Canada

Plan is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Founded in 1937 as Foster Parents Plan, it is one of the world’s oldest and largest international development agencies, working in partnership with millions of people around the world to end global poverty. Not for profit, independent and inclusive of all faiths and cultures, Plan has only one agenda: to improve the lives of children.

Save the Children

Save the Children has been working around the world for 90 years to bring immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives. It is a non-political, non-religious organization committed to long-term development at the grassroots level through partnerships with local communities, government bodies and international organizations. Both Save the Children Canada and Save the Children India are members of the International Save the Children Alliance, which has 28 members and operational programs in more than 120 countries. Its projects work to bring long-term, sustainable improvements and development to benefit children and deliver immediate relief and assistance to families affected by emergency situations such as natural disaster and conflict. Save the Children speaks out for and on behalf of children, to make others take action and to bring about significant change to the lives of children around the world. Save the Children firmly believes that children and young people must be active participants in the design and implementation of programs and policies that affect their lives, as they are best placed to tell the world about their needs. Its programs address issues such as under-nutrition, improvement of newborn and maternal health care, HIV and AIDS, exploitation and abuse, education, among other issues. In the fall of 2009, Save the Children launched the EVERY ONE campaign to mobilize millions of people around the world to demand government action in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The first global advocacy moment of the campaign will be the 2010 G8/G20 summits in Canada this June.

World Vision

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. It has operated in Canada since 1957, and is the country’s largest private relief and development agency. Child sponsorship helps fund World Vision Canada’s international long-term development projects. Some 31,000 staff members implement programs of emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and promotion of justice in more than 90 countries. World Vision Canada has a long history of partnering with the Canadian International Development Agency and other government bodies in overseas development and in addressing global issues, such as child rights, hunger and health. In the fall of 2009, World Vision Canada launched the Five for 5 Campaign to mobilize Canadians to take five actions to help prevent the deaths of millions of children, beginning by urging the Canadian government to make child and maternal health the top development priority on the 2010 G8 summit agenda. World Vision Canada is working in coalition with six other agencies (Plan Canada, Save the Children Canada, UNICEF Canada, CARE Canada, RESULTS Canada and Action Canada for Population and Development) to promote this agenda with the Canadian government.

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