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Accountability, Innovation and Coherence
in G8 Health Governance:
Seizing Canada's G8 Opportunity
La responsabilisation, l'innovation et la cohérence
dans la gouvernance des enjeux sanitaires par le G8 :
Saisir l'occasion qui se présente en 2010
January 25, 2010 • 25 janvier 2010
Munk Centre for International Studies • Centre Munk d'études internationales
Seeley Hall, Trinity College
University of Toronto
Program • Speakers • Prospectus • Sponsors
Programme • Biographies des conférenciers • Note d'information • Commanditaires
2010 Canadian G8 Civil Society Coordinating Committee (2010). The G8 and G20 Summits of 2010: An Agenda for Global Development. Toronto, January 24.
Boyce, Jennifer, Kate Gilroy, Gareth Jones, Elizabeth Hazel, Robert E. Black and Cesar G. Victora (2010). The Accelerated Child Survival and Development Programme in West Africa: A Retrospective Evaluation. The Lancet, Early Online Publication, January 12.
Canadian Coalition for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (2010). The 2010 Muskoka Summit: An Opportunity for Canada to Lead on Preventing the Deaths of Women and Children. Toronto: World Vision Canada, Plan Canada, Save the Children Canada, CARE and UNICEF Canada.
Cohen, Jillian Clare, Monique Mrazek and Loraine Hawkins (2007). Tackling Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Systems Worldwide with Courage and Conviction. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 81(3): 445-449.
Cohen-Kohler, Jillian Clare and Laura Esmail (2007). Scientific Misconduct, the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Tragedy of Institutions. Medicine and Law 26: 431-446.
G8 Commitments on Health, 1975-2009 (compiled from summit documents).
Global Health Group at CERGAS (2009). Attaining Universal Health Coverage: Bellagio Statement. November 10-11, Bellagio, Italy.
Guebert, Jenilee (2010). Compliance with G8 Commitments on Maternal and Children's Health, 1975-2009. Toronto: G8 Research Group.
Harper, Stephen (2009). The 2010 Muskoka Summit, in The G8 2009: From La Maddalena to L'Aquila, John Kirton and Madeline Koch, eds. London: Newsdesk Media.
Harper, Stephen (2009). La contribution du sommet du G8 en 2010, en "The G8 2009: From La Maddalena to L'Aquila, John Kirton et Madeline Koch, eds. Londres: Newsdesk Media.
Harper, Stephen (2010). Address to the World Economic Forum, January 28, Davos, Switzerland.
Harper, Stephen (2010). Canada's G8 Priorities. January 26. Ottawa: Office of the Prime Minister of Canada.
Health Canada (2001-2008). Various reports, newsletters, videos on "Climate Change and Health."
Horton, Susan, Meera Shekar, Christine McDonald, Ajay Mahal and Jana Krystene Brooks (2010). Scaling Up Nutrition: What Will It Cost? Washington DC: World Bank.
International Save the Children Alliance (2009). Feeling the Heat: Child Survival in a Changing Climate. Report prepared by Lydia Baker, with support from colleagues at Save the Children. London: Save the Children UK.
Kirton, John (2010). Introduction. Remarks prepared for the conference on "Accountability, Innovation and Coherence
in G8 Health Governance:
Seizing Canada's G8 Opportunity," January 25, Toronto.
Kirton, John and Jenilee Guebert (2009). Bringing Health into the Climate Change Regime: The Opportunity for Copenhagen 2009 and Muskoka 2010, Paper prepared for the “Learning Forum on Global Health Research” of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research, Ottawa, October 25, 2009.
Kirton, John and Jenilee Guebert (2009). Climate Change Accountability: The G8’s Compliance Record, 1975–2009. Toronto: G8 Research Group.
Kirton, John and Jenilee Guebert (2009). Health Accountability: The G8’s Compliance Record, 1975–2009. Toronto: G8 Research Group.
Lancet (2009). The Undernutrition Epidemic: An Urgent Health Priority. Editorial. Vol. 374, October 31.
Lewis, Maureen and Gunilla Pettersson (2009). Governance in Health Care Delivery: Raising Performance. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #5074. Washington DC: World Bank.
McBean, Gordon (2010). Innovations for Climate-Health Governance. London ON: University of Western Ontario.
Mirza, Tanjina (2010). Ensuring Accountability for Maternal, Child Health and New Born Care. Toronto: Plan Canada.
Morley, David (2010). Saving Children under Five and Their Mothers: The Only Innovation Needed — Dedication. Toronto: Save the Children.
Ng, Emily and Jillian Clare Kohler (2008). Finding Flaws: The Limitations of Compulsory Licensing for Improving Access to Medicines — An International Comparison. Health Law Journal, Vol. 16.
Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (2009). Consensus for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. Geneva.
Price-Smith, Andrew T. (2010). Reconceptualizing the Health/Security Interface. Colorado Springs: Colorado College.
Singer, Peter (2010). Innovation and Global Health: Canada’s G8 Opportunity. Speaking notes for a conference on "Accountability, Innovation and Coherence in G8 Health Governance: Seizing Canada's G8 Opportunity," Toronto, January 25.
Sturchio, Jeffrey (2010). Remarks on "Opportunities for Innovation: Stakeholder Perspectives and Proposals." Prepared for a conference on "Accountability, Innovation and Coherence in G8 Health Governance: Seizing Canada's G8 Opportunity," Toronto, January 25.
Webber, June (2010). Opportunities for Innovation: Stakeholder Perspectives and Proposals. Ottawa: Canadian Nurses Association.
World Vision (2009). Child Health Now: Together We Can End Preventable Deaths. Toronto: World Vision.
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