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From St. Petersburg to Heiligendamm:
Legacy, Learning and Looking Ahead
to the 2007 G8 Summit

Munk Centre for International Studies
University of Toronto
February 8, 2007

Click here for Program.

In 2006, the Russian Federation assumed, for the first time, the presidency of the G8 leading industrialized countries. At the St. Petersburg Summit in July, Russia garnered considerable international attention as a controversial host, with an ambitious agenda of energy security, health and education. On January 1, 2007, Germany assumed the hosting responsibilities for the Heiligendamm Summit, which will be held next June.

Was the 2006 G8 St. Petersburg a success? Where does Russia stand now? Have all G8 members so far complied with their summit commitments? How is Germany approaching the 2007 summit? Will civil society have opportunities to engage in the G8 process?

In addition to addressing these questions, the conference will highlight the G8 Research Group's evaluation of the G8's progress on the commitments since St. Petersburg will reveal whether Russia's first summit is being followed by concrete action by each of the G8 countries.

Guest speakers, including Klaus Rupprecht, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Patricia Malikail and Greg Donaghy of Foreign Affairs Canada, John Kirton and Peter Hajnal of the G8 Research Group, Aurel Braun of the University of Toronto, will engage students, faculty and the general public in informative and interactive sessions on the legacy of the St. Petersburg Summit, the German presidency's objectives, the role of civil society, and Canada's prospective contributions to the 2007 Heiligendamm Summit.

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Welcome and Introduction
Jeffrey Kopstein, Director, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
John Kirton, Director, G8 Research Group


The 2006 St. Petersburg Interim Compliance Report
Brian Kolenda, Co-Director, Compliance Unit, G8 Research Group
Matto Mildenberger, Co-Director, Compliance Unit, G8 Research Group
Christina Jabbour, Director, Journalism Unit, and Russian Correspondent, G8 Research Group


The Legacy of the 2006 St. Petersburg Summit:
Russia, Democratization and the G8
Moderator: John Kirton, Director, G8 Research Group
Nikolai Smirnov, Consul General of the Russian Federation: The Legacy of the St. Petersburg in Russia and the World
Peter Hajnal, G8 Research Group: The St. Petersburg Summit and Civil Society
Aurel Braun, Professor of International Relations and Political Science,University of Toronto: Critical Reflections: The Process of Democratization and Russia's Role in International Politics


Looking Ahead to the 2007 Heiligendamm Summit:
The German Presidency — Leading the G8 and the European Union in 2007

Moderator: Janet Chow, Chair, G8 Research Group
Laura Sunderland, Senior Researcher, G8 Research Group: Introduction and Overview of Heiligendamm's Prospective Agenda
Klaus Rupprecht, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany: Germany's Leadership of the G8 and EU: Priorities and Objectives in 2007


Canada's Contribution: Past, Present and Future
Moderator: Héloïse Apestéguy-Reux, G8 Research Group
Greg Donaghy, Deputy Director, Historical Section, Foreign Affair Canada: At the Top: Summitry in Canada's Quest for a North-South Dialogue, 1974–1981
John Kirton, Director, G8 Research Group: Canada's Contribution to the G8, 1981–2010
Patricia Malikail, Director, International Economic Relations and Summits, Foreign Affairs Canada: Canada Today and the Upcoming Summit: Preparation for Heiligendamm


Closing Remarks
Janet Chow, Chair, G8 Research Group

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