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More What's New in the G7
G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Ebola, September 25, 2014
G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement, Joint Action to Fight the Terrorist Organisation ISIL/DAESH, September 25, 2014
G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Ukraine, September 25, 2014
G7 Leaders' Statement on Ukraine, July 30, 2014
Wolfgang Schäuble: Statement on Germany's G7 Presidency
Briefings by François Hollande (en français), Angela Merkel (auf Deutsch), Barack Obama and David Cameron, Herman Van Rompuy, José Manuel Barroso, June 5, 2014
G7 Statement on Nonproliferation and Disarmament, June 5, 2014
G7 Brussels Summit Declaration, June 5, 2014
G7 Leaders' Communiqué on Foreign Policy, June 4, 2014
G7 background note and agenda on the Brussels Summit
The European Union's Role in the G7 at Brussels
G7 energy ministers: Rome G7 Energy Initiative for Energy Security, May 6, 2014
G7 leaders' statement on Ukraine, April 25, 2014
G7 energy ministers meeting, Rome, May 5-6, 2014
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors statement, Washington DC, April 10, 2014
G7 Brussels Summit to take place on June 4-5, 2014
G7 Hague Declaration, March 24, 2014
Statement by G7 leaders on the situation in Ukraine, March 12, 2014 / Déclaration des chefs des pays du G7 sur la situation en Ukraine, 12 mars 2014
Statement by G7 leaders on the situation in Ukraine, March 2, 2014 / Déclaration des nations du G7, 2 mars 2014
G7 finance ministers issue statement on economic support for Ukraine, March 3, 2014 / Déclaration d'appui économique des ministres des Finances du G7 à l'Ukraine, 3 mars 2014
Angela Merkel announces location for 2015 German-hosted G8 summit, January 23, 2014
Vladimir Putin's address on Russia assuming the G8 presidency, January 1, 2014
Russia assumes the 2014 G8 presidency
G8 Dementia Summit, London, December 11, 2013: Commmuniqué and Declaration
G8 Lough Erne Communiqué, June 18, 2013
G8 Open Data Charter, June 18, 2013
G8 Lough Erne Declaration, June 18, 2013
G8 Action Plan Principles to Prevent the Misuse of Companies and Legal Arrangements, June 18, 2013
Extract from Communiqué: The threat posed by kidnapping for ransom by terrorists and the preventive steps the international community can take, June 18, 2013
G8 communiqué on the economy working session, June 17, 2013
Data tables for the Loguh Erne Accountability Report, published June 17, 2013
G8 science ministers statement, June 13, 2013
Factsheets on tax, trade and transparency released, June 7, 2013
Lough Erne Accountability Report: Keeping Our Promises, published June 7, 2013
UK G8 presidency issues fact sheet on social investment and social enterprise, June 3, 2013
UK prime minister David Cameron's article on the G8 agenda in the Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2013
UK chancellor George Osborne's remarks at the end of the G7 finance meeting, May 11, 2013
UK chancellor identifies priorities for G7 finance meeting, May 10, 2013
UK prime minister David Cameron's letter to EU president Herman Van Rompuy on tax evasion, April 24, 2013
UK foreign secretary William Hague's statement to Parliament, London, April 15, 2013
G8 foreign ministers' statement, London, April 13, 2013
G8 Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, April 13, 2013
UK foreign secretary Hague's concluding comments at foreign ministers' meeting, London, April 11, 2013
UK foreign secretary issues progress report on G8 foreign ministers' meeting, March 14, 2013
Statement by G7 finance ministers and central bank governors, February 12, 2013
David Cameron's speech to the World Economic Forum, January 24, 2013
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, May 10-11, 2013
G8 political directors statement on Mali, London, January 15, 2013
David Cameron's letter to G8 leaders
UK's priorities for the 2013 Lough Erne Summit
David Cameron announces themes for 2013 Lough Erne Summit
United Kingdom announces location of 2013 G8 summit
G7 finance ministers meeting, Tokyo, October 11, 2012
Statement by G7 finance ministers on oil markets, August 28, 2012
Statement by G7 finance ministers and central bank governors on Greece, June 17, 2012
Statement by G7 finance ministers and central bank governors on Spain, June 9, 2012
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors conference call, June 5, 2012: Statement
Briefing by Jay Carney, Mike Froman and Ben Rhodes, May 19, 2012
Briefing on food security, May 18, 2012
G8 Nuclear Safety and Security Group Summit Report to the G8 leaders, May 19, 2012
G8 Camp David Accountability Report, May 19, 2012
G8 Fact Sheet on the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition, May 19, 2012
G8 Camp David Summit declaration, May 19, 2012
Statement by the G8 on Global Oil Markets, May 19, 2012
Statement by G8 Leaders on the Global Economy, May 19, 2012
G8 Action on Food Security and Nutrition – Fact sheet issued by the U.S. Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, May 18, 2012
G8 foreign ministers meeting, Washington DC, April 11-12, 2012
2012 G8 Summit relocated from Chicago to Camp David, to start one day earlier
G8 Deauville Partnership finance ministers issue declaration, communiqué and IFI framework, Marseille, September 10, 2011
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors issue terms of reference, Marseille, September 9-10, 2011 (in English et en français)
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors statement, August 8, 2011 / Communiqué des ministres des finances et gouverneurs de banque centrale du G7, 8 août 2011
G8 statement on referendum in Morocco, July 18, 2011 / Déclaration du G8 sur le référendum au Maroc, 18 juillet 2011
Location of the 2012 U.S.-hosted G8 Summit announced
Reports and speeches from the eG8 Forum, May 24-25, 2011, Paris
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors, September 9-10, 2011, Marseille
Official documents from the Deauville Summit, with reports on nuclear safety, the Global Partnership and more, May 26-27, 2011
Déclaration à l'issue de l'entretien bilatéral entre Sarkozy et Obama, Deauville, 27 mai 2011
G8/Africa Joint Declaration: Shared Values, Shared Responsibilities, Deauville, May 27, 2011
Declaration of the G8 on the Arab Springs, Deauville, May 27, 2011
G8 Declaration: Renewed Commitment for Freedom and Democracy, Deauville, May 27, 2011
Transcription de la conférence de presse de Sarkozy, 26 mai 2011
G8 Deauville declaration on the internet, Deauville, May 26, 2011
Déclaration conjointe de Sarkozy et Medvedev sur la coopération pour le développement du Caucase Nord, Deauville, 26 mai 2011
Sarkozy, Medvedev and Obama release joint statement on Nagorno-Karabakh, Deauville, May 26, 2011 / Déclaration conjointe de Sarkozy, Medvedev et Obama sur le conflit du Haut-Karabagh, Deauville, 26 mai 2011
G8 releases Deauville Accountability Report on food security and health • Rapport de Deauville sur la redevabilité (May 18, 2011)
G8+ interior ministers meet to discuss the fight against drug trafficking, May 10, 2011, Paris: Declaration and Action Plan; Déclaration et Plan d'action
G7 finance ministers to meet by telephone to discuss situation in Japan, March 17, 2011 22:00 GMT: Statement in English and en français
G8 foreign ministers, Paris, March 14-15, 2011: Chair's summary (en français ici) and statement on biological and toxin weapons convention (en français ici); preparatory dossier (en français)
G8 sherpas meeting, Paris, March 28-29, 2011
Updated list of events related to the Deauville Summit
G8 foreign ministers statement on Moscow terrorist attack, January 25, 2011 (en français ici)
G8 summit, Deauville, May 26-27, 2011
France's priorities for the G8 Deauville Summit [in English]; press conference by Nicolas Sarkozy with dossier on G8 and G20 summits, Paris, January 24, 2011 [en français]
G8 foreign ministers statement on terrorist attacks, January 12, 2011 (en français ici)
G7 finance ministers statement on Ireland, November 21, 2010
G20 finance ministers and central bank governors communiqué, Gyeongju, Korea, October 23, 2010
Meeting of the Speakers of the Lower Houses of the G8, Ottawa, September 9-12, 2010
Final G20 declaration of the Toronto Summit
Chair's report to sherpas on capacity building
2010 Muskoka G8 final communiqué and reports on counter terrorism, the Global Partnership and capacity building
Program for 2010 Muskoka Summit
Who's coming to the Muskoka G8 Summit
Muskoka Accountability Report released, June 20, 2010
Statement by G20 finance ministers and central bankers, Busan, Korea, June 5, 2010
G20 finance ministerial, Gyeongju, Korea, October 22-23, 2010
Statement by G20 finance ministers on euro area measures, May 10, 2010
Statement by G7 finance ministers on European stabilization, May 9, 2010
Statement by G8 leaders on the anniversary of the end of World War II
Canadian foreign minister Lawrence Cannon to address G8 officials, Gatineau, Quebec, May 3, 2010
G8 development ministers meeting chair's summary, Hailfax, April 28, 2010
G20 finance ministers communiqué, April 23, 2010
G20 labour ministers issue recommendations, April 21, 2010
Joint letter from G20 leaders, March 29, 2010
Canadian chair of G8 foreign ministerial statement, March 30, 2010
G8 foreign ministers' statement on nuclear non-proliferation, March 30, 2010
Stephen Harper: Statement to the G8 foreign minsters, March 30, 2010
G8 foreign ministers issue statement on Afghanistan, March 29, 2010
G8 foreign ministers announce Afghanistan-Pakistan prosperity initiative, March 29, 2010
Backgrounders on issues on the G8 foreign ministers' agenda, March 29, 2010
G8 foreign ministers statement on Moscow terrorist attacks, March 29, 2010
G8 development ministers, Halifax, NS, April 26-28, 2010
G7 finance ministerial, Iqaluit, February 6, 2010: Chair's Summary
G20 Seoul Summit, November 11-12, 2010
Stephen Harper: World Economic Forum address, January 28, 2010
Lee Myung-bak: Seoul G20 Summit — Priorities and Challenges
Stephen Harper: Canada's G8 Priorities, January 26, 2010
G20 statement on Haiti, January 14, 2010
G20 summit, June 26-27, 2010, Toronto
G7 finance ministers, February 5-6, 2010, Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
G20 finance ministerial, November 6-7, 2009, Scotland: communiqué and progress report
G8 foreign ministers statement on Afghan elections, November 3, 2009
G8 foreign ministers, March 2010, Gatineau, Quebec
Statement by G7 finance ministers and central bankers, Istanbul, October 3, 2009
G20 Leaders Statement, Pittsburgh, September 25, 2009
Geithner's briefing on the G20, September 24, 2009
G20 banking statement, London, September 5, 2009
G20 finance ministerial statement, September 5, 2009, London
Statements and documents from the L'Aquila G8 Summit, including summary, Major Economies Forum, Heiligendamm Process
List of participants at the G8 L'Aquila Summit
G8 foreign minister statements on Pakistan and Afgianstan, Trieste, June 26-27, 2009
Statement of the chair of the G8 foreign ministers meeting, Trieste, June 26, 2009
G8 finance ministers statement with framework, June 13, 2009
G8 development ministers: chair's summary, 12, 2009
Third G20 summit, Pittsburgh, September 24-25, 2009
G8 energy ministers statements, including joint statements, May 25, 2009
G8 foreign ministers issue statement on Sri Lanka, April 25, 2009
G8 environment ministers summary and biodiversity charter, April 24, 2009, Siracusa
G7 finance ministers and central bankers statement, April 24, 2009, Washington
Statement by U.S. treasury secretary Tim Geithner, April 24, 2009, Washington
2009 G8 summit venue may change, April 23, 2009
G8 agriculture ministers' final declaration, April 18-20, 2009, Treviso, Italy
G8 labour ministers statements, including Brazil, Mexico, India, South Africa and Egypt, Rome, March 28-31, 2009
G20 leaders' communiqué and annexes, London, April 2, 2009
Statement of Brazilian, Chinese, Indian, Russian finance ministers, March 14, 2009
G20 finance communiqué and annex, March 14, 2009
G7 finance ministers and central bankers statement, Rome, February 14, 2009
G8 finance ministers meeting, Venice, June 12-13, 2009
2009 ministerials announced for labour, finance, environment, energy, development, justice and home affairs and science and technology
Global Health Security Initiative, Brussels, December 5, 2008
Second G20 leaders summit scheduled for April 2, 2009, in London
G20 Leaders Declaration on Financial Markets and the World Economy, November 15, 2008, Washington DC
Final G20 communique, Sao Paulo, November 9, 2008
Transcript of Lula's remarks to the G20 finance ministers, November 8, 2008
Transcript of Brazilian finance minister briefing (in Portuguese and Spanish), November 7, 2008
BRICs communiqué, Sao Paulo, November 7, 2008
Canada announces dates of 2010 G8 Summit
G7 finance ministers and central bankers statement, October 27, 2008
G20 leaders special summit on the financial situation, Washington DC, November 15, 2008
G8 leaders statement on the global economy, October 15, 2008 (available in Chinese)
G20 communiqué, Washington DC, October 11, 2008
Statement by George Bush after meeting with G7 finance ministers, White House, October 11, 2008
G7 finance ministers and central bankers statements, Washington DC, October 10, 2008
Italy to host 2009 G8 summit at La Maddalena, Sardinia, July 8-10, 2009
Central banks issue joint statement, which includes some G7 members, October 8, 2008
G7 finance ministers meeting, Washington DC, October 10, 2008
G7 Finance Ministers Statement on Financial Market, September 22, 2008
2008 G5 Statement in Chinese
G8 Documents in Portuguese
G7 Foreign Ministers Statement on Georgia, August 27, 2008
G7 Finance Ministers Statement on Georgia, August 20, 2008
G8 parliamentarians meeting, Hiroshima, September 1-2, 2008
Statement by the leaders of Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 documents from Hokkaido Summit, July 8-9, 2008
Chair's Summary, Hokkaido, July 9, 2008
Statement on the Meeting of Major Economies, Hokkaido, July 9, 2008
Report on the Heiligendamm Process, Hokkaido, July 9, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on International Institutions, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on Zimbabwe, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on counter-terrorism, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on political issues, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on food security, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on Development and Africa, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
Reports submitted to the G8 leaders, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on Environment and Climate Change, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
G8 leaders' statement on World Economy, Hokkaido, July 8, 2008
Transcript of press conference, July 6, 2008
G8 Justice and Home Ministers documents, Tokyo, June 11-13
G8 Foreign Ministers summary, statements on Afghanistan and Zimbawe, June 26-27, 2008, Kyoto
G8 Science and Technology Ministers, June 15, 2008, Okinawa
G8 Finance Ministers statements and action plans, Osaka, June 13-14, 2008
G8 Energy Ministers statements and declarations, Aomori, Japan, June 7-8, 2008
TICAD IV chair's summary and other documents, Yokohoma, May 28-30, 2008
G8 Environment Ministerial Chair's Summary and supporting documents, May 26, 2008
G8 Labour and Employment Ministerial Chair's Conclusions, May 13, 2008
G8 Development Ministerial Chair's Summary, April 6, 2008
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors, April 11, 2008 (to be confirmed), Washington DC
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors, February 9, 2008, Tokyo: Statement
G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, November 17-18, 2007, Cape Town, South Africa: Communiqué
G8 finance ministers statements, Washington DC, October 19, 2007
More documents on nonproliferation, counterterrorism, Sudan and more, Heiligendamm, June 8, 2007
Growth and Responsibility in Africa, Heiligendamm, June 8, 2007
First document released at Heiligendamm Growth and Responsibility in the World Economy, June 7, 2007
G8 foreign ministers statements, Potsdam, May 30, 2007
G8 finance ministers statements, Essen, May 19, 2007
G8 leaders program
G8 labour ministers, Dresden, May 6-8, 2007: Chair's conclusion
G7 deputy finance ministers statement on hedge funds, Washington, April 16, 2007
G7 finance ministers and central bank governors statement, Washington, April 13, 2007
Press release from German Ministry for the Environment, with Potsdam Initiative on Biological Diversity, March 17, 2007
Teleconference with John Baird, Minister, Environment Canada, following G8 environment ministerial, March 17, 2007
G7 finance ministers statement and opening address, Essen, February 9-10, 2007
G20 finance ministers communiqué and reform agenda, Melbourne, Australia, November 18-19, 2006
G8 environment ministers, Monterrey, Mexico, October 3, 2006
G8 labour and employment ministers meeting, Moscow, October 9-10, 2006
Africa Partnership Forum, Moscow, October 26-27, 2006
Business Community Involvement in Counter-Terrorism International Forum, Moscow, November 27-28
G8 parliamentarians, St. Petersburg, September 15-16, 2006
G7 finance ministers meeting statement, Singapore, September 16, 2006
2007 Heiligendamm Summit dates set
St. Petersburg Statements and Documents and participants
EC president Matti Vanhanen addresses business leaders
G8 auditors to monitor St Petersburg promises
President Putin attends Civil G8 NGO Forum (with video)
G8 foreign ministers, Moscow, June 29, 2006: Chairman's statement
G8 Justice and home affairs ministers, Moscow, June 15-16, 2006, Moscow: Press conference
G8 Plus Five Science Academies issue statements on energy and infectious diseases
G8 Finance Ministers, June 9-10, 2006, St. Petersburg: Statements
G8 education ministers, June 1-2, 2006, Moscow: Statement
G8 health ministers, April 28, 2006, Moscow: Statement
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, April 21, 2006, Washington: Statement
G8 energy ministers meeting, March 15-16, 2006, Moscow: Statements by chair and Putin
Civil G8 International NGO Forum, March 9-10, 2006, Moscow: Documents
Civil G8 Experts Round Table, February 16, 2006, Moscow: Documents
Putin issues a statement and holds press conference on the St Petersburg Summit, March 1, 2006
G8 Political Directors meeting, February 21, 2006, Moscow
G8 Finance Ministers, February 10-11, 2006, Moscow: Statement
G8 energy ministers meeting, March 15-16, 2006, Moscow
G8 finance deputies meeting, January 26-27, 2006, Moscow
Statement of G8 and outreach leaders
Reports on the Global Partnership and nuclear safety
Statements on the Middle East, nonproliferation and counterterrorism
More documents on trade, IPR piracy, fighting corruption
Documents on energy, infectious disease and education released
Statements by Bush and Putin, including on nuclear terrorism
Putin's address to visitors to Russia's official website
Russia's official G8 website contains translations of G8 documents going back to Denver 1997
Press conference from Civil 8's NGO Dialogue, December 19-20, 2005
G8 Transport Ministers, January 11-13, 2006, Tokyo
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, November 18-19, 2006, Melbourne, Australia
St Petersburg Summit to be held July 15-17, 2006, according to Kyodo News
Press conference on cooperation between the G8 and civil society, Moscow, December 20, 2005
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting, London, December 2-3, 2005: Statements
Global Health Security Initiative meeting, Rome, November 17-18, 2005: Statement
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, October 15-16, 2005, Xianghe, China: Statements
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors statement and letter, Washington, September 23, 2005
G8 Home Affairs Ministers, London, November 9-10, 2005
G8 Energy and Environment Ministers, plus ministers from 12 other countries, November 1, 2005, London: Documents
G7 Finance Ministers statement on China's currency reform
Some Gleneagles documents are now available in German/Einige Dokumente sind auf Deutsch vorhanden
Déclarations de Gleneagles disponibles en français
Russia launches official website for 2006 St Petersburg Summit
Official documents from Gleneagles Summit, including transcripts of briefings
Commission for Africa releases declaration and final report, March 11, 2005
Tony Blair: Chairman's Statement from Gleneagles Summit
Leaders' statement on London bomb blasts, Gleneagles, July 7, 2005
Tony Blair's statement on London bomb blasts statements, Gleneagles, July 7, 2005
G8 Foreign Ministers statements, London, June 23, 2005
G8 Finance Ministers statements, London, June 10-11, 2005
OECD Ministerial Council Meeting, May 3-4: Chair's Summary
G7 Finance Ministers Meeting, Washington, April 15-16, 2005: Statements
G8 Environment and Development Ministers Meeting, Derbyshire UK, March 17-18, 2005: Press release, background information
International Energy/Environment Ministers Roundtable, London, March 15-16, 2005: Press release, March 15
G8 Labour Ministers concluding press release, March 11, 2005
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meetings, London, February 4-5 and June 10-11, 2005: Statements on meeting, development and China
G7 Finance Ministers Statement on Tsunami, January 7, 2005
Forum for the Future, Rabat, Morocco, December 10-11, 2005: Statement
Scientific Conference on Climate Change, Exeter UK, February 1-3, 2005
G8 Justice and Interior Ministers Meeting, Sheffield UK, June 16-17, 2005
G8 Gleneagles Summit: July 6-8, 2005
UK's G8 website and youth website J8 Change the World launched; press release December 10, 2004
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Communiqué, Berlin, November 19-21, 2004
Conference on Iraq with G8 and Arab foreign ministers, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the Arab League, China and possibly the European Union, November 22-23, 2004, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
European G8 interior ministers meeting, October 17-18, 2004, Florence
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