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Logo of the 2022 G7 German Presidency

Elmau Progress Report 2022:
G7 Development and Development-Related Commitments

July 7, 2022

Download the 300-page PDF

Executive Summary
I  Aid and Aid Effectiveness
Commitment 1–Increasing development assistance
Commitment 2–Development effectiveness
Commitment 3–Innovative financing
Case Study 1: Collective
II  Economic Development
Commitment 4–Trade and development
Commitment 5–Trade and infrastructure in Africa
Commitment 6–Quality Infrastructure Investment
Commitment 7–Responsible global supply chains
Commitment 8–Digital transformation in Africa
Case Study 2: Collective
III  Health
Commitment 9–Attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with strong health systems and better preparedness for public health emergencies
Commitment 10–Preventing and responding to future outbreaks
Commitment 11–Setting up mechanisms for rapid deployment
Commitment 12–Reforming and strengthening WHO's capacities
Commitment 13–Mobilising support for the Global Fund
Commitment 14–Antimicrobial Resistance
Commitment 15–Neglected tropical diseases
Commitment 16–Ending preventable child deaths and improving maternal health
Commitment 17–Prevention and treatment for HIV/AIDS
Commitment 18–HIV/AIDS: stigma, discrimination and rights violation
Commitment 19–Polio
Commitment 20–Delivery of doses
Case Study: European Union
IV  Food Security and Nutrition
Commitment 21–Broad food security and nutrition development
Case Study: United Kingdom
V  Education
Commitment 22–Quality education for women and girls
Commitment 23–Basic education in the Sahel
Commitment 24–Girls' education targets
Case Study: Italy
VI  Equality
Commitment 25–Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Commitment 26–Technical and vocational education and training for women and girls
Commitment 27–Women's economice mpowerment
Commitment 28–Advancing gender equality through non-discriminatory legislation
Case Study: France
VII Governance
Commitment 29–G7 Anti-corruption initiatives
Commitment 30–G7 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
Commitment 31–G7 Partnership on Extractives Transparency
Commitment 32–CONNEX
Commitment 33–Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
Commitment 34–Beneficial ownership
Commitment 35–Anti-bribery
Commitment 36–Asset recovery
Commitment 37–Tax capacity-building
Commitment 38–Land transparency
Case Study: Japan
VIII Peace and Security
Commitment 39–Maritime security in Africa
Commitment 40–Women, Peace and Security
Commitment 41–Crises and conflicts in Africa
Case Study: USA
IX  Environment and Energy
Commitment 42–Biodiversity
Commitment 43–Energy infrastructure in Africa
Commitment 44–Climate risk insurance
Commitment 45–Renewable energy
Commitment 46–Marine litter
Commitment 47–Fossil fuel
Commitment 48–Climate finance
Case Study: Canada
X  Human Mobility
Commitment 49–Migration and refugees
Commitment 50–Drivers of migration
Case Study: Germany
Methodological Note

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Source: German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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