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Logo of the 2022 G7 German Presidency

2022 Democratic Resiliencies Statement

Elmau, June 27, 2022

We, the Leaders of Germany, Argentina, Canada, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Senegal, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the European Union, affirm our commitment to strengthening the resilience of our democracies and to working towards equitable, inclusive and sustainable solutions to global challenges, including climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, and reaffirm our commitment to the rules-based international order.

Taking note of the 2021 Carbis Bay Open Societies Statement, and in recognition of the dramatic changes in the geopolitical situation since then and the significant threats to democratic systems around the world, we remain steadfast in our commitment to defending peace, human rights, the rule of law, human security and gender equality, as recognised by international law, including the United Nations Charter, and call on our international partners to join us in these efforts. We acknowledge the importance of national laws and regulations that are in place in each country to advance the principles and values of democracy. We hail all courageous defenders of democratic systems that stand against oppression and violence, and will step up international cooperation to improve the resilience of democratic societies globally. We commit to engage with partners internationally for peace and prosperity, and will work for progress towards an equitable world, because we are stronger together.

Global Responsibility: Democracies as Reliable Partners

As democracies, we seek to promote a rules-based international order, respect other states' territorial integrity and sovereignty, respect and defend the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, support the peaceful resolution of conflicts, oppose the threat or use of force of any kind that is not in compliance with international law, protect human rights, strengthen multilateral institutions to address global challenges, and develop and use technologies in accordance with democratic principles for the benefit of humanity. In sharing these values, we are stronger together and commit to:

Information Environment:
Democracies Defending Open and Pluralistic Debate

Democracies enable open public debate, independent and pluralistic media and the free flow of information online and offline, fostering legitimacy, transparency, responsibility and accountability for citizens and elected representatives alike. We are prepared to defend these principles and are resolved to:

Civil Society: Democracies Protecting and Fostering Open and Pluralistic Civic Spaces

Democracies lay and protect the foundations for free and vibrant civic spaces, enabling and encouraging civic engagement and political participation, which in turn stimulate meaningful legitimacy, creativity, innovation, social accountability, and responsibility. We commit to:

Inclusion and Equality:
Democracies Promoting Equal Representation

Democracies promote solidarity and non-discriminatory, diverse, equitable, accessible and inclusive environments, enabling fair representation and political participation. We commit to:

We welcome the efforts and initiatives by the German G7 Presidency and partners to further strengthen the resilience of democracies in the spirit of this statement.

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Source: Official website of the 2022 German G7 Presidency

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