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G7 Action Plan on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

Ise-Shima, Japan, May 27, 2016
[PDF in English] [PDF in Japanese]

We stress the importance of counterterrorism work already done in relevant bilateral, regional, and international fora such as the UN and the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF). However, we also acknowledge that there remain gaps in the existing operational capabilities and international cooperation to fight terrorism.

The international community has already developed a large list of actions that need to be taken. Frameworks for information exchange and cooperation already exist. However, not all of these are implemented and utilized to the fullest potential. This is why the G7 decided to focus on specific critical gaps in order to facilitate a more effective counterterrorism response by the international community.

As violent extremism is one of the main factors conducive to the spread of terrorist attacks throughout the world, we stress the need to address it. In this context, empowering alternative voices that are capable of challenging the drivers of violent extremism is necessary to help make societies resilient to violent extremism.

Therefore, the members of the G7 commit to taking the following concrete actions, in accordance with their domestic laws and international obligations, to help improve the overall capacity of the international community to fight against terrorism and to counter violent extremism. The members of the G7 commit to further work on concrete steps that would facilitate the implementation of the actions identified below and regularly take stock of the progress. Leaders will revert to this issue at their next summit.

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Action 1: CT Measures

Implementation of relevant UNSCRs

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Information Sharing and Cooperation

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Border Security

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Aviation Security

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Countering Terrorist Financing

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Trafficking of antiquities

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Engagement with the private sector

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Action 2: Empowering Alternative Voices and Tolerance in Society

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Action 3: Capacity Building

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Source: Official website of the 2016 G7 Ise-Shima Summit

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