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Fact Sheet: G8 Action on Energy and Climate Change

U.S. State Department, May 19, 2012
[Version française du Canada et de la France]

At the Camp David Summit, G8 Leaders recognized that the development of and universal access to environmentally safe, sustainable, secure, and affordable sources of energy is essential to global economic growth and to their overall efforts to address climate change. As such, they identified several actions for the G8 to take together:

Pursue a Comprehensive Energy Strategy – Safely

Respond to Changing Fuel Mix and Infrastructure

Promote the Sustainable Deployment of Renewables

Enhance Preparedness for Oil and Gas Supply Disruptions

Advance Energy Efficiency, Including Appliance and Equipment Efficiency

Address Climate Change, Including By Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

In its role as 2012 Chair of the G8, the United States intends to work with G8 partners to develop mechanisms for following up these actions over the course of 2012.

Source: 2012 Camp David Summit website

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