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A Comparison between the Recommendations
of the Commission for Africa Report
and the G8 Commitments
See Communiqué Highlights Full Communiqué
The Commission for Africa (CfA) was launched by Tony Blair in February 2004.
Its aim was to take a fresh look at Africa's past and present and the international community's role in its future development.
Their work set out to be 'comprehensive and challenging', addressing difficult questions where necessary.
Most of the Commissioners were African. They included political, private sector and civil society leaders as well as public servants.ÊThey were joined by rock campaigner Bob Geldof.
After a wide ranging consultation period, and a series of meetings and conferences, the Commission published their final report and recommendations in March of this year.
At the launch, the PM said:
"If we fail to act, we will betray the future not just of hundreds of millions of children in Africa but that of our own children as well."
The report included a number of detailed recommendations for developing Africa.
At the G8 summit in Gleneagles, the world's leaders together with a number of their African counterparts signed up to a communique which included more than 50 of those recommendations.
The links on the left take you to pages that show the CfA recommendations and the extracts from the G8 communiquŽs that match them.
Many of the CfA recommendations which the G8 did not sign up to were for the UN, African countries and others to take forward.
Download the PDF comparison of the Commission for Africa Report and the G8 commitments.
Source: 10 Downing Street
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