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Summit Documents

Remarks by President George Bush and Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
Sea Island, June 8, 2004, 15h43

PRESIDENT BUSH: – Thanks, it's great to see you. I want the folks to know how much I appreciate your willingness to work on promoting freedom around the world, and it's an important statement and I appreciate your government's good work.

I appreciate very much the Chancellor's help in Afghanistan. That country is improving, and that's important. I appreciate our mutual work on the U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraq. I look forward to continuing our dialogue in a spirit of cooperation and friendship, and I'm glad you're here.

CHANCELLOR SCHROEDER: (As translated.) Thank you very much. And let me say, I love to be here, particularly since the weather is – compared to what we are used to – so nice and so favorable. (Laughter.)

And I think what we're talking about here at this meeting will be essentially something that, indeed, forms part of one whole and something that is an indissoluble, namely, a good world economy on the one hand, and stable political situation – a stable political environment on the other.

We are willing to give our contribution and we, indeed, give our contribution to this in Afghanistan, for example, but also on the Balkans. And let me say that I'm gratified to know that this is appreciated.

I am confident that the resolution – the United Nations Security Council resolution on Iraq will be adopted today. Whatever we can do to bring this about, we will certainly do. We think that this resolution will be a good basis, a good foundation for enhancing stability for also improving the chances for the Iraqi people, and also to enhance stability all around in that region that is, I think we would all agree, a difficult one. And I think that this is, indeed, our common task; it is something that we shall work on together. And, well, thank you again for your gracious hospitality.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thanks, Gerhard, appreciate you.

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Source: Official G8 Sea Island site

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