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Summit Documents

Fact Sheet:
Ending Famine in the Horn of Africa

June 10, 2004

Presidential Action

President Bush and the other G8 Leaders endorsed today a new initiative to help prevent famine by improving worldwide emergency assessment and response systems, raising agricultural productivity, and helping 5 million chronically food insecure people in Ethiopia attain food security by 2009.

The Challenge: Millions of people face hunger or food insecurity in E ritrea, Somalia, the Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda. At least five million Ethiopians are "chronically food insecure", i.e., unable at some time in any year to secure an adequate supply of food for survival.

U.S. Leadership: President Bush believes that famine is a preventable tragedy and he is determined to do more. The United States is the world's leader in food aid, providing more than $1.4 billion in emergency aid and 56 percent of all contributions to the UN's World Food Program in FY 2003, a year of unusually high emergency food aid needs.

G8 Action: President Bush led the G8 in endorsing an initiative on Ending the Cycle of Famine in the Horn of Africa, which commits the G8 to:

For the full G8 document on this issue, please click here.

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Source: Official G8 Sea Island site

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