We met in Kananaskis for our annual Summit to discuss the challenges of fighting terrorism, strengthening global economic growth and sustainable development, and building a new partnership for Africa's development.
This was our first meeting since the terrible events of September 11. We discussed the threat posed to innocent citizens and our societies by terrorists and those who support them.
We are committed to sustained and comprehensive actions to deny support or sanctuary to terrorists, to bring terrorists to justice, and to reduce the threat of terrorist attacks.
We agreed on a set of six non-proliferation Principles aimed at preventing terrorists - or those who harbour them - from acquiring or developing nuclear, chemical, radiological and biological weapons; missiles; and related materials, equipment or technologies. We called on other countries to join us in implementing these Principles.
We launched a new G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, under which we will undertake cooperative projects on the basis of agreed guidelines. We committed to raise up to US$ 20 billion to support such projects over the next ten years.
We agreed on a new initiative with clear deadlines - Cooperative G8 Action on Transport Security - to strengthen the security and efficiency of the global transportation system.
We discussed the outlook for global economic growth and employment, and the challenges of poverty reduction and sustainable development. We expressed confidence in our economies and in the prospects for global growth. We agreed on the fundamental importance of strong political leadership for the success of economic reforms in our own economies. We support emerging market countries, including Brazil and others in Latin America, in their efforts to implement sound economic policies.
We agreed to resist protectionist pressures and stressed our commitment to work with developing countries to ensure the successful conclusion of the Doha Development Agenda by January 1, 2005.
We agreed on the importance of reaffirming the Doha Agenda and the Monterrey Consensus and to work at the upcoming Johannesburg Summit to produce meaningful partnerships for sustainable development and measurable results. We recognized that climate change is a pressing issue that requires a global solution, and we discussed the problem of deforestation.
We will fund our share of the shortfall in the enhanced HIPC initiative, recognizing that this shortfall will be up to US $1 billion. We stressed the importance of good governance in countries benefiting from HIPC debt relief.
We reviewed implementation of the DOT Force's Genoa Plan of Action and welcomed its initiatives to strengthen developing countries' readiness for e-development, such as the e-model to improve the efficiency of public administrations and to enhance the transparency of national budgeting.
We adopted a series of recommendations to assist developing countries to achieve universal primary education for all children and equal access to education for girls. We agreed to increase significantly our bilateral assistance for countries that have demonstrated a strong and credible policy and financial commitment to these goals.
We met with the Presidents of Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa, and the Secretary General of the United Nations, to discuss the challenges faced by Africa and the G8's response to the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).
We adopted the G8 Africa Action Plan as a framework for action in support of the NEPAD. We agreed to each establish enhanced partnerships with African countries whose performance reflects the NEPAD commitments.
Assuming strong African policy commitments, and given recent assistance trends, we believe that in aggregate half or more of our new development assistance commitments announced at Monterrey could be directed to African nations that govern justly, invest in their own people and promote economic freedom.
We underlined the devastating consequences for Africa's development of diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. In addition to our ongoing commitments to combat these diseases, we committed to provide sufficient resources to eradicate polio by 2005.
We agreed to work with African partners to deliver a joint plan by 2003 for the development of African capability to undertake peace support operations.
We will continue our dialogue with our African partners. At our next Summit, we will review progress on the implementation of the G8 Africa Action Plan on the basis of a final report from our Personal Representatives for Africa.
Finally, we discussed several regional issues that have significant implications for international peace and security.
We stressed our commitment to work for peace in the Middle East, based on our vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side within secure and recognized borders. We agreed on the urgency of reform of Palestinian institutions and its economy, and of free and fair elections.
We support the Transitional Authority of Afghanistan. We will fulfil our Tokyo Conference commitments and will work to eradicate opium production and trafficking.
We discussed the tensions between India and Pakistan. We agreed that Pakistan must put a permanent stop to terrorist activity originating from territory under its control. Both countries should commit to sustained dialogue on the underlying issues that divide them.
We welcomed the offer of the President of France to host our next Summit in June 2003. We agreed that Russia will assume the 2006 G8 Presidency and will host our annual Summit that year.