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Italian Presidency Document (Beyond Debt Relief)


  1. Remove trade barriers for the poorest countries

    1. Trade as an engine of growth

    2. Opening markets

    3. The impact of trade liberalization

    4. Minimizing non-tariff barriers to trade

    5. Trade capacity building

  2. Promote private investment in the poorest countries

    1. The role of FDI in development

    2. Determinants of FDI decisions

    3. Trends in FDI flows

    4. Attracting and expanding the benefits of FDI in the poorest countries

      Key proposals



  3. Focused aid

    1. Health

    1.1 The situation in the poorest countries 
    1.2 From Okinawa to Genova
    1.3 Specific objectives and proposals on health

    Key proposals

    2. Education

    2.1. The situation in the poorest countries
    2.2 An agenda for action on education
    2.3 Specific objectives and proposals on education

    Primary and Basic Education

    1. Education for all (EFA)
    2. Reducing barriers to access
    3. Supporting Institutions.
    4. Involvement of Civil Society
    5. Enforcement of measures against Child Labour.
    6. Teacher training and Information Communications Technologies (ICT).
    7. Environmental protection and Healt Care.
    8. Monitoring

    Adult Education, higher and continuing Education

    9. Post-school education.
    10. Contribute to tertiary education.
    11. Establish a Trust Fund for mobilising additional resources.


    Main Proposals

    A. Trade

    B. Investment

    C. Focused Aid

    1. Health

    2. Education

Source: Italy, Ministero degli Affari Esteri (all accessible at https://www.esteri.it/g8/docum.htm)

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