Annex B
I. Introduction
1. | Recognising the continuing pressure on the world's forests and the positive contribution that sustainable forest management can make to sustainable development, the G8 members at Denver reiterated their commitment to implement the proposals for action contained in the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests and agreed to support a practical action programme. The following elaborates such a Programme which reflects a political commitment and aims to complement the extensive range of actions currently being taken by the international community and various regional and international processes and to strengthen some activities G8 members have identified as issues of particular importance. The Programme focuses on domestic actions in the G8 member countries and areas where they can make unique contributions through their bilateral assistance programmes and through their support for intergovernmental processes. G8 members intend to follow up this action programme individually and/or co-operatively and to review and report on progress as appropriate to G8 summits. |
II. Monitoring and Assessment
2. | The G8 members participate in international processes within which national level criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management have been developed. These criteria and indicators are tools for monitoring and assessing national trends across land ownerships in forest conditions and forest management. As such, they provide a common framework for describing, monitoring and assessing, over time, progress towards sustainable forest management. The link between national level criteria and indicators and the Food and Agriculture Organisation's ongoing global forest resources assessment programme is also important in providing consistent, reliable and compatible forest data on a global basis. |
3. | The G8 members will: |
III. National Forest Programmes
4. | Countries have sovereignty over their own resources as set out in para 1 (a) of the Forest Principles adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and are responsible for achieving sustainable forest management. National forest programmes and other actions to promote sustainable forest management will contribute to national strategies for sustainable development, which the United Nations General Assembly Special Session called on all countries to formulate by 2002. They encompass a wide range of approaches to achieve sustainable forest management which reflect national circumstances including land ownership patterns and the fact that in many countries the responsibility for forest management is allocated among federal/national, state/provincial and local levels of government, as well as indigenous people. These programmes assess the environmental, social and economic values of forest resources, establish national priorities and identify specific steps to manage forests sustainably in a participatory and transparent manner. |
5. | The G-8 members will: |
IV. Protected Areas
6. | Forests contain 70% of the earth's terrestrial biodiversity and as such are among the world's richest and most diverse ecosystems. They also provide a wide range of ecological services and other values. There are, however, forests with important biodiversity or ecological values in danger of being lost or degraded which warrant special recognition through the establishment of protected forest areas intended to maintain such values. Given that protection is an important element of sustainable forest management, geographic networks of protected areas of representative forest ecosystems at a national, transnational and global level can contribute to protection and recognition of these forests. In this context, a better understanding of protected area management classification systems is needed. |
7. | The G-8 members will: |
V. Private Sector
8. | Sustainable forest management requires a range of partnerships to be successful and is not possible without the positive involvement and commitment of the private sector, which includes forest owners, forest industries, civil society, non-governmental and community-based organisations and indigenous people. In some countries the private sector is playing an increasing part in the management of forests. It is therefore vital that the private sector should make a greater contribution to securing sustainable forest management. It is the responsibility of each government to involve all private sector stakeholders in achieving sustainable forest management and encourage responsible private sector initiatives. |
9. | The G-8 members will: |
VI. Illegal Logging
10. | Illegal logging robs national and subnational governments, forest owners and local communities of significant revenues and benefits, damages forest ecosystems, distorts timber markets and forest resource assessments and acts as a disincentive to sustainable forest management. International trade in illegally harvested timber including transfer pricing, under invoicing and other illegal practices, exacerbates the problem of illegal logging. Better information on the extent of the problem is a prerequisite to developing practical and effective counter measures. |
11. | The G-8 members will: |
Excerpt from G8 Denver Summit Communique
19. | Forests continue to be destroyed and degraded at alarming rates in many parts of the world. To reverse this trend, we call upon all countries to make a long-term political commitment to achieve sustainable forest management practices worldwide and to join us in the immediate implementation of proposals put forward by UNCSD Intergovernmental Panel on Forests. We have discussed in Denver and have agreed to support a practical Action Programme that includes implementing national programs and building capacity for sustainable forest management; establishing networks of protected areas; assessing the state of each nation's forests using agreed criteria and indicators; promoting private sector management of forests; and eliminating illegal logging. We ask that our officials meet early next year to assess progress in implementing this Action Program and call for a report at our next meeting. |
20. | At the Special Session of the United Nations, we will work with the active involvement of the environmental groups to build consensus on an international agreement with appropriately high international standards to achieve these goals. We welcome the progress made in implementing the Brazil Pilot Program initiated in Houston, and see it as an example of practical cooperation. |
Excerpt from G8 Foreign Ministers Conclusions
3. | We have published today and commit ourselves to the implementation of an Action Programme on Forests. This sets out specific measures at the domestic and international levels to promote sustainable forest management, complementing the work of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests and other international initiatives. We underline the importance of participation and transparency in the development and implementation of practical approaches to sustainable forest management that reflect environmental, ecological, social and economic values. We look forward to working together and with other partners, including those outside government, in implementing the Action Programme and reporting back on progress in the year 2000. Recent large scale forest fires lend urgency to this task. |
Excerpt from G8 Birmingham Summit Communique
12. | The recent devastating forest fires in south-east Asia and the Amazon, threatening not only our environment but even economic growth and political stability, illustrate the crucial importance of global cooperation, and of better and more effective frameworks and practical efforts designed to sustainably manage and conserve forests. In the year 2000 we will assess our progress on implementation of the G8 Action Programme published last week. We strongly support the ongoing work on forests under the auspices of the United Nations, and we look forward to continuing these efforts. |
Source: The Government of Japan
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