IV. Conclusion
The Action Programme on Forests launched two years ago represents the first consolidated experience for the G8 members in working together on the world's forests. It builds on individual G8 member's experiences and complements the extensive range of actions currently being taken by the international community in various regional and international processes.
This report demonstrates that G8 activities since 1998 are diverse, reflecting the variety of their forest ecosystems, land ownership arrangements, administrative and governance structures, and international cooperation programmes, as well as G8 members' individual and collective leadership and endeavours with respect to forests. The report also illustrates where the G8 members have capitalised on their strengths and worked cooperatively on a number of issues as opportunities arose, including in support of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF).
While the actions taken to date are important contributions towards sustainable forest management and in turn sustainable development, the G8 members recognise that further efforts are needed by all members to meet these ends.
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