II. Introduction
Heads of State or Government of eight major industrialised democracies (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States of America) and the President of the European Commission meet annually to discuss issues affecting people in their own and other countries. Recognising the continuing pressure on the world's forests and the positive contribution that sustainable forest management can make to sustainable development, the G8 Leaders at their summit in Denver 1997 reiterated their commitment to implement the proposals for action contained in the report of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development's Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF, 1997) and agreed to support a practical Action Programme focused on five priority areas:
In May 1998, the "G8 Action Programme on Forests" was launched by G8 Foreign Ministers. G8 Leaders agreed at the Birmingham Summit to assess progress on implementation of the Action Programme in the year 2000.
The G8 Action Programme on Forests reflects political commitment and aims to complement the extensive range of actions currently being undertaken by the international community and various regional and international processes and to strengthen some activities G8 members have identified as issues of particular importance. The G8 Action Programme focuses on domestic actions by the G8 members and on areas where they can make unique contributions through their bilateral assistance programmes and through their support for intergovernmental processes.
This report provides information on efforts made to date. In Chapter III. Implementation Highlights, illustrative activities carried out in this context are highlighted by the five priority areas. Further information on current activities is provided in the individual reports of G8 members contained in Annex A. This report will be considered at the Kyushu Okinawa Summit in July 2000.
Source: The Government of Japan
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