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Summit Contents
Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom London, 9
May 1998
This is an innovation in the history of the G8; the first time the
Foreign and Finance Ministers of the G8 have met together in
advance of the summit in order to prepare the way for the meeting
of the Heads of Government next weekend. This is part of the
strategy which the British Presidency has adopted to make sure that
under Tony Blair the Heads of Government, when they meet next
weekend, can focus on a narrower range of issues and have an
in-depth discussion on matters of common strategic concern to their
governments. That is why yesterday and this morning we are meeting
to discuss issues which do need common discussion between us but
where we, as Foreign and Finance Ministers, can take some of the
burden off the agenda for the Heads of Government.
I would like to focus this morning specifically on the progress we
have made among the Foreign Ministers. We had a working session
yesterday, followed by a working dinner. We covered a wide range
of issues and I can report to you that with the exception of two or
three issues which we wish to discuss this morning, apart from
those the communique has been agreed. This morning we will be
having a particular discussion on Iraq and also on
non-proliferation and landmines. We will also consider any
outstanding issues from the meeting of our officials last night.
We have covered such a wide range that it would not be, I think,
practical or helpful for me to go through all the topics that we
managed to consider yesterday. Let me highlight for you some
issues of particular concern.
First, we did discuss at length last night over dinner the very
tense situation in Kosovo. Indeed I can report to you that Kosovo
was by far the longest item of discussion at our meetings
yesterday. We have all agreed that the situation in Kosovo causes
deep concern. During the course of the discussion there was
considerable criticism of President Milosevic for failing to meet
the requirements set by the international community and the Contact
Group in particular. The members of the Contact Group present
therefore decided to implement the investment ban which was
contained in the statement of the last meeting of the Contact
Group. That last meeting set 9 May as the deadline for President
Milosevic to make progress on meaningful dialogue with Pristina,
otherwise an investment ban would be approved. Last night we
resolved to approve it.
Russia has entered the same reserve that it did at the Contact
Group meeting in Rome. But all other members of the Contact Group,
and Canada, last night committed themselves to an investment ban
and Japan is undertaking to consider how it can accept its
international obligations in that regard.
We also discussed last night the Middle East peace process.
Madeleine Albright led the discussion on the Middle East peace
process and she reported on the meetings that she held on Monday
and Tuesday in London with the support of the British Presidency of
the European Union. Tony Blair also met the participants and
between them Madeleine Albright and Tony Blair both pressed on both
participants the importance of agreement on the basis of the
American proposals. Madeleine Albright also indicated that she
would wish to secure agreement to those proposals in advance of any
further talks this week in Washington. Last night we all expressed
our concern that those talks should take place and should take
place on the basis of agreement to the American proposals. And I
hope that there will still be some room for flexibility on the part
of both participants in order that both, not just one of the
participants, can give an agreement to go to Washington for those
We also considered some global issues of joint concern. I would
wish to single out the progress that we have made on the
environmental protection of forests. The past year has seen
concern in many quarters of the world of the destruction of our
forests and in particular the dramatic damage that has arisen from
forest fires. At the Denver Summit the Heads of Government
committed the G8 to an action programme on forests. We have now
approved that action programme. It commits every member of the G8
to monitor and assess the state of their forests, in line with
their own national criteria, but also working with partner
countries to build the capacity to protect our forests, because
they are not simply national resources - they are a very important
part of the global resources in combating climate change. We also
instructed officials to report back in the year 2000 on action
taken in implementing our forest action programme.
So we have had a very full and successful meeting which has
addressed not just the regional issues but has also addressed
global issues. I have to report that, as we say, the atmospherics
were good, indeed there was a very positive spirit of cooperation
throughout our discussions. Last night's dinner in the Globe
Theatre was particularly welcomed by my colleagues as it gave them
the opportunity of seeing a quite remarkable reconstruction and a
piece of our shared culture. I cannot resist ending by saying that
I can't think of a more appropriate place for Foreign Ministers of
the world to meet than in the Globe.
Source: Released at the 1998 Birmingham G8 Summit.

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