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Tokyo Summit Political Declaration:
Striving for a More Secure and Humane World

July 8, 1993, Tokyo

1. We, the leaders of our seven countries and the representatives of the European Community, reaffirm our commitment to the universal principles of freedom, democracy,human rights and the rule of law. Since we last met in Munich,the process of democratization and economic reform has further advanced. Nevertheless, instabilities and conflicts, many with their roots in the past, still arise. We are determined to work together to create a more secure and humane world by enhancing international cooperation with broader partnership and scope.

2. The international community is actively engaged in improving the instruments for prevention and resolution of conflicts. The UN, which is vital to maintaining international peace and security, must be further strengthened, adapting itself to the changing international circumstances. We, therefore, support the ongoing efforts in the UN to improve its efficiency, and in particular to develop more effective institutional capacity for preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and postconflict peacebuilding in the context of the SecretaryGeneral's "Agenda for Peace".

3. We strongly support regional cooperation in promoting peace,democracy and stability. We welcome the more active role played by the countries of the AsiaPacific region in the promotion of regional security dialogues. Regional organizations in Europe, Africa, and the Americas are making significant contributions.

4. The protection of human rights is the obligation of all nations, as affirmed at the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna. The increased number of refugees and displaced persons as well as the problems of uncontrolled migration and difficulties confronted by national minorities require urgent attention by the international community, and should be tackled taking account of their root causes. Terrorism, particularly when sponsored by states, poses a grave danger which we will oppose energetically.

5. In promoting our partnership of cooperation, reforms in the former centralized economies should be further encouraged. We look forward to democratic, stable and economically strong societies in those countries. We firmly support the determined reform efforts by Russia under President Yeltsin and his government. We also look to Russia to promote its diplomacy based on the principle of law and justice and to continue to play constructive and responsible roles in the international community. We also support the reform process in Ukraine and hope that the recent meeting between Presidents Yeltsin and Kravchuk will provide a basis for further improvement of relations between the two countries.

6. Enhanced cooperation is necessary in combatting the danger of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missiles. In particular, we:

We also continue our efforts to strengthen the nonproliferation regimes, including the Missile Technology Control Regime, and to establish effective export controls. We reiterate the objectives of universal adherence to the NPI as well as the Treaty's indefinite extension in 1995 and nuclear arms reduction. We also call on those countries that have not done so to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention and to accede to the Biological Weapons Convention.

In the field of conventional arms, we will work to ensure the effectiveness of the UN Register of Conventional Arms as an important step toward improving transparency and restraint in their transfers.

7. Faced with the rapidly deteriorating situation in former Yugoslavia, we reaffirm our commitment to the territorial integrity of BosniaHerzegovina and to a negotiated settlement based on the principles of the London Conference. We cannot agree to a solution dictated by the Serbs and the Croats at the expense of the Bosnian Muslims. We will not accept any territorial solution unless it has the agreement of the three parties. If the Serbs and Croats persist in dismembering Bosnia through changes of border by force or ethnic cleansing, they will place themselves beyond the pale of the international community and cannot expect any economic or commercial assistance,especially reconstruction aid. The UN Security Council Resolutions on safe areas must be implemented fully and immediately to protect the civilian population. We commit ourselves to assist the Secretary General of the United Nations to implement UN Security Council Resolution 836 by sending troops, by air protection of the UNPROFOR, by financial and logistical contributions or by appropriate diplomatic action. Sanctions should be upheld until the conditions in the relevant Security Council Resolutions are met. Stronger measures are not excluded. The flow of humanitarian aid to Bosnia must be increased.

Deeply concerned about the situation in Kosovo, we call on the Serbian government to reverse its decision to expel the CSCE monitors from Kosovo and elsewhere in Serbia and to agree to a significant increase in their numbers.

8. We welcome the successfully held election and the announcement of a Provisional National Government in Cambodia to be followed by the establishment of a government on the basis of a new constitution to be enacted in accordance with the Paris Agreements. We continue our support for its reconstruction and lasting peace based on national reconciliation.

9. We fully support the efforts to achieve a comprehensive,lasting peace settlement in the Middle East, and call on Israel and the Arab states to take further steps for confidencebuilding. We reiterate that the Arab boycott should end. We call on Israel to respect its obligations with regard to the occupied territories. We support the efforts of reconstruction in Lebanon.

We support the restoration of the legitimate authorities in Haiti and commend the UN and OAS for their efforts in this regard.

We are determined to keep up the pressure on Iraq and Libya to implement all relevant UN Security Council Resolutions in full. Concerned about aspects of Iran's behavior, we call upon its government to participate constructively in international efforts for peace and stability and to cease actions contrary to these objectives.

We welcome the recent progress toward nonracial democracy in South Africa, paving the way for its full reintegration into the international political and economic community.

10. In an interdependent world, partnership is the key to building global peace and prosperity. We commit ourselves to anew effort to help shape a more secure and humane world, and urge others to join us.

Source: Released by the Tokyo Summit, July 8, 1993.

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