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Chairman's Statement

Klaus Kinkel, German foreign minister
Munich, 7 July 1992

1. Nagorny Karabakh, Moldova, Ossetia

We deplore the continued fighting in Nagorny Karabakh. We urge the parties to the conflict to cease hostilities immediately and appeal to them to allow additional measures to be carried out such as a troop disengagement and the return of refugees to their native areas. We emphasize that we shall on no account recognize faits accomplis brought about by force. We appeal to all parties to the conflict to participate in the negotiations in Rome and later in Minsk with a view to finding a just and lasting political settlement in line with CSCE principles.

We observe with deep concern the escalation of the conflict on the left bank of the Dniestr in the Republic of Moldova. We urgently appeal to all parties concerned to cease hostilities at once and to refrain from any attacks.

We support the efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement made by the Presidents of the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation and Ukraine at the summit meeting of littoral States of the Black Sea in Istanbul on 25 June 1992, and support their appeal to the CSCE to help find a solution.

We appeal to all countries to allow no steps which might serve, politically or materially, to sustain the fighting.

We are pleased to note that the ceasefire in southern Ossetia is being largely observed and appeal to all parties concerned to do everything in their power to expedite a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Georgia. The political leaders in southern and northern Ossetia are again urged to sign and abide by the ceasefire agreement negotiated between the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Georgia. We call upon the parties concerned to quickly bring about a peaceful settlement of the dispute on the basis of CSCE principles, and to respect the territorial integrity of the States affected and the rights of the minority populations living there.

2. The Baltic States

Equal treatment of all minorities in the Baltic States is a basic ingredient of peace and stability in the area.

We understand the concern of the Baltic States about the deadlocked negotiations with Russia on the withdrawal of former Soviet forces. We are also aware of the practical problems facing Russia in removing them. However, these problems must not be allowed to hinder the application of the principle of international law to the effect that military forces may not be stationed on the territory of another State without its consent. It is therefore important to quickly reach agreement in the current negotiations on a timetable for the withdrawal of the troops.

3. Middle East

We affirm our unqualified support for the Middle East peace process initiated by the Madrid peace conference. We express the hope that the direct bilateral negotiations between the parties to the conflict, as well as the multilateral negotiations on regional issues, will lead to a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement based on Security Council resolutions 242 and 338.

We welcome the progress made by all five multilateral working groups at their recent first meetings. These talks are a major part of the efforts to promote confidencebuilding between the nations affected on the road to peace in the Middle East. We appeal to all sides to create an atmosphere of confidence and trust.

4. Iraq

We note that Iraq still refuses to comply with all resolutions of the Security Council without reservation. We shall continue to demand the elimination of all Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and the release of all prisoners. We warn the Iraqi regime against repressive actions against all the peoples of Iraq in violation of UN Security Council resolution 688.

Iraq must accept the responsibility for the wellbeing of its citizens and for the equal treatment of its minorities. It is essential for Baghdad to comply with Security Council resolutions 706 and 712 so that food and medical supplies can be distributed on an equitable basis. We condemn any use of force against those who provide help to the population.

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5. Korea

We welcome the progress achieved in the dialogue between North and South Korea. It gives us reason to hope for a further reduction of tension.

We are concerned about North Korea's suspected nuclear weapons programme. The IAEA Safeguards Agreement must be fully implemented and an effective bilateral inspection regime must be put into practice.

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6. China

The recent developments towards economic reform in the People's Republic of China are encouraging. We also want to see China making greater efforts towards political reform. The situation with regard to human rights calls for considerable further improvement. We welcome China's accession to the NonProliferation Treaty and her application of the guidelines and parameters of the Missile Technology Control Regime. We hope that China will play a more constructive role in the international sphere.

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7. The Mediterranean

We consider it necessary to devote more attention to developments in the Mediterranean. Our aim must be to launch joint efforts to enable the countries concerned to develop in a way that will both maintain peace and security and at the same time promote understanding of the principles of democracy and ensure greater respect for human rights.

We support the recent efforts of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to find a solution to the Cyprus conflict. We call on all sides to cooperate with the Secretary-General to seize the present opportunity to negotiate a settlement to this longstanding and tragic problem along the lines of Security Council resolution 750.

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8. Africa

In Africa respect for basic human rights, political pluralism and market economy systems are gaining ground. We will continue to support this process of political and economic reform.

Substantial progress towards the complete dismantling of apartheid in South Africa has been interrupted by another instance of brutal violence. We call on all sides to resume negotiations as soon as possible and make greater efforts to prevent violence. We appeal to all parties concerned to continue through negotiations on the path to democracy devoid of racial barriers. Sustainable economic growth is essential for an enduring solution of South Africa's problems.

The situation in the Horn of Africa is still alarming. Ethnic strife in Ethiopia continues even after the controversial elections.

The ending of anarchy, chaos, violence and hunger in Somalia still depends on the willingness of numerous local groupings to allow the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other organizations to bring in food and medical supplies for the people. We welcome and support the UN peace mission for Somalia, UNOSOM.

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9. Latin America

We appreciate the progress achieved in consolidating democracy and market economy structures in Latin America.

In this connection we welcome the efforts of the OAS including sanctions to secure Haiti's return to constitutional order.

We also look forward to Peru's return to constitutional order.

We welcome the signing of the peace agreement for El Salvador and the efforts of both parties to implement it quickly.

We encourage efforts in other countries of the region to settle ongoing conflicts.

There is growing recognition in the region that the mastering of global challenges, such as environmental protection and drug trafficking, calls for close international cooperation. We are prepared to participate in and support cooperation in the region. The growing links between terrorist organizations and drug traffickers fill us with concern.

The steps Argentina and Brazil have taken to allow full inspection of their nuclear activities, and their decision to give effect to the Treaty of Tlateloco and to consider signing the comprehensive safeguards agreement with the IAEA, will be conducive to cooperation in this sphere as well.

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10. Drugs

Through our initiatives of recent years we have considerably strengthened international cooperation to combat drug trafficking. Meanwhile well over twenty countries, as well as the European Community and various international organizations, including the UN International Drug Control Programme, are involved in the work of the Financial Action Task Force to investigate the laundering of drug money, and of the Chemical Action Task Force to prevent chemicals being diverted to the illicit manufacture of drugs. The fight against drugs remains a major challenge. In order to meet this challenge effectively we shall continue our efforts to achieve broad international cooperation. In this context we attach special importance to the role of the United Nations, especially its Drug Control Programme.

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11. Terrorism

We condemn terrorism in all its forms and reaffirm our resolve to cooperate in combatting it. We call upon all countries involved to renounce support for terrorism, including financial support, and to take effective action to deny the use of their territory to terrorist organizations.

We denounce equally strongly the taking of hostages. We welcome the recent release of two hostages in Lebanon. We call again for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages who may still be held and for an accounting for all persons taken hostage who may have died while being held.

We underline the need for Libya to comply with Security Council resolutions 731 and 748 promptly and fully. We call upon all countries to enforce rigorously the sanctions against Libya so that those responsible for the bombings of PA 103 and UTA 772 may be brought to justice and Libya's support for terrorism may be ended.

We support the measures of the International Civil Aviation Organization aimed at increased security in civil aviation. We consider the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection to be a significant step towards this aim.

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Source: Released by the Munich Summit, 7 July 1992.

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