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Annex 2

Annex to Personal Message from Mikhail Gorbachev to G7 Leaders
12 July 1991

• Gorbachev's personal message
• Annex 1

Laws Concerning Legal Safeguarding of the Transition to the Market

1. Laws Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1989-1991

Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics on Lease November 23, 1989

Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics on Land February 28, 1990

Law on Property in the USSR March 6, 1990

Law on the General Principles of Local Self-Government and Local Economy in the USSR April 9, 1990

Law on Enterprises in the USSR June 4, 1990

Law on Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of State Tax Inspections May 21, 1990

Law on Taxation of Enterprises, Associations and Organizations June 14, 1990

Basic Legislation on Investment Activities in the USSR December 10, 1990

Law on the State Bank of the USSR December 11, 1990

Law on Banks and Banking Activities December 11, 1990

Law on Foreign Currency Regulation March 1, 1991

Customs Code of the USSR March 26, 1991

Law on Customs Tariffs March 26, 1991

Law on the General Principles of Citizens' Entrepreneurship in the USSR April 2, 1991

Law on the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the USSR May 17, 1991

Law on the Procedure of Resolving Economic Disputes by the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the USSR May 17, 1991

Basic Civil Legislation of the USSR and the Republics May 31, 1991

Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Personal Income Indexation June 25, 1991

Law on the Basic Principles of Enterprises' Destatization and Privatization July 1, 1991

Law on the Industrial Prototypes in the USSR July 3, 1991

Law on the Trade Marks and Servce Marks in the USSR July 3, 1991

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2. Draft Laws under Consideration by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

Draft Law on Basic Antimonopoly Legislation in the USSR

Draft Law on Securities and Stock Exchanges

Draft Law on Enterprises' Insolvency (Bankruptcy)

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Pricing

Draft Law on Commercial and Agency Activities

Draft Law on the Scientific Intellectual Property and Strengthening of its Protection

Draft Law on State Scientific and Technical Policy

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Foreign Investments in the USSR

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Insurance

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3. Draft Laws to be Developed and Submitted to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for Consideration

Draft Law on Joint Stock Companies in the USSR

Draft Law on Accounting Systems and Statistics

Draft Law on Money Circulation Regulation

Draft Law on Mortgage Right on Property

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Commodity Exchange

Draft Law on the Defense Industry Conversion

Draft Law on Competition

Draft Law on Small and Medium Enterprises

Draft Law on Foreign Economic Policy

Draft Law on Incomes

Draft Law on the Basic Principles of Budget Management and Tax Policy of the USSR

Draft Law on Foreign Currency Revenues Taxation, Repatriation of Profits and Foreign Currency

Draft Law on State Insurance of Commercial, Investment and Currency Risks of Enterprises

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on the Social Protection of Citizens

Draft Law on the Legal Status and Economic Guarantees for Non-Profit Organizations and Budget Institutions

Draft Law of the USSR on the Responsibility for Disclosure of Information concerning Commercial Secrets and for Breaking the Procedure of Protecting Such Information

Draft Law on Management, Material and Criminal Responsibility of Officers and Citizens Concealing Incomes and Evading Tax Payment

Draft Law of the USSR on Foreign Trade

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II. Laws on Democratization of Social Life, Safeguarding of Rights and Freedoms of the Citizens

1. Laws Adopted by the Congress of Peoples' Deputies of the USSR and by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1989-1991

Law on the Procedures to Settle Collective Labour Disputes (Conflicts) October 9, 1989

Law to Strengthen Sanction for Encroachment upon National Equality of the Citizens and Forceful Violation of the Territorial Integrity of the USSR April 2, 1990

Law on the Languages of the Peoples of the USSR April 24, 1990

Law on the Free National Development of the Citizens of the USSR Who Live Beyond Their National and State Entities or Who Do Not Have Such Entities on the Territory of the USSR April 26, 1990

Law on the Provision of Pensions to the Citizens of the USSR May 15, 1990

Law on Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the USSR Related to Questions concerning Women, Family and Childhood May 22, 1990

Law on the USSR Citizenship May 23, 1990

Law on the Press and Other Media June 12, 1990

Law on the Liberty of Conscience and Religious Organizations October 1, 1990

Law on Social Unions October 9, 1990

Law on Trade-Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of their Activities December 10, 1990

Law on the General Voting (USSR Referendum) Fourth Congress December 27, 1990

Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Population Employment January 15, 1991

On the Procedures of the Settlement of Individual Labour Disputes March 11, 1991

Law on the Basic Principles of the Youth Policy in the USSR April 16, 1991

Law on the Social Protection of Citizens Who Are Victims of the Chernobyl Accident May 12, 1991

Law on the Procedures of the Exit from and Entry to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Soviet Citizens May 20, 1991

Law on the Amendments and Additions to the USSR Law on the Liberty of Conscience and Religious Organizations June 4, 1991

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2. Draft Laws under Consideration in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

Draft Law on Collective Contracts and Agreements

Draft Law on Leaves

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Labour

Draft Legislative Act on Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions and Restoration of the Rights of Those Rehabilitated

Draft Law on Requests from Citizens

Draft Law Regulating Changes of Registration of Ethnic Origin in Passports and Other Official Documents

Draft Law on Alternative Service

Draft Basic Legislation of the USSR and the Republics on Specially Protected Natural Territories

Draft Basic Civil Procedural Legislation of the USSR and the Republics

Draft Law on Criminal Responsibility for Crimes against Peace and Security of Mankind

Draft Law on Criminal Responsibility for State Crimes

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