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Statement on the Taking of Diplomatic Hostages

Venice, June 22, 1980

Gravely concerned by recent incidents of terrorism involving the taking of hostages and attacks on diplomatic and consular premises and personnel, the Heads of State and Government reaffirm their determination to deter and combat such acts. They note the completion of work on the International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages and call on all States to consider becoming parties to it as well as to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons of 1973.

The Heads of State and Government vigorously condemn the taking of hostages and the seizure of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel in contravention of the basic norms of international law and practice. The Heads of State and Government consider it necessary that all governments should adopt policies which will contribute to the attainment of this goal and to take appropriate measures to deny terrorists any benefits from such criminal acts. They also resolve to provide to one another's diplomatic and consular missions support and assistance in situations involving the seizure of diplomatic and consular establishments or personnel.

The Heads of State and Government recall that every State has the duty under international law to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts, and deplore in the strongest terms any breach of this duty.

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Source: U.S., Department of State, Bulletin, No. 2041 (August 1980): 7; Economic Summits, 1975-1986: Declarations (Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 1987): 70-71; Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Political Declarations and Statements of Annual Economic Summits, 1978-1986 (London, 198-) [unpublished].

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