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Statement on Hijacking

Delivered by Prime Minister Cossiga, Venice, June 22, 1980

At the request of the Heads of State and Government who participated in the Summit, I, in my capacity as chairman of the meeting, am pleased to make the following statement which concerns the Declaration on Air-Hijacking issued in Bonn in July 1978. The Heads of State and Government expressed their satisfaction at the broad support of the international community for the principles set out in the Bonn Declaration of July 1978 as well as in the international conventions dealing with unlawful interference with civil aviation. The increasing adherence to these conventions and the responsible attitude taken by States with respect to airhijacking reflect the fact that these principles are being accepted by the international community as a whole.

While enforcement measures under the Declaration have not yet been necessary, the Heads of State and Government emphasize that hijacking remains a threat to international civil aviation and that there can be no relaxation of efforts to combat this threat. To this end they look forward to continuing cooperation with all other governments.

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Source: U.S., Department of State, Bulletin, No. 2041 (August 1980): 7; Economic Summits, 1975-1986: Declarations (Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 1987): 73-74; Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Political Declarations and Statements of Annual Economic Summits, 1978-1986 (London, 198-) [unpublished].

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