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G8 2009:
Canada's Objectives and Opportunities
for the L'Aquila Summit

An Outreach Session with Civil Society Stakeholders
in Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto
with Len Edwards, Canada's G8 Sherpa,
and David Angell, the Prime Minister's African Personal Representative
June 19, 2009

Presented by the G8 Research Group
in conjunction with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
with the Canadian International Council

This event will be a videoconference that will be webcast live from this site.
To watch the live webcast, click HERE.
(Note that there will be no image until the videoconference begins transmission
on June 19, 2009, at 15:30 EST)

For more information, please email g8@utoronto.ca.

Please note that all comments are off the record and not for attribution.

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