1. This article has benefited from comments and documentation provided by Guido Garavoglia, Head of the Research and Documentation Department, Press Office, Italian Chamber of Deputies.
2.C. Merlini, ed., I vertici:cooperazione competizione fra paesi occidentali(Rome: ADN KRONOS, 1985).
3. His letter to the other heads of state and government has not been published in its entirety. A summary appeared in Financial Times, 10 September 1992.
4. For the text, see the article in this issue by M. Hodges, "More Efficiency, Less Dignity: British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G- 7".
5. In particular, see the article in this issue by J. Kirton, "Exercising Concerted Leadership: Canada's Approach to Summit Reform".
6. S. Ostry, et. al., The Summit Process and Collective Security: Future Responsibility Sharing. A Study Group Report(Washington DC: The Group of Thirty, 1991).
7. J. Ikenberry, "Salvaging the G-7"< Foreign Affairs, vol. 73, no. 2, 1993, pp. 132-9.
8. R. Putnam, "The Western Economic Summits: A Political Interpretation", in Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making, ed. C. Merlini (London: Croom Helm, 1984). See also R. Putnam, "Western Summitry in the 1990s: American Perspectives", in this collection.
9. C. Merlini, ed., Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making (London: Croom Heim 1984), p. 195.
10. See the article in this issue by G. Garavoglia and P. C. Padoan, "The G-7 Agenda: Issues for the Future".
11. W. Smyser, "Goodbye G-7', The Washington Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1, 1993, p. 23.
12. Summaries of Sutherland's speech were published in, among others, La Figaro, 29 January 1994; The Wall Street Journal, 31 January 1994; and Le Monde, 3 February 1994.
13. See W. Wallace, European-Atlantic Security Institutions: Current State and Future Prospects, Paper presented at the conference organized by the IAI and the SWP on 'The Interaction of the EU and NATO: Adapting Transatlantic Cooperation to the New Security Challenges in Europe, Rome, 20-21 January 1994. If the US were to dedicate to Europe only half the attention it had in the past, reserving the rest for relations across the Pacific and with Latin America, it would be a shock for the Europeans, but it would also reflect the world as it is today, at the end of this millennium. Whether the United States will find these new sets of relations easier and more productive than traditional ones with Europe is another matter. We, as Europeans, may have doubts, but then again, we are not objective observers.
14. S. Huntington, 'The Clash of Civilizations?', Foreign Affairs, vol. 72, no. 3, 1993, pp. 22-49.
15. R. Putnam, "'The Western Economic Summits', p. 46.
16. See the article in this issue by Hodges, 'More Efficiency, Less Dignity, British Perspectives on the Future Role and Working of the G-7'.
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