The Bissell-Heyd Professorship of Canadian-American Studies was established by, and is supported through the generosity of the Associates of the University of Toronto in the United States. The Professorship honours Dr. Claude Bissell, President of the University of Toronto from 1958 to 1971. Following his presidency at Toronto, Dr. Bissell took a position at Harvard University where he served as an informal educational ambassador from Canada to the United States. To honour his significant contribution to North American education, the Professorship in his name brings to the University of Toronto each Year a senior American or Canadian scholar with a distinguished record of research and teaching about the United States, Canada, or the relationship between them.
For the 1987-88 academic Year, the Bissell-Heyd Professorship is being devoted to a program of research, lectures and conferences on the role of Canada. the United States. and their major partners in the annual Summit of the seven leading industrial democracies and the European Community. That Summit, which is being held in Toronto from June 19-21, 1988, reveals much about the contribution of Canada and the United States to the world and about the need for the two North American powers to cooperate, not only on their own continent, but also within the western and world communities as a whole. Moreover, the occasion of the Toronto Summit provides a unique opportunity to educate Torontonians and Canadians about the world around them. and the world about Toronto and Canada.
Given the singular importance of the Summit, the University of Toronto, through its 198788 Bissell-Heyd Program, has taken as its mandate the task of educating Canadians and the citizens of their Summit partners about the institutions, issues and members of the Seven-Power Summit. In this task it is pleased to have the co-operation of the York University Centre for International and Strategic Studies, the support of governments from the Summit countries and the advice of leading individuals in the business and media communities.
Moreover, in January of 1988, the University of Toronto was honoured to join with the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the City of Toronto to mount a much-expanded program of Summit-related educational activities. The resulting Municipal Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit," co-sponsored by the Bissell-Heyd Program and the Municipality and City, represents an innovative venture in University-Municipal Government cooperation in public education. We gratefully acknowledge the leadership of Chairman Dennis Flynn. Mayor Art Eggleton, and their respective Councils, in this important initiative.
As part of the Municipal Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit. the Centre for International Studies hosted at Trinity College, University of Toronto, on February 99. 1988 a public lecture by Pascal Lamy, Head of Cabinet of M. Delors, the President of the Commission of the European Communities. This paper is an edited and revised version of that lecture. and forms the fourth in a series of Bissell Papers on the Summit. The views expressed are those of the author alone.
John J. Kirton Director, The Municipal Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit
William C. Graham Director. Centre for International Studies University of Toronto
The European Community has recently celebrated its thirtieth birthday. The Treaty of Rome, which brought together the original six founding Members, was signed in March 1957. Three more Members -- the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark -- joined in 1971. The Community now numbers twelve with the addition of Greece in 1981 and Spain and Portugal in 1986.
The Toronto Economic Summit will be the fourteenth. The first, which neither Canada nor the European Community attended, was held in Rambouillet in 1975.
Both the European Community and the Summit are manifestations of the growing need to manage world economic interdependence. And although this entity on one hand, and the forum on the other, reveal fundamental differences, they can be mutually supportive.
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