Country Study Number One
Centre for International Studies
University of Toronto
May 1988
1. The one major exception is Robert Putnam and Nicholas Bayne, Hanging Together: The Seven Power Summits (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984 and 1987).
2. Gotlieb (1987), pp.2-3.
3. Ibid., p.6.
4. Ibid., p.7.
5. These cases will be expanded upon below, but it should be pointed out here that neither of these two policies were taken purely as a result of the summit.
6. Robert Putnam, "The Western Economic Summits: A Political Interpretation," In Cesare Merlini, Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making, p. 70.
7. Although my knowledge of French is only rudimentary, I gathered from headlines and skimming the French papers that they were almost all very sceptical about the summit as an institution.
8. Gotlieb (1987), p.4.
9. Lord Robert Armstrong, "Economic Summits: A British Perspective," notes for a speech delivered at the University of Toronto on March 2, 1988, p. 9.
10. This theory is primarily attributable to Prof. John Kirton, author of Canada as a Principal Power among other articles on the subject of Canadian foreign policy.
11. Ibid., p. 1 and Robert Schaetzel and H.B. Malmgren, "Talking Heads," Foreign Policy 39 (Summer 1980): pp. 130-42.
12. Allan Gotlieb, "Canada and the Economic Summits: Power and Responsibility, " Bissell Paper Number One, Centre For International Affairs, University of Toronto, December 1987, p. 2.
13. Gotlieb (1987), p. 4.
14. G. Garavoglia, "Form Rambouillet to Williamsburg: A Historical Assessment," in Merlini (ed.) Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making (London: Croom Helm, 1984), pp. 3-4.
15. Ibid.
16. Even Brian Mulroney is still among the less conservative of the summiteers in terms of willingness to intervene in the economy, which shows that Canada's has a somewhat different base than the other six nations.
17. Gotlieb (1987), p. 9.
18. Although it can be argued that inaction at
the Venice 1987 Summit did not increase confidence but
harmed it and led in part to the October 19, 1987 stock
market crash. Either way the summits paly an important part in
determining the level of confidence in the global economy.
19. Robert Putnam and Nicholas Bayne, Hanging
Together: The Seven Power Summits, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1987), p. 270.
20. From personal interview and Montreal
Star (W. Wilson), May 7, 1977.
21. Alex Inglis, "Economic summitry reaches time
of testing in London," International Perspectives
(September/October 1977), p. 33.
22. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p. 150.
23. The Netherlands and Belgium subsequently put
all of their efforts into getting the EEC admitted, a goal which
was achieved in 1977.
24.Inglis, p. 33.
25. Canadian News Facts, 1976, p. 1599.
26. Personal Interview.
27. Trudeau's concern with domestic affairs was
reported in the New York Times (Flora Lewis), May 7, 1977
and confirmed in a personal interview with a Canadian
28. Toronto Star (W.Wilson), May 9, 1977.
29. Globe and Mail (Ian Rodger), May 9,
30. Inglis, p. 33.
31. Globe and Mail (I. Rodger), May 9,
32. Personal interview.
33. Inglis, p. 33.
34. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together,
p. 74 and 270.
35. For a exposition of the differences between
cooperation and coordination see Sylvia Ostry, "Summitry: the
Medium and the Message," Bissell Paper Number Three, Centre for
International Affairs, University of Toronto, February 1988.
36. See section 7 of the final
communiqué. New York Times, July 18, 1978.
37. Financial Post, (R. Oram), July 15,
38. Toronto Star (Carol Goar), June 3,
39. Winnipeg Free Press (F. Rutter), July
19, 1978.
40. Personal Interview with a Canadian
41. Section 11 of the final communiqué.
42. Globe and Mail (I. Rodger), July 17,
43. Personal interview.
44. Ibid. and Winnipeg Free Press,
July 19, 1978.
45. Personal interview.
46. Except at the Versailles summit in 1982 when
the French wished to return to the bare minium of written
communiqués and avoid political topics as much as
47. Globe and Mail (I. Rodger), July 17,
48. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p. 110-11 and Financial Post (H. Solomon), July
17, 1979.
49. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p. 110.
50. Ibid., p. 283.
51. New York Times (T. Smith), July 1,
52. Personal interview with a Canadian
53. Ibid. and Putnam and Bayne,
Hanging Together, p. 116.
54. Toronto Star, June 21, 1980.
55. Section 7 of the final communiqué,
Venice 1980.
56. London Times (J. Best), June 20,
57. Toronto Star (A. Szende), June 24,
58. Toronto Star, Globe and Mail,
and Michel Vastel, "Importance of the Big Seven int he Wake of
Afghanistan," International Perspectives (July, August
1980), p.4.
59. Vastel, p.3.
60. Ibid..
61. Financial Post (P. Anderson), June
28, 1980. The story of the French accusation is not repeated in
any other source and could not be verified.
62. Ibid. and Christian Science
Monitor (H. Ellis), June 24, 1980.
63. Section 26, Venice communiqué, 1980.
64. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p.127.
65. Quoted in Ibid., p. 130.
66. Ibid., p. 270.
67. Personal interview with a frequent Canadian
summit participant.
68. Personal interview with a Canadian
participant at the Ottawa summit.
69. Section 12 of the final communiqué,
Ottawa, 1981.
70. Section 15 of the final communiqué,
Ottawa, 1981 and Manchester Guardian, August 2, 1981.
71. Globe and Mail (J. Gray), July 23,
72. Personal interview.
73. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p. 133.
74. For more on this debate and the difference
between cooperation and coordination see Sylvia Ostry, "Summitry:
The Medium and the Message," Bissell Paper Number Three, Centre
For International Affairs, University of Toronto, February 1988.
75. Globe and Mail (J. Simpson), June 7,
76. Personal Interview with Robert Johnstone,
March 20, 1988.
77. Ibid..
78. The Quadrilateral is made up of the EEC<
USA, Japan and Canada.
79. Toronto Star (C. Goar), June 6, 1982.
80. Toronto Star (UPI), June 6, 1982.
81. Financial Post (G. Gherson), June 3,
82. Ibid..
83. Toronto Star (UPI), June 6, 1982.
84. Toronto Star (C. Goar), June 7, 1982.
85. Personal interview with Canadian official.
86. Quoted in Globe and Mail, May 28,
87. Personal interview and New York Times
(H. Smith), May 26, 1983.
88. W. Wallace, "Political Issues at the
Summits: A New concert of Powers?" in Merlini, Economic
Summits and Western Decision-Making, p. 150.
89. Calgary Herald (H. Shea), May 31,
90. Trudeau later confirmed this but added that
he probably said "bloody asses", Globe and Mail (J. King),
May 30, 1983.
91. Ibid.. but not confirmed elsewhere.
92. Winnipeg Free Press, May 27, 1983.
93. See section 3, final communiqué,
Williamsburg, 1983.
94. Financial Post (J. Lute), May 21,
95. Quoted in Putnam and Bayne, Hanging
Together (1987), p. 184 and Toronto Star (S.
Handelman), June 2, 1984.
96. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p. 186.
97. Ibid., p. 183.
98. Ibid., p. 188 (from the
International Herald Tribune) and Toronto Star,
June 11, 1984.
99. Toronto Star, June 8, 1984.
100. Christian Science Monitor, June 11,
1984 and Toronto Star, June 11, 1984.
101. Halifax Chronicle-Herald (M. Cope),
June 9, 1984.
102. Ibid..
103. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987), p. 189.
104. Sylvia Ostry, "Summitry and the GATT,"
Text of a speech delivered at the Centre for International
Studies, University of Toronto, May 22-24, 1986. (also in Holmes
and Kirton (ed.) Canada and the New Internationalism)
105. Ibid..
106. For more on the theory of international
economic coordination and cooperation see any of the pieces by
Sylvia Ostry, particularly her book written with Michael Artis,
International Economic Policy Coordination (London: Royal
Institute of International Affairs, 1986).
107. Claire Hoy, Friends in High Places
(Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1987), p. 142 and Toronto Star
(B. Hepburn), May 2, 1985.
108. Hoy, Friends in High Places, p.
109. Hoy, Friends in High Places, p.
110. Ottawa Citizen (Canadian Press),
May 4, 1985.
111. Michel Gratton, "So, what are the boys
saying?" (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1987), pp. 115-16 and
Globe and Mail (J. Simpson), May 6, 1985.
112. Toronto Star, May 5, 1985.
113. For more details see Sylvia Ostry,
"Summitry: The Medium and the Message".
114. Macleans, May 19, 1986.
115. See particularly D.A. Hilton, "Global
Economic Development" A paper given at the Liberal Party foreign
policy conference, February 1988, p. 5.
116. Personal interview with a Canadian
117. Ibid..
118. Section 7, final communiqué, Tokyo
119. Personal interview frequent summit
120. See the DEA's recent pamphlet, Canada
and the Economic Summits, p. 5.
121. Office of the Prime Minister. "Statement
by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney at a Press Conference following
the Tokyo Economic Summit," May 6, 1986.
122. Putnam and Bayne, Hanging Together
(1987). p. 270 and personal interview.
123. From a participant at the Venice 1987
124. Globe and Mail (P. Cook, Report on
Business), June 9, 1987.
125. Globe and Mail, February 23, 1987.
126. Globe and Mail (J. Fraser), June 8,
127. Toronto Star, June 1, 1987.
128. Office of the Prime Minister. "Opening
Statement by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney at this concluding
press conference at the 1987 Venice Summit," and transcript of
the press conference, June 10, 1987.
129. Ibid..
130. Personal interview with Canadian
131. Ibid. and Prime Minister's final
press conference transcript.
Source: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.
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