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World Economic Problems For the Summit:
Coordination, Debt, and the Exchange Rate System

Dr. Rudiger Dornbusch

Bissell Paper Number Six
Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto
May, 1988

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1. Gotlieb, Allan Canada and the Economic Summits Power and Responsibility. BISSELL PAPER Number 1, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies,University of Toronto, 1987. (Revised version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, November 19, 1987).

2. MacMillan, Charles Comparing Canadian and Japanese Approaches to the Seven Power Summit. BISSELL PAPER Number 2, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988. (Unedited text of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, January 18, 1988).

3. Ostry, Sylvia Summitry: The Medium and the Message BISSELL PAPER Number 3, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies, February 11, 1988).

4. Armstrong, Lord Robert Economic Summits: a British Perspective. BISSELL PAPER Number 4. The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit. Centre for International Studies, Universitv of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International S tudies, March 2. 1988).

5. Lamy, Pascal The Economic Summit and the European Community BISSELL PAPER Number 4, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988 (Edited version of a speech delivered at the Centre for International Studies. February 29, 1988).

6. Dornbusch, RudigerWorld Economic Problems For The Summit: Coordination, Debt, and the Exchange Rate System BISSELL PAPER Number 6, The Bissell-Heyd Program on the 1988 Toronto Summit, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1988.

7. Whitehead, John C. Towards a Stronger International Economy. Bissell Paper No. 7. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

8. Kobayashi, Tomohiko. The Japanese Perspective on the Toronto Economic Summit and the Uruguay Round. Bissell Paper No. 8. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for International Studies, 1988.

Additional copies of these papers may be obtained from: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1H8 Telephone: (416) 978-3350/6498 Price: $5.00 each prepaid.

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