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"The Course of Summitry"

The World Today 48, No. 2 (February 1992): 27-30.

Nicholas Bayne

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1. International Affairs, Autumn 1984, p. 659 in a review of Robert D. Putnam and Nicholas Bayne. Hanging Together: Cooperation and Conflict in the Seven-Power Summits (London: Heinemann for RIIA, 1984). The next sentence reads: 'The two authors of Hanging Together disprove this observation.'

2. The second edition of Hanging Together ( London: Sage, 1987) covers all the summits up to Venice in 1987, though it analyses them by four-year cycles rather than the septennia used here.

3. Giscard, Schmidt, Callaghan, Fukuda, Andreotti and Jenkins for the Commission.

4. At the Tokyo summit Reagan refused to allow the Communism into the G7 - see Hanging Together, second edition. p.217. For a full account of the G7 and its predecessor, the G5, see Yoichi Funabashi Managing the Dollar: From the Plaza to the Louvre (Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1988), especially pp. 129-140.

5. Full text of Mrs. Thatcher's speech in London Press Service. Verbatim No VS 039/90.

Copyright ©, The World Today / The Royal Institute of International Affairs. Reproduced by permission of The World Today.

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