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Logo of Italy's 2024 G7 Presidency

Annex A: G7 Action Plan to Prevent and Counter the Smuggling of Migrants

G7 Interior and Security Ministers’ Meeting
Mirabella Eclano, Italy, October 4, 2024


Call for a G7 Action Plan to Prevent and Counter the Smuggling of Migrants

We, the Interior and Security Ministers of the G7, in the context of the G7 Coalition to Prevent and Counter the Smuggling of Migrants launched by our Governments at the G7 Apulia summit as part of an approach ‘to enhance border management and enforcement and curb transnational organized crime involved in migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons’, reiterate and confirm our determination to intensify our efforts to prevent, counter and eradicate organized crime groups engaged in migrant smuggling, also in its connection with trafficking in persons, and strip them of the proceeds generated by these heinous crimes while always providing protection and assistance to migrants and victims of trafficking in persons, particularly women and girls.

While the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons are different phenomena, they often interact and both endanger the lives of the most vulnerable, exposing them to dangerous journeys and to an increased risk of serious violence and exploitation, including, but not limited to, sexual and labour exploitation, forced begging, and forced criminality.

Although difficult to quantify in statistical terms due to its unlawful and hidden nature, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that the migrant smuggling trade generates about US$ 6.75 billion a year for criminal organizations in two of the principal migrant smuggling routes leading from East, North and West Africa to Europe and from South America to North America. The global figure is likely to be much higher. Migrant smuggling is a form of irregular migration which undermines the sovereign right of states to regulate and manage the entry of foreign nationals and control their borders, which impacts security and damage public confidence in our systems.

While migrant smuggling affects G7 countries in different ways, it is a global phenomenon and we affirm our collective commitment and shared responsibility to a whole-of-route, whole-of-society, integrated, comprehensive, inclusive, sustainable and balanced approach. We will, in partnership with one another and with civil society organisations, tackle the challenges irregular migration presents and seize the opportunities created by regular, controlled migration, in line with the Global Alliance to counter migrant smuggling launched by the EU, including its call to action.

Recalling our G7 Leaders’ Communique, in our shared efforts to counter organised crime involved in migrant smuggling, we reaffirm our commitment to protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of their migratory status, and, in this regard, we also recall the right of everyone to seek asylum from persecution as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the obligations of states parties related to international protection under the 1951 Refugees Convention and its 1967 Protocol. In this sense we also acknowledge the importance action carried by the UNHCR in protecting victims of trafficking in persons. Furthermore, we will seek to ensure compliance with our international obligations, including those under the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime.

Priorities of the Action Plan

Within this framework and shared approach, we have been instructed by our Leaders to develop the following "G7 Action Plan to Prevent and Counter the Smuggling of Migrants", pursuing the following priorities:

The Action Plan is divided into five pillars: (i) strengthening the operational and investigative capacities of law enforcement agencies; (ii) strengthening international, judicial and police cooperation; (iii) intensified cooperation with third countries of origin and transit of irregular migration flows; (iv) prevention and awareness raising; and (v) knowledge and monitoring of the phenomenon.

Development of the Action Plan

  1. Strengthening the operational and investigative capacities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against organized criminal groups engaged in migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons by:

  2. Strengthening international cooperation between police, judicial and border officials to combat organized crime groups engaged in migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons;

  3. Stronger cooperation with countries of origin and transit of irregular migration flows, where appropriate through:

  4. Prevention and awareness raising by:

  5. Increasing knowledge and Monitoring of migrant smuggling

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Source: Official website of Italy's G7 Presidency

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This page was last updated October 05, 2024.
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