University of Toronto G8 Information Centre
Vertici, Riunioni e Documenti del G7 e G8

Da Okinawa a Genova

Further dates will be listed when they are available.

Luglio 20-22 2001
2001 G8 Summit a Genova [Sito Officiale]

Luglio 18-19, 2001
G8 Foreign Ministers Meeting, Portofino, Ligurian Coast, Italy

Giugno 27-28, 2001
G-8 Political Directors Plenary Meeting, Genoa, Italy

Giugno 4-5, 2001
G8 Political Directors Meeting, Florence, Italy

Maggio 18-19, 2001
G-8 Sherpas Meeting, Florence, Italy

Maggio 7-8, 2001
G8 Political Directors Meeting, Florence, Italy

Maggio 5, 2001
G8 Non-Proliferation Experts Group Meeting, Rome, Italy

Aprile 26-30, 2001
Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Washington

Aprile 28, 2001
G-8 Spring Meeting of Financial Ministers, Washington
Statement of G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Aprile 28, 2001
G-8 Financial Sous-Sherpas Meeting, Washington

Aprile 20-30, 2001
Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Washington, Washington DC (G7 Finance Ministers Meeting will take place)

Aprile 20-21, 2001
G-8 Foreign Affairs Sous-Sherpas Meeting, Florence, Italy

Marzo 30-31, 2001
G8 Sherpas Meeting, Taormina, Italy

Marzo 14, 2001
G-8 Financial Sous-Sherpas Meeting, Paris, France

Marzo 7-9, 2001
G-8 Counter-terrorism Meeting, Rome, Italy

Marzo 2-4, 2001

G8 Environment Ministerial Meeting, Trieste, Italy

Febbraio 26-27, 2001
Conference of the G8 Ministers of Justice and Interior, Milano, Italy

Febbraio 17, 2001
G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Palermo, Italy
Statement of G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Febbraio 16-17, 2001
G8 Foreign Affairs Sous-Sherpas Meeting, Rome, Italy

Febbraio 12-13, 2001
G8 Political Directors Meeting, Rome, Italy

Dicembre 13-15, 2000

G8 Ad Hoc Meeting of Drug Experts, Miyazaki City, Japan

Novembre 27-28, 2000

Digital Opportunities Task Force (dot force), Tokyo, Japan

Novembre 10-11, 2000

G8 Labour Ministers Meeting, Turin, Italy
Chair's Conclusions
G8 Turin Charter, "Towards Active Ageing"

Ottobre 24, 2000

G20 Ministerial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec

Ottobre 24-25, 2000
G20 Ministerial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec

Settembre 23, 2000

G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic


G8 Centre
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